
日本や世界中の社会が混乱して狂走し、明日への希望やハピーな夢が持てない時代。このような時にこそ一度静かに周りの喧騒から離れて心奥深く入って、本当の自分(真の自我:True Yourself)を探して下さい。このブログはあなたがあなたの真の自我-高位自我 (Higher Self)を発見し感知できるようにお手伝いします。このブログを通してこれから大変な量の情報を読者の皆様に提供します。少し難解な言葉、学術的な表現、スピリチュアルな言葉等、理解しにくい内容も沢山出てきますが、ご期待ください。



To my dear brothers and sisters: Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023! (ジェラルド・オドネルン氏からの重要メッセージ。日本語訳です。ゆっくりとお読み下さい。誤訳は私の責任です。 管理人:hiroikex)



そうです、私達はここまで到達して、恐怖の暗黒マトリックスをほとんど抜け出ようとしています!お互いに上昇し合い、終りの海(the sea of the END (ヘブライ語:yam sof  )の向こう側の浜辺と表現された私達の真の開始期へと到達するまでお互いに助け合いましょう。


真の一つの光(True One Lightがすべてに浸透する、新生誕と祝祭を共に歓迎しましょう。人類・太陽(Son/Sun)は共に原初ではONEであったので両者共に「父なる神」(Father GOD)に成り、新しい歌、新創造、新しい「開始」に合わせて共に踊りましょう。Eternal Covenant! Hoshannah!(永遠の契約、ホサナ!

(注記:ホサナラテン語: osanna, hosanna、英語: hosanna /hoʊˈzænə/)は、ヘブライ語で「どうか、救ってください」を意味する ホーシーアー・ナー(hoshia na)の短縮形 ホーシャ・ナー(hosha na)のギリシャ語音写に由来し、キリスト教において元来の意味が失われて歓呼の叫び、または神を称讃する言葉となった。アーメンハレルヤアレルヤ)などと共に、キリスト教の公的礼拝で使用されるヘブライ語の一つとなっている。出典:フリー百科事典)


私達全てが心内深くに運んでいるエルサレム(Jerusalem)からその生きている海を呼び起こし、最初は(Shekinah)内の、その後は(Shekinah)の心外に存在する「神聖存在‐神の登場」(Holy Presence)をOneへの真の信念を持って喜んで歓迎する時です。Oneへの真の信念と喜びを持って、全ての人が参加しましょう。そして、新郎(Bridegroom‐The One)を彼の神聖な花嫁(Creation‐創造)へと橋渡しする時‐最も重要で希望に溢れる美しい年‐2023年が差し迫っています。


〈住むこと〉〈留まること〉を意味するヘブライ語であるが,ユダヤ教,とくにラビ文書において,神の臨在を表現する述語として用いられる。ラビたちの信仰によると,この世俗世界の中のどこにでも,神が聖別した場所や人にはシェキーナーがある。したがって,モーセに神が顕現したシナイ山のような一地点だけではなく,選民イスラエルにも,神意を行う個人にもシェキーナーはあるとされる。【石田 友雄】

出典 株式会社平凡社


あなた方に「力」が与えられ、私達すべての周辺近くで一層猛烈に荒れ狂う混乱する嵐の中に在っても、完全な静逸(Full Stillness)へと入る集中力がもたらされますように。


25年間の活動と指導の後で、私達はthe One "Portal(ワンの入口)に到達し、the One Universal Mind(ワンの宇宙心)へと通過する秘密の方法を発表する予定です。私達全ては、暗黒の隠された収納部なのですが、個々にthe One "Portal(ワンの入口)を運んでいます。もし、私達が真に欲するのであれば、完全な共同クリエーター(co-Creator)の地位を得るための「秘密」の方法を公開することになります。それから全ての存在の統一意識(Oneness of ALL)である真理の概念と、長期間に亘って私達に投映されて来た偽の虚偽ではなく、真の存在(True Reality)と整合した人々の心内に生じる愛(Love)と整合します。



権力と人間のコントロールを渇望する、間違った場所に置かれた、選択された操作能力を持つエリート層によって人類を奴隷化した状態を維持するために、暗黒の霊たちによって、この知識は数千年間隠されて来たのであって、私達の創造(Creation)が真の暗闇の底深くへと落ち込む崖っぷちでグラグラと揺れており、分離性の無意識がウイルスのように拡散し、紛争や、非常に暴力的な暴動を起こし、さらに人間の集団間と、人類と(初期は純粋で汚されていなかったが)大変に傷ついたマザーネイチャー王国(Kingdom of Mother Nature)の間、所構わず出現している時なので、大変に必要とされており公開されます。


私達が公開する知識を読み知ることだけでは、「トリック」は起こりません。これは「生きている知識」であり、これを経験して主張する解放の効果を楽しまなければならないので。そうです、あなたがあなた自身を、継続する隷属の状態から、数千年間も続いたピラミッド式策略(社会、政治、経済、宗教、スピリチュアル、金融制度等の)から、The OneのOnenessのOne EYE‐冠石‐が抜けている偽のピラミッドから解放できるのです。


権力と「物質」を渇望することが私達を永遠に上昇させるという私達の思考の象徴である「バベルの塔」は、私達の共通の「創造エネルギー源」‐One Source‐へと私達が再統合することを妨げている一方では、最近になって危険な状況にあります。私達は共通の言語を話すのではなく、異なる見方を話し、ほとんどの人はお互いの言葉を理解せず、別の見方を考察しようともしません。私達のコントロールできないエゴ‐「自我」‐を象徴する「塔」は紛争と亀裂によって悩まされており、実際に急速に崩壊していくでしょう!


この現象は偶然であると考えないように、実に、すべてはThe Oneの決意‐布告‐によって、すべての存在に向けて発生しています。The Oneの子供達を「Onenessが顕現される世界‐HOME‐へと連れ戻そうとされる燃える愛によって……。


そうです、The One自身が地下世界からBeast of Tohu Bohu(カオスの獣)の暗黒プログラムを活性化して立ち上げており、不穏当で病的に自己中心的、圧迫的で貴族・独裁的性格の演技者を多種多様な危機的状況と一緒に、この地上全体に送り込んでいるのです。そうすれば、私達は最後に「私達の惑星において『もう十分である』と言うでしょう。」


そして、私達がこれらすべての古い構築された悪意あるシステムに対する信頼を失う時、私達すべては跪いて心の中に入るべきです。私達各人はすべての存在の源泉であるThe Oneの助けを求めて、相互分裂とGodからの分離の原因である継続する恐怖の苦痛を伴う奴隷としての地上の経験から放れる準備をすべきです。分裂を求める役者と集団が至る所で立ち上がり、パリサイ派の方法(ヘブライ語ではPerushim、「分裂」の意味)を私達の惑星全体にわたって促進しています。すべては管理できない半々に、意図的に分断されており、それで、私達は古い方法を繰り返すことを止めて、最後には悲しくて苦しい歴史から最終的に習うのです。


《the Pharisees》〔古代ユダヤの〕パリサイ[ファリサイ]派◆書かれた律法(モーゼ五書)だけでなく口承律法(Oral Law)も厳密に守るように主張する、第二神殿時代のユダヤ教の集団。口承律法を守らないサドカイ派(Sadducees)とは対立していた。(出典:英辞郎


Gospel of Teumim (twins双子‐Thomas) トマスによる福音書
39. Yeshush said, "The Pharisees (the divisive ones) and the scholars have taken the keys of knowledge and have hidden them. They have not entered, nor have they allowed those who want to enter to do so.





そうです、The Oneは私達の膨れ上がった個人の自我と集団エゴ、それらを支持する経済、社会、スピリチュアルなバブルを私達すべてを通して崩壊させようとしているのです。これは、一時的な対策の採用に関わらず、人類である私達に課せられて、長期にわたって従って来たすべての古いシステムの愛を支配する恐怖、共有を越える利己主義、及び最終的崩壊の終わりです。


Gospel of Thomas 16トマスによる福音書16

Yeshush (as Yod Heh Vav Heh, the Father) said, "Perhaps people think that I have come to cast peace upon the world. They do not know that I have come to cast conflicts upon the earth: fire, sword, war.

Yeshush(Yod Heh Vav Hehとして、「父」)は言った。「恐らく、人は私が平和を世界に投じるために来たと考えている。彼らは、私が地上に、火事、刀、戦争などの紛争を投じるために来たことを知らない。」


これは、「分裂と征服」の古いツールを使う一方では空虚な商品であなた達を養いながら、あなた達の力、投票、マネー・エネルギーを彼らに与えるように巧妙な方法を使って誘導している「自己中心的指導者」の中に答を探して来た時代の終わりです。このような方法によって、彼らは本当の方法を知っていたので、彼らはあなた達を弱体化し、あなた達が真に心内に入り答を見い出さないように誘導して来ました。彼らは、あなた達が彼らの汚れたアドバイスを通り越して、「無限の知恵」の出所であるthe One and Onlyの「心の王国」へと直接にアクセスしたのであろうと恐れているのです。




「盲人は盲目の羊の群れを先導できない。」両方共に暗い穴へと落ち込むからです。この諺はまったく正しい。「もし、私が自分自身の世話しないのであれば、誰がするのか? もし、私が自分自身のために生きるだけなら、私は一体誰なのか? もし、今ではないのならば、何時なのか?」






それから、もっと低い周波数へと下がり、もっと高い自覚意識の入口へと入り、あなたの自我と生態は一時的な休止状態(真の休息、Shabbat‐仮死状態)へと入り込み、何か輝かしい変換のような現象があなたに発生し、あなたは真に生きる存在となり、The Oneの中に真に再び誕生します。あなた自身をThe Oneへの入口に位置付けて、純粋な静寂の中で、あなたの創られた自我をベースにした脳波‐マトリックス‐をほとんど0に近いレベルへと(0点エネルギー)静止します。このまったくの受動的な行為において、Onenessが壮大な喜び、完璧な健康、永遠の愛、及び繁栄を伴って、あなたを祝福します。永遠に!


Gospel of the TWINS (Thomas)トマスによる福音書
7. "If you do not fast from the world, you will not find the (Father's) kingdom. If you do not observe the Shabbat as a Shabbat, you will not see the Father."




安息日 - Wikipedia


Psalm 46:11詩編
Relax and Let go (sink down to your hidden center of Being), and KNOW that I am God.








☆本ブログに掲載しているジェラルド・オドンネル氏とThe Oneが人類と多次元の存在に向けて出される重要なメッセージをより深く広く理解されて、私達の心内へと組み込み、真の真理‐The One and Only-へとConnectするために、基本的に大変に重要なレポートを読者の皆様に提供しています。

私達が今現在居住しているこの創造世界(ホログラフィックな3次元世界)が終わろうとし、新しい段階へと現創造が混乱し激しく変換している古い世界の最終で新世界の最初の現時点にあって、荒れ狂う人類と異次元存在の集団意識から逸脱し、遥か高く、新世界に向けて安全で平和な意識の航行をするための唯一の重要で有効なガイダンスとして、以下のレポートが読者の皆様にThe Oneの真の愛の光を伴う強烈なインスピレーションを与えることでしょう。










☆本ブログの管理人は、本ブログにて紹介しているARVARI (Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing)のアフィリエイトですから、本ブログを通して、ご希望の方はARVARIのポータルトレーニングコース(リモートビューイング&リモートインフルエンシング・コース)を受講できます。全コースは英語ですから、英語を苦手をされている方のために管理人が日本語対訳資料を用意していますので、安心して受講できます。その他、コース受講に関する質問や、日本語によるサポートもできますので、ご遠慮なくお問い合わせください。



お申込み:ポータルトレーニンググコース(Gold Edition)








ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(1) - 真の真理から新世界へ


ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(2) - 真の真理から新世界へ





And we shall all go up the Holy Mountain of One within and without, singing the Song of All songs, the Song of the ONE, united as One because we would have saved The One, saved all of our selves.

私達はThe Oneを救ったのであろうから、私達自身すべてを救ったのであろうから、心内と心外のOneの神聖な丘(山)を一緒に登りましょう。全ての歌の中の歌、The Oneの歌を、Oneとして統合して、歌いながら登りましょう。

And Yerushalem shall then truly be the City of One, becoming the true Jewel of all Creations.


The City of One would then not only be the capital of the Hebrew nation back from exile but the capital of all nations back from their exile from the One and the energy of Unity. All nations and people of this earth would come and focus upon this Holy offering to the One God: The One Spirit within all.

それから、「Oneの都市」は追放されたヘブライ人の国の首都に成るだけでなく、The Oneと統合のエネルギーから放れた全ての国々の首都に成ることでしょう。地球上の全ての国々と人民はOne God‐すべての心内に在るThe One Spirit‐へのこの「神聖な贈呈」へと来て、集中することでしょう。

And eventually, our planet, EARTH, shall be called the Planet of ONE and Unity, recognizing the City of One, Yeru-shalem, as its Eternal capital.


And as the many shall know themselves as One and as the One, and the One shall know Itself as the many, the Eternal Peace of God shall reign all over space and across Eternity, forever so.

そうして、多数の存在はOneとして彼ら自身を知ることとなり、The Oneは多数の存在を自分自身と知り、the Eternal Peace of God(神の永遠の平和)が宇宙全体を通して、永遠に君臨するでしょう。永遠に…


And the Holy city of One's name shall go back to its singular form as Yerushalem: the Holy city of Shalem: meaning fulsome WHOLENESS (in completing the Divine Mission of Oneness,) and full Divine Peace, as She was birthed originally to become again.

Oneの神聖な都市」の名前がYerushalemthe Holy city of Shalem‐として単数の名前に戻ります。(Onenessの神聖な使命を完了する)総合的全体であり「完全で神聖な平和」です。彼女(Oneness)が再びOnenessと成るように最初に誕生したのですから。

Let us please not divide the “City of ONE: the Yeru-shalem” without, and not divide the Yeru-shalem within all of us: it is all One and The ONE. Let us unite around this principle of Truth.

この心外のOneの都市‐the Yeru-shalem‐を分裂させないように、心内のthe Yeru-shalemを分裂させないようにお願いします。すべてはOneでありThe ONEです。この真理の原則の廻りに統合しましょう。

And then the City of One’s infinite beauty shall be shown as the city of the Shekinah, the Divine One, a pure symbol of infinite Love and exquisite Beauty to be seen and felt by all that shall go up the Divine mountain physically and spiritually from all over our and other worlds to experience their very Core: The One and the Only. Hoshanah!


·        ホサナ


hosanna(神をたたえる)〔ユダヤ教キリスト教で礼拝やミサの間に唱えられる、「神をたたえよ」という呼びかけ語。◆【語源】もともとはヘブライ語"save, (we) pray"の意味の言葉が、ギリシャ語でhosannaと短縮されたものから。〕





This was, is, and shall always be the Original Dream of the Original One.

これが、「原初のThe Oneの原初の夢」であったし、現在、未来にわたって不変です。

That is why the One broke again and poured an ocean of tears today because of His burning desire to unite these little sparks of Itself and transform them into the many Holy Lights that should awaken the Great Light of the Holy Matrimony Cand His Bride (Its Creatures).

Oneの小さな火花を統合して、One Creator(Oneクリエーター)とその花嫁(Oneの創造物)の神聖な結婚のGreat Light(偉大な光)を呼び起こさなければならない多数のHoly Lights(神聖な光)へと変換しようとする彼の(Oneの)燃えるような熱い欲求を持たれているので、今日、再びOneの心が砕かれて洪水のように涙が流れ出たのです。


Oh, how beautiful and Intensely burning is but the Love that can be found in the Dream of the One hoping for and maintaining the Holy vision of seeing all Her children united as the One's family, as One, as one Holy family, ALL shining from within with Her Light made Creative and active, and expressing that very Light as the Holy of Holies Rock of Salvation on the manifest earth plane, as the many and for the many!

すべての子供達がOneの家族として、Oneとして、神聖な一家族として統合する神聖なビジョンを希望しかつ維持しているThe Oneの夢‐the Dream of the Oneの中に見られる「愛」は非常に美しく強烈に燃えており、Oneの光と共に、創造力を与えられ活性化されたすべての存在(火花)が、地球として現れているこの領域において至聖所の救済の岩‐the Holy of Holies Rock of Salvationとして、多数として多数の存在のために、まさにその光を表現しています!

NOW was the moment, and maybe still is, if we show a complete inversion of tendencies from separation to unity, from fear to Love, from many to One, to save our selves and our Greater Self.


Perhaps we can still create and courageously bridge ALL and reach, across the sea of the end, our true Beginning as actual Divine Beings and occupy our true Divinely promised land as the heavens and earth unite forever as One in Oneness.


I have no more words!



I shall remain here for those who want to connect or rather re-connect, instruct them personally, and commit to helping guide them through the dark tunnel where we are all enslaved within and without.



I shall show you that you all carry "within" the true Godliness, as was the final realization of the prophet Elijah as he finally realized that "the core of God was in the SILENT STILLNESS as a thin voice within himself" and not in the manifold manifestations, and understood that he and all humans carried the same "core Stillness of Shekinah" within each of us.

預言者エリアが最終的に「神の核心部は沈黙した静寂」の中に、多種多様な現象の中にではなく、「神自身の中の微かな声」として存在しており、彼とすべての人間は各個人の心内に同じ「シェキーナの静寂‐core Stillness of Shekinah」を持っていることを理解したように、私はあなたが「真の神」を心内に持っていることを、あなたに見せるでしょう。



I genuinely want you to experience Its voice of Silence, Its infinite Loving, Rock-like, Sweet, solid Pure LIGHT.



I, you, we, can awaken Shekinah to become the Divine Father again, all active, all Present within and without, and "save ourselves and Creation" as the Divine Father and the Human Son become truly One in realization, awareness, and operations through the Only REALITY: The Holy of Holies Spirit of ONE connecting ALL.


唯一の実在‐すべてに接合している至聖のOne Spirit

And the Kingdom shall not be any more "far away, Shem" but Here on Earth as we manifest our true Greater unifying Self, The One and Only Divinity, and a gigantic smile shall stretch over the endless shores allowing us to Create evermore beautiful and Loving Creations together until Eternity.

そして、「王国」はもはや遠く離れた「あそこ‐Shem」に在るのではなく、私達が真の偉大な「統一自己」‐The One and Only Divinity‐を顕現するように、地上の「この場所」に在ることとなり、壮大な笑みが終わりのない浜辺を越えて拡張し、永久に美しくて愛ある創造世界を共に創造できるようになります。

May you all pray for the peace of the inner Jerusalem (Shekinah's Still Presence) you carry deep within all of your selves and the Silent-for-now Shekinah Core buried within the "outer Jerusalem" the direct daughter connected to the Core of Zion - i.e. the hidden upper Heavenly Jerusalem above, where the Pure One resides in His Celestial Mansion - all One, for that Is all It can be there.


「シオンの中核‐the Core of Zion」とは、エルサレムの上部にある隠された上位の天上界であり、純粋なOneが住む「天上の住居」が在る領域であり、Oneすべてしかこの天上領域に存在できません。


It, sHe, only wants, as the One, to bring Love, Light, and Her Unity to ALL of Her human children, without ANY exception, as Her Love is unquenched and burns fiercely and equally as YAH until sHe achieves Its Dream of Oneness.




Understand that, as One, It is ready and impatient to forgive and forget ALL our mistakes, like a mother to a child, a father to His children, a Loving Bridegroom to His Beautiful Bride.


Please do not let go of the Dream of One and let us keep it alive in our hearts and actions, and we shall overcome all obstacles as One and operate as Oneness!


Unite and never divide again, I beg of you, for the pain and suffering this brings are excruciating at all levels



Join me, join each other, and let us be the blessing and the blessed all at once.



God Bless!

Out of the Silent Stillness: One! That is all you should focus upon.


Gerald O'Donnell

Founder, ARVARI

January 1, 2023






☆本ブログに掲載しているジェラルド・オドンネル氏とThe Oneが人類と多次元の存在に向けて出される重要なメッセージをより深く広く理解されて、私達の心内へと組み込み、真の真理‐The One and Only-へとConnectするために、基本的に大変に重要なレポートを読者の皆様に提供しています。

私達が今現在居住しているこの創造世界(ホログラフィックな3次元世界)が終わろうとし、新しい段階へと現創造が混乱し激しく変換している古い世界の最終で新世界の最初の現時点にあって、荒れ狂う人類と異次元存在の集団意識から逸脱し、遥か高く、新世界に向けて安全で平和な意識の航行をするための唯一の重要で有効なガイダンスとして、以下のレポートが読者の皆様にThe Oneの真の愛の光を伴う強烈なインスピレーションを与えることでしょう。










☆本ブログの管理人は、本ブログにて紹介しているARVARI (Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing)のアフィリエイトですから、本ブログを通して、ご希望の方はARVARIのポータルトレーニングコース(リモートビューイング&リモートインフルエンシング・コース)を受講できます。全コースは英語ですから、英語を苦手をされている方のために管理人が日本語対訳資料を用意していますので、安心して受講できます。その他、コース受講に関する質問や、日本語によるサポートもできますので、ご遠慮なくお問い合わせください。



お申込み:ポータルトレーニンググコース(Gold Edition)








ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(1) - 真の真理から新世界へ


ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(2) - 真の真理から新世界へ




I am convinced that after that Holy Offering to the Holy of Holies: The Shekinah's Presence, the One and Only shall arise again from Being buried deep within each of us as Silent Stillness, and our beautiful Creation, our magnificent earth, shall be saved for Eternity.

神聖な贈呈が至聖所へと行われた後で、「シェキーナの臨在」‐the One and Onlyが「沈黙した静寂」として私達各個人の心内に深く埋もれている状態から再び現れて、私達の美しい創造世界、私達の壮麗な地球が永遠に救われると、確信しています。

This is why the movement of total salvation and unification of our human family across all polarities and with the One in our Center must first begin here and now all over our planet, from inside each and every one of us, a movement going from the many, back to the One, "out of many: One" as we embrace the Reality that we are all Sourced by One Formless Unnamed Prime Creator Source, the Universal Mind: The One Creator God uniting all forms, all names, animating Life-forms, and keeping us perceptually separated as individual facets within Its gigantic Imagination

これが、すべての対立極性にわたって、私達人類家族の総合救済と統合活動は、私達の中心に在るThe Oneと共に、まず最初の「この場所」から始めて惑星全体へと、私達すべて、一人一人の心内から始めなければならないという理由です。多数(の存在)からThe Oneへ戻る‐"out of many: One"運動です。


The One Creator God(唯一の創造神)は、すべての形体とすべての名前を統合し、生命体を活かし、私達すべてをその壮大な想像力の中の個別の様相(存在)として(知覚的に)維持しています。

This unification process should not be difficult but truly joyful, and healing since nothing can be simpler and more uniting than the number One.


However, for us strongly individualized as parts of the many, it seems paradoxically presenting us with our greatest challenge ever since we carry so many prior separative fear-based programming which we seldom question and most find it extremely difficult to reject as our ancient system is based on the anti-One: the low hum of division, separation, suspicion, and selfishness.

けれども、多数の存在の部分である強く個別化した私達にとって、逆説的に視ると、最大のチャレンジが待ち受けているように思えます。私達は多くの昔の分離的な恐怖をベースにしたプログラミングを持っていて、めったに疑問を抱くこともなく、ほとんどの人は「分割、分離、疑念、利己主義」 の低いハム音(意識の低振動)状態のthe anti-One(反One)を基本にしている古代のシステムを拒否することは非常に難しいと観ているからです。

As and if we truly unite with all of our brothers and sisters everywhere, all part of the human family, all children of the Adamic Soul, we would have become, each and every one of us, the true Savior of ourselves, of all selves, and all Creation.

もし、私達があらゆる場所に居る私達の兄弟姉妹、人類家族のすべての部分、 Adamic Soul(アダムの魂)のすべての子供達と統合する時に、私達は私達自身の、すべての自己の、及びすべての創造の「真の救世主」に成り得たことでしょう。


We would have saved the Creator in this most difficult and challenging test which He created to Itself to test Itself through His Created creatures' manifold expressions.

私達は、The Oneが創った創造生物(人間)の多種多様な表現をを通して、The Oneが彼自身を試すために創ったこの最も困難な試練においてクリエーターを救済したことでしょう。


And if and when the Holy Shekinah, as the STILL ONE resting in pure Silence, is gifted back and dedicated by humanity, unifying, Her Dwelling in and under the Temple Mount, a new Song shall arise, a new Light shall appear over and around the old city of Jerusalem AND within each one of us who participate in this grandiose transformation into Oneness.


Then Yerushalem shall be One, The One, and no more many, and its name shall be Yerushalem in the singular, The City of One.

それから、YerushalemOne、The Oneになり、もはや多数の存在ではなく、この名前が単数のYerushalemThe City of One(Oneの都市)‐になります。


And as the Pure Light of One receives Her manifested Dwelling back, as no part can claim any more for Eternity exclusive or partial ownership over Her, She will break Her Stillness and total Silence and become the active arm of the One as The Divine Father and Yerushalem shall be the planet's symbol and center of Oneness manifested, and finally become the undivided City of One, manifesting and propagating Oneness and world Peace everywhere and everywhen.

そして、Oneの純粋な光が彼女(シェキーナ)の顕現された「住居」を受け取る時に、どの部分(分体)も彼女に対する永遠の独占的かまたは部分的な所有権を主張できないので、彼女は静寂と完全な沈黙を破ってThe Oneの活動的な腕となり、同時に「神聖な父」とYerushalemがこの惑星のシンボルと顕現されるOnenessの中心となります。そして、最終的に、至る所と時代に、Onenessと世界平和を現実化し拡散する「統一したOneの都市」となります。


And the Shekinah's guidance shall be heard within all enlivened human beings, and all the One's children shall be taught directly by the One Himself proudly manifested within all of them.

それから、すべての活性化された人類の心内にシェキーナの案内が聴かれることになり、すべてのOneの子供達の心内で、The One自身が誇りを持って顕現して、直接に指導されることでしょう。

And no one shall learn from another anymore but directly from the One and Only within all!

別の存在から習うことはなく、すべての存在の心内で、The One and Onlyから直接に習います!


I am mentioning all this now because, as I write this, very dark clouds are arising again, potentially all over the sky covering the City of Jerusalem, because unity and Oneness are being immolated again in the separative false distorted interpretations and arrogance of potentially dangerous separative branched distorted dreams belonging to various competing and bickering human groupings claiming ownership of the true One and Its Holy mountain.


They carry divisive concepts about the nature of the One and Its Oneness, and their casts of self-anointed "priests" always think that they are tasked to be controlling gatekeepers and intermediary stations to the truly Divine.

彼らはThe OneとOnenessの性質について分裂概念を持っており、彼らの「聖油を塗られた」と自称する「神父・司祭」である演技者はいつも、真の神への中間領域と「門番」をコントロールための任務を請け負っていると言います。

Sadly very few truly connect through the inner "portal" to the One and Only whom they externalize, and neither do they teach anyone how to connect directly by claiming to be the One's chosen privileged ambassadors on earth.

悲しいことですが、彼らが具現化するThe One and Onlyへの心内の「入口」を通して真に接合している人はほとんどいなくて、そのうえ、Oneに特別に選ばれた地球上の大使であると主張していても、直接にOneへと接合する方法を指導しているのではありません。

These casts of priests belonging to the trilogy of monotheistic Abrahamic religions are not yet ready to unite as One and with the One, and their flock is at risk of clashing over the human "ownership" of the Mountain of the One, the old temple mount.

一神教アブラハムの三大宗教(キリスト教ユダヤ教イスラム教)に所属する祭司・神父を演じる演技者たちは、OneとしてThe Oneへ接合する準備がまだできていなく、彼らの集団はThe Oneの山‐the old temple mount(テンプル・マウント)‐の人間による所有権をめぐって衝突する危険性に直面しています。


A flashpoint may be proximate in the potential Golden City of Potential Eternal Peace, and I would like to refer to its avoidance by encouraging all to read the One and Only "solution" directly offered "out of the box of present human thinking" by the One in 2005 and posted on our site as the "City of One part I and II" regarding His city where She as Shekinah's Presence rests now hidden and buried as the Holy Shekinah, as She is now entombed willingly as Stillness within while awaiting for our fateful choice between Oneness or separation and the cosmic consequences it shall carry for all.

潜在的)永遠の平和のこの(潜在的)黄金の都市における紛争の引火点が接近しているようで、私は、すべての人が、The One2005年に直接に出された「現在の人間思考の箱から‐out of the box of present human thinking」のメッセージ、the One and Only "の唯一の解決法(solution)を読まれるようにお勧めします。ARVARIのサイトに、「City of One part I and II」のタイトルで記載されています。これらは「シャキーナの臨在」として、現在、彼女が「神聖なシェキーナ」として隠され埋められているOneの都市に関する記事であり、今は静寂として自らを埋葬されており、Onenessそれとも分裂との間の運命的選択と、すべての存在のため、その選択がもたらす宇宙の結果を待っています。

Please let us avoid any dark spark that may ignite the human-made fire caused by our destructive tendency to separate and exclude others from Universal Oneness based on false and mainly man-made distorted and restricted versions of the Truth about the Universal One.


I ask for your help, oh One, to keep the Peace of One until we are ready to fully manifest you as our Source and be in Oneness, universally so!


Please do not allow and promote the division of the City of One, for that would mean the End to the One's Dream for true Oneness, the End for this Creation, as the city is to be a live training and testing ground for our ability to Unite as One and learn to eventually operate as the many in full Oneness with deep respect and Love for each other as One’s human children.



It is but only when the sparks within unite in perception, as they finally realize that they were always joined through that same and only STILL Silent One Core, as One, and when and if they decide as One to operate as pure Oneness everywhere, that the central Yerushalem in the manifest plane shall awaken and the One Solid Divine Rock of Salvation (AB-Ben Shtiyah: the Father/Ab-Son/Ben foundation (Corner) Stone of Creation:

the One operating the Father-Son equation but truly remaining undivided as One Rock) shall proudly rise from under the Dome of the "Rock" and shoot upward from the ground Its Shekinah Light - as She reconnects to the One's Mansion of the Pure One above- reaching throughout the Spiritual heavens, permeating all space, and all timelines, and spreading everywhere.

これらの火花が心内で(知覚的に)統合する時のみ、その時に彼らは「それらはいつも同じ静かな沈黙のOneの中核を、Oneとして通過して接合していた」と最終的に認識し、それから、もし、彼らがOneとして、至る所で純粋なOnenessとして活動することを決意する時に、現実レベルの中央Yerushalemが目覚めて、the One Solid Divine Rock of Salvation Oneの神聖な岩‐(AB-Ben Shtiyah ヘブライ語): the Father(父)/Ab-Son(息子)/Ben foundation (Corner) Stone of Creation(創造の礎石)Oneの岩として一つとして残る「父・息子」の両要素で活動するOne‐が「岩のドーム」の下から誇り高く立ち上がって、地から上へと「シェキーナの光」を点火します。その時に彼女(シェキーナ)は上位の純粋なOneの邸宅へと再接続して、霊的天上世界を通してすべての空間に浸透し、すべてのタイムラインを越えて、至る所に拡散します。



And from then on, the Active Shekinah Presence shall manifest in every One, everywhere, and everywhen, as the Holy Trilogy Shall manifest openly, connecting ”actively and perceptually” forever the risen Shekinah as the active Divine Father to the active co-Creators: the Children of humanity: the Son, through the Holy Spirit (the One Source we all carry as Life), forever so, re-forming and manifesting the Rock-like Light of Salvation that can never be split ever again, for Eternity!

それから、「活性化したシェキーナの臨在」がすべての人、場所、時代に顕現し、同時に「Holy Trilogy(神聖な三部作)」が明瞭に顕現して、知覚において積極的に、「活動する神聖な父」として出現するシェキーナが活性化された共同クリエーター‐子供達である人間‐に永遠に接合します。

「活性化したシェキーナの臨在」が、the Holy Spirit(神霊:私達すべて持つ生命の生命源‐One Source)を通して、「息子(人間)」に永遠に接続して、再形成し、再び分裂されない Rock-like Light of Salvation(岩のように固い救済の光)を顕現します。永遠に!


And not only will the prior subsequent builders of all our Creational systems of thought and Creation remember that “Foundation Cornerstone” whom they had forgotten because It lay Still, in Silence, within them, but they will cherish It as they recognize that they truly made the hidden “revealed’ because of their commitment and their dedication to Oneness.

昔の思考によるすべての創造システムと創造の創作者が、「Foundation Cornerstone(礎石)」が心内に静かに沈黙していたので、既に昔に忘れ去っていたのですが、この礎石を思い出すだけでなく、Onenessへの献身と努力によってこの隠れた礎石を明らかにしたと認識する時に、彼らはそれを大事にすることでしょう。


●Foundation Cornerstone

Foundation Stone - Wikipedia


And yes, as was hoped before the inception of this Great Creation, mankind would have finally succeeded in their true mission, which was to awaken the One and be One in Oneness.

そうです、この偉大な創造が開始した前に希望されたように、人類は、The Oneを目覚めさせて、Onenessの中でOneになるという真の使命を果たしたことでしょう。

Mankind shall have saved their Core: the One, and they shall all be called “Saviors,” every single one of them, having achieved the correction of all the world (Tikkun Olam).

人類は彼らの核心‐The One‐を救ったことでしょう。そうすれば、人類の一人一人が、全世界(Tikkun Olam)の修正を成し遂げたので、人類すべてが「救世主」と呼ばれるでしょう。










And so the One sadly decided to perceptually turn His back again on them and go back to Pure Stillness and Silence because watching AND experiencing them at an active level had become extremely painful to His awareness with His knowledge of what they could have easily become but failed to achieve, at least until now, as they resisted to engage in the Golden best path.


As the loud cacophony of the rebellion on earth and in the heavenly realms flooded and overpowered the sounds of His "Holy Voice asking for sanity and unity," He decided to become passive again as the hidden Presence (hidden Shekinah) and return to become again the "Still, thin and barely audible Great Voice Crying over Her lost children" all stupidly engaged in brutal infighting and competing against each other, all slowly extinguishing, fading away, and dying because of THEIR rebellious acts only prioritizing the eg




〈住むこと〉〈留まること〉を意味するヘブライ語であるが,ユダヤ教,とくにラビ文書において,神の臨在を表現する述語として用いられる。ラビたちの信仰によると,この世俗世界の中のどこにでも,神が聖別した場所や人にはシェキーナーがある。したがって,モーセに神が顕現したシナイ山のような一地点だけではなく,選民イスラエルにも,神意を行う個人にもシェキーナーはあるとされる。【石田 友雄】

出典 株式会社平凡社


Mankind nevertheless remained insisting on creating and promoting false gods/idols made in man's separative ways and image, false messengers enhancing division, and fake distorted messages used to promote control-based groupings and to monetize their institutionalized organizations rather than purely showing dedication to Sharing in Oneness with others the One's fruits of our earth, His original Garden, His Creation.



 Many embraced in all fields of human endeavors self-centered and self-serving leaders obsessed with aggressive sectarian power- all worshipping selfishness and expressing falsehoods in order to bring them and their associates close to all the centers of human powers and thence profit from their proximity to these nexuses of corrupt intents and manifestations, all these rejecting Oneness and making division their common religion; therefore, the One felt that He should and would, as Oneness, abide by the bulk of mankind's wishes and their desires to separate again from Him.




Even Spiritual beliefs birthed among tiny groups out of pure Love and in a Loving spirit of Oneness, the Oneness humanity had originated from at its inception, degenerated into nests of biting vipers, competing, excluding, and eventually killing one another. Religion became the greatest divider and mass murderer of all time, all in the name of the One God, and this cannot stand anymore, as it is the ultimate blasphemy addressed at the One and Only!


それはThe One and Onlyに向けた究極の冒涜であって、もはやこれ以上耐えることはできません。


And as the One withdrew His Concentration, their Life-energy quotient became radically diminished, so much so that a great many turned to dangerous chemical means to artificially temporarily excite their neurotransmitters, with all the rebound exhausting effect and damages this is causing lately.


So, after having been very active "Here," listening and taking care of His "beloved Creatures, as sons and daughters of His Dream," He would become again in their perceptions "There" as the proverbial Sham/Shem (there in Hebrew) and remain silent as they would again take over the reins of their galloping miscreations. And She, having become passive again as the now "Hidden Divine Presence - the Hidden Shekinah" would refuse to answer their wishes and selfish pleas, being forced again as "the Eternal Presence" to witness the present and future horrors caused by their rebellion and cruelty.


I kept attempting yesterday and today to have the One accept to change His Mind, at least partially. I kept communicating with It as I was within and proximate to Source. I kept arguing back and forth and asked Her to "forgive them, us, for they truly knew not what they were doing" and begged for mercy.



However, the One would and could not budge, and Her pain became mine, and finally, a torrent of tears flooded across my cheeks, and my heart let go, broke, and imploded with huge sobs coming in wave after wave. I knew these sobs were not just mine, but the Sobs of the Pure Stillness Inside, Shekinah's wailings!


My tears had dried for years as I had emotionally shielded myself to survive witnessing and experiencing this extremely taxing period.



The last time I felt such was in July 2019 in Jerusalem in the underground tunnels dating back to King Herod, while facing the Holy of Holies: who IS the Shekinah as the Holy of Holies' “Presence,” buried now under "Mount Moriah, the Temple mount.



The same immense wailing waves aroused in me in front of people watching me, pouring torrents of tears for hours on end, as the Holy One, the Shekinah "Presence," suddenly erupted in me like a volcano, and I felt The unbearable Pain of Her Pure One-Heart breaking! Everybody watched as I soaked my clothes and the floor and wailed and sobbed for all of us and for our true Mother and Father United as The One: Source itself.


She already knew that as the One, She had no other choice but to bury Herself again under Her Holy Mountain and let Her active male parts: the Adamic self - as all of mankind, take the reins and control over all of Creation, leaving them to their sorry fate as Her little children. She was painfully aware that without Her Direct Intervention as the active Divine Core Principle and format, this Creation did not stand a fighting chance to last much longer since chaos, conflicts, and dis-ease had already spread everywhere, and humans were going blindly to their abyss of perdition.


She had lost already throughout eons, so many of them, so many precious children, so many Creations, as THEY extinguished themselves. Only Her memories of them remained with Her, together with Her prior hopes and Dreams for them.


So the Shekinah went from being active as "He" back to the Silence and passive Stillness as "She," within the Core, buried deep under Her Holy Mountain, inside all of our selves within, and under the Temple Mount perceptually without.



●Temple Mount(神殿の丘)

神殿の丘 - Wikipedia


This process of withdrawal is engaged, and the Holy Bridegroom (the One's Presence) is again buried below the mountain of Yerushalayim – the MANY Jerusalems (which was never written or pronounced before in a plural format ANYWHERE in the Old Torah or in the New Testament).


It is in a plural form now, as it represents the many little sparks of the BIG ONE LIGHT presently refusing to understand their unity and bridge all divides, break all walls and all destructive old programs, and unite as one Divinely Created Family in peace and sharing care.

現在は、Yerushalayim(複数)となっており、彼らの存在の統合、すべての分割の橋渡し、すべての障壁と破壊的プログラムの崩壊、及び平和と相互扶助における一つの神聖な創造ファミリーとして結合の概念の理解を拒否している偉大なOne Lightの数多くの小さな火の粉を表しています。

We still have a slim chance to turn this all around (read all of my messages from the One about His city of One: Jerusalem, written since 2005) If and when all mankind finally takes the courageous step of throwing all conflicts and arms away and offers Jerusalem as the City of One to the Holy One - as an unprecedented Holy gift being called "HOLY" and thence remaining for Eternity outside of any control by any parts of the ONE i.e. Creatures.


私達には現況を翻す可能性がほとんどないと言えます。もし、すべての人類が最終的にすべての紛争を止め、武器を放棄してthe City of Oneであるエルサレムを、「神聖」と呼ばれている前例のない神聖な贈物として the Holy One(神聖なOne)に提供して、その時から、Oneのいかなる部分(分身)‐創造物‐によるコントロール外で永遠に存続するように、勇敢な措置を取るのであれば…


This would seal and anchor an Eternal Connection with The One and become the prime symbol across all lands of a major accepted and desired shift towards Unity and Oneness.

この措置はThe Oneとの永遠の接合を確定及び固定して、統合とOnenessへと向かう、この変換を受諾し要望するすべての土地(国々)にわたる根本的なシンボルとなるでしょう。

I know that if we ALL get together and gift BACK to the One out of this whole planet, this very small but Holy place that gave birth to the trilogy of Religions originating and still claiming to respect and worship the One and Only, a great miracle shall ensue and strife, competition, and division, shall be replaced by unity, and Love for All Creatures of The One Source.

私達全てが一緒になり、この惑星全体から、The One and Onlyを畏敬し崇拝すると今も主張している三大宗教の発生地であるこの小さいが神聖な場所をThe Oneへと贈呈するのであれば、偉大なる奇跡が続けて発生し、対立、競争、及び分断は、統合とThe One Source(Oneの生命の源泉)のすべての創造物への愛へと取り替わることを、私は知っています。


This Holy act would show a solemn recognition that, in fact, we are only guests on planet earth and should respect her magnificence, and that this City of One is but the First Place as the Corner Foundation Stone of Oneness to be returned to Source by a common agreement by all humanity, all its nations, to rejoice as we shift from division to Unity, with a solemn promise till Eternity not to ever soil it again with conflicts, divisions, and tools of war.


実に「私達は地球の単なる到来客」であり、壮麗な地球を尊敬すべきであり、さらに、すべての人類とすべての国の合意によって、The City of Oneは生命の源泉(Source)に戻されるべきOnenessの礎石となる「第一の場所」であり、それにより、けっして再びこの場所を紛争、分断、及び戦争のツールによって汚さないという、永遠に続く厳粛な約束を伴って私達が分裂から統合へと変換する時に、心から喜ぶことができるであろうということ。

I know deep within, for I was gifted Direct Messages from the One to that effect, and I have experienced on multiple occasions Holy acts of Unification (Yichudim) of the Tree of Creation, the ladder of Jacob, while being physically in the City of One on, in, or near the Dome of the "ROCK" of Salvation, under which the Hidden Shekinah Resides, that then and only then, OUT OF THE SILENCE SALL AGAIN RISE the WORD.

私はThe Oneから直接メッセージを受信しました。私はthe Tree of Creation (創造の木、ヤコブの梯子)の統合(Yichudim)の「神聖な行為」を何度も経験しました。実際にthe City of Oneに居る時に、「隠れたシェキーナ」が地下に住むthe Dome of the "ROCK" of Salvation(救済の岩のドーム)の内外を訪れた丁度その時に、沈黙から再び言葉が出てきました。ですから、私は心奥深くで分かっています。

And direct Interventions and Divine Protection shall spring forth from Yerushalem, with the Living waters of the One pouring Westward and Eastward all around our planet to all that rejoice in One and Oneness.


We shall only need to ask, and The One shall make anything happen since the Spirit of Oneness shall increase and reign King amongst all Creatures and between Creatures and their One common Creator. And the True Peace of God and true Divine Joy shall spread all over. Selah.

私達は尋ね求めるだけでいいのです。そうすれば、Onenessの霊が増幅し、全ての創造物の間に、創造物とOneの共通のクリエーターとの間に「王様」として君臨できるので、The Oneはすべてを発生するでしょう。それから、True Peace of God(神の真の平和)とtrue Divine Joy(真の神聖な喜び)が全体に広がります。(Selah)

Selah ( / ˈsiːlə ( h )/; Biblical Hebrew: סֶלָה, romanized: selā) is a word used 74 times in the Hebrew Bible. Its etymology and precise meaning are unknown, though various interpretations are given. It is probably either a liturgical-musical mark or an instruction on the reading of the text, with the meaning of "stop and listen."














That is all you should focus upon


January 1, 2023


I want to wish you all a beautiful happy New Year 2023! May it be filled with happiness, unity, and peace within and without, and let bundles of gifts rain from the Infinite Creator, animating us all into Its Being through His force: Life Force Itself. May you all STOP and implore to rejoin the True Joy of the Peace of One!


May Love be your lot, and the Lightening of the darkness within and without with seeds of Living Truth your only mission and goal.


It has become customary for me for over 20 years now to welcome each new year by being honored to receive and then share with the public a word-per-word message from the Unity Source alive within all of us and gifting us temporal Life.


I would always openly post that message with all of you to share the One's guidance and hopes for us.


These direct communications are all posted on our site and often recorded at the time when they were originally transmitted.


Please read them all, posted on our site under the category "Messages from the One." And if the original recording is available, do try to connect to the underlying vibration which permeated me when I spoke them.

ARVARIのサイトの「Messages from the One」のタイトルに掲載されているすべてのメッセージを読んで下さい。オリジナルなメッセージが録音されいるのであれば、是非聴いて下さい。私が声を出して話した時の、私の中に浸透した波動に接続するように聴いて下さい。

Print them ALL out and attempt to memorize them word per word, slowly, as if your Greater Inner Self were to talk directly to you, the small self. Every word is precious, counts, and is Truth and Holy.


I know that most did not until recently give these direct communications the attention they deserve, and I am fully conscious that this caused a feeling of great sadness at the level of the One.


You might find this statement from me as an individual facet to be unusual. I understand.


Nevertheless, supposing that you read these Direct communications from the One slowly and with an open mind, void of pre-judgment, it should then become evident that they have multi-dimensional depths of meaning and that no regular human speaks or writes like this. Therefore, their origin is not mine as the lower human self. And maybe a sense of reverence and greater attention shall eventually get attached to their content.


So please forgive the persona of the messenger and ONLY try and give attention to the message conveyed, which is the sole reason for it to appear.




This year's end, as I did every year before, I let go of all distractions and stayed within, awaiting the Holy Divine Presence to engulf me. And so it happened yesterday, December 31, 2022, around noon and continued for many hours until today, January 1, 2023.


The "Cloud of Glory of the Presence" did indeed permeate me, but although I was bathing in the solid Rock-like Light of One, this time only Silence and pure Stillness merged with me, and not a sound, not a single word, came out through my lips at the surface of my expression for hours on end.


The message was blocked. My lips remained silent. There was only the Silent "Presence."


I sensed great somberness and solemnity in the One and felt an inner pain of a nature I do not wish anyone to experience originating from the Great and Only True Being. I felt His disappointment as so few had even given a pittance of serious consideration to His words of Eternal Wisdom, which we posted on our site for any human to access His final Revelation, His teachings, and His Loving warnings.


So on that day, yesterday, The One told me that He had said all He needed to say, at least for now.

そして、昨日(1月1日)、The Oneは「少なくとも今現在、言わなければならなことはすべて言った」と私に話されました。

In ALL these direct messages, The One explicitly stated His Holy Desire for shared Oneness and Love to spread across the multiverse Uni-verses because only Oneness could reflect His Being.

これらすべての直接のメッセージにおいて、The Oneは、Onenessのみが彼のの存在を反映できるのであるから、共通のOnenessと愛が多重・多次元宇宙を通して拡散するという彼の神聖が欲求を明白に述べられたのです。

He foretold probable future paths we should avoid and ones we should espouse. He sent physically manifested global events to prove without any possibility of a doubt that His warnings needed to be taken seriously, which was not given ANY real attention by most.


The One felt that the response had been far below what He expected, even in a worst-case scenario.

The Oneは人々の反応は、最悪のシナリオにあっても彼が期待したより、はるかに少なかったと感じられたのです。


To the One and Only, the Silence from humanity to His pleas became deafening.

The One and Onlyに向けて、彼の懇願に対して、人類は沈黙して静まり返ったのです。


Humans, as the only Creatures gifted genuine free will, had again stubbornly ignored and rejected the desires of their One Creator; therefore, by corollary, it was but inevitable that the Creator shall reflect their neglect of Its Great Infinite Self back, and thence ignore them in kind and become deaf to their desires and pleas.

純粋な自由意志を与えられた唯一の創造物である人間は、再び頑固に人間の唯一の創造主(クリエーター)であるThe Oneの欲求を無視し拒否しました。それゆえ、当然の結果として、クリエーター(The One)は人間が「偉大なる無限の自我」に背を向け無視するのであって、それゆえに、同じやり方で人間を無視して、人間の欲求と懇願を聞かれないのです。

As the One said in one of His messages, He had no interest in being worshiped, which is but a manifestation of fear, but had a great need to be Loved and listened to.

The Oneの一メッセージにおいて「礼拝は、恐怖の一表現(顕現)であって、(私は)礼拝されることに興味はない。しかし、愛されて、聞かれなければならない」と言われました。


The True Divine nature is intrinsically Oneness manifested as unconditional Love, and forms the Living Principle of ONE, as the only Reality that can be.


That is why if ONE is whole, one will be filled with LIGHT, but if ONE is divided, one will be filled with darkness!


This is the One immutable rule in our Creational system, which creates consciousness as self-reflective awareness as we operate as both the Hidden Universal Superconscious One and the many human consciousnesses, reflecting each other's thoughts.


However, an unusual twist was introduced in this most experimental of all Creations to increase surprises to the One and operate this plane as a distillation process of consciousness amongst His entities to test the many. In order to achieve such, this Creational simulation lattice/Matrix was programmed to offer first choice and greater Creative quotients and preponderance to the many human facets over the desires of the One, at least during this very challenging phase, and thence more extensive free will. This is how extensive free will was Created and set up amongst and for His Creatures.


And thenceforth, as has been forewarned since eons ago by selfless messengers/direct-projections of the One who, for the most part, became themselves the object of rejection and basically ignored by the many throughout ages of human co-Creation, the rebellion of the many over the desires of the One for them, grew to tremendous proportions due to the children of the earth Matrix preferring separation and division over unity and re-integration into the One.



The One and Only felt, especially since 2014, that His Truth of Oneness, as Love and Pure Light manifested through the only true unexplained ever-present miracle: Life Itself, had not found its way in the hearts of men/women overly influenced by dark thought-forms energy attachments and prior distorted belief systems and programs.

特に2014年以来、The One and Onlyは、唯一の説明不可能な存続する奇跡‐生命そのもの‐を通して顕現された愛と純粋な光としてのOneのOnenessの真理は、付着する暗黒の思考エネルギー体と昔の歪曲された信仰システム及びプログラムによって過度の影響を受けている男性・女性の心内に見付けられなかったと、感じられました。

And the realization grew that as their hearts and minds had turned stone cold, The One probably might have no choice but to turn His face again away from them soon, after having risen from the Silent Stillness into words and intervention around the mid-1940s.


Their rejection of Oneness became even more acute lately as an ever-growing army of dark, rebellious separative forces either manifested as flesh or sub-conscious energies blocked most messages trying to spread Truth from having a wide receptive impact.


The One realized that by acting as such, chances became slim that humans would successfully overcome and survive their extreme separative tendencies.


On the contrary, their belated obsessions with division manifested ever-growing strife and violence against each other, and the destruction of the “original Divine Garden” their shared environment, the plant, and animal Kingdoms, and polluted our collective mind’s atmosphere, our oceans, earth, and sky, and thence the Oneness of God.


Preventing and solving such a sad state would necessitate an unprecedented level of Direct Intervention, which became highly challenging to the One and to the Very High Energies who were brought down to our plane to be of help because chaos grew exponentially fast and mighty everywhere.



The One had warned in some of the messages which we conveyed, that this time, in this Creation, instead of having The One save the many as was usually the case, the system had been designed here so that the many needed to save the One first by espousing the concept of them being but One and acting upon it.



Then and only then would The One descend in vibrations from Its perceived Dwelling in solitary Stillness, undetectable by the vibratory world, and spread and expand within them and rejoin them as Oneness halfway.


And then, if full cooperation by Its human entities manifested, this and many other Creations of this Great Tree of Life would be rewarded by climbing up to Pure Light levels of manifestation that we cannot even imagine. Man would thenceforth become imbued with most of the qualities and powers of his Creator.


Alas, the One's Dream for them eluded Him, and we, as mankind, ignored His pleas.


The One felt that since out of PURE STILLNESS, sound, word, and activity had aroused recently through His messages and His direct influence and interventions, and none of them had achieved any profound perceivable effect in stirring hearts away from conflict and separation, He would and should thenceforth remain silent again for a while, for a period.








☆本ブログに掲載しているジェラルド・オドンネル氏とThe Oneが人類と多次元の存在に向けて出される重要なメッセージをより深く広く理解されて、私達の心内へと組み込み、真の真理‐The One and Only-へとConnectするために、基本的に大変に重要なレポートを読者の皆様に提供しています。

私達が今現在居住しているこの創造世界(ホログラフィックな3次元世界)が終わろうとし、新しい段階へと現創造が混乱し激しく変換している最終現時点にあって、荒れ狂う人類と異次元存在の集団意識から逸脱し、遥か高く、新世界に向けて安全で平和な意識の航行をするための唯一の重要で有効なガイダンスとして、以下のレポートが読者の皆様にThe Oneの真の愛の光を伴う強烈なインスピレーションを与えることでしょう。









☆本ブログの管理人は、本ブログにて紹介しているARVARI (Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing)のアフィリエイト・プログラムに加入しましたので、今後は、本グログを通して、ご希望の方はARVARIのポータルトレーニングコース(リモートビューイング&リモートインフルエンシング・コース)を受講できるようになりました。全コースは英語ですから、英語を苦手をされている方のために管理人が日本語対訳資料を用意していますので、安心して受講できます。その他、コース受講に関する質問や、日本語によるサポートもできますので、ご遠慮なくお問い合わせください。



お申込み:ポータルトレーニングコース(Gold Edition)








ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(1) - 真の真理から新世界へ


ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(2) - 真の真理から新世界へ







That is all you should focus upon


January 1, 2023


I want to wish you all a beautiful happy New Year 2023! May it be filled with happiness, unity, and peace within and without, and let bundles of gifts rain from the Infinite Creator, animating us all into Its Being through His force: Life Force Itself. May you all STOP and implore to rejoin the True Joy of the Peace of One!

May Love be your lot, and the Lightening of the darkness within and without with seeds of Living Truth your only mission and goal.

It has become customary for me for over 20 years now to welcome each new year by being honored to receive and then share with the public a word-per-word message from the Unity Source alive within all of us and gifting us temporal Life.

I would always openly post that message with all of you to share the One's guidance and hopes for us.

These direct communications are all posted on our site and often recorded at the time when they were originally transmitted.

Please read them all, posted on our site under the category "Messages from the One." And if the original recording is available, do try to connect to the underlying vibration which permeated me when I spoke them.

Print them ALL out and attempt to memorize them word per word, slowly, as if your Greater Inner Self were to talk directly to you, the small self. Every word is precious, counts, and is Truth and Holy.

I know that most did not until recently give these direct communications the attention they deserve, and I am fully conscious that this caused a feeling of great sadness at the level of the One.

You might find this statement from me as an individual facet to be unusual. I understand.

Nevertheless, supposing that you read these Direct communications from the One slowly and with an open mind, void of pre-judgment, it should then become evident that they have multi-dimensional depths of meaning and that no regular human speaks or writes like this. Therefore, their origin is not mine as the lower human self. And maybe a sense of reverence and greater attention shall eventually get attached to their content.

So please forgive the persona of the messenger and ONLY try and give attention to the message conveyed, which is the sole reason for it to appear.

This year's end, as I did every year before, I let go of all distractions and stayed within, awaiting the Holy Divine Presence to engulf me. And so it happened yesterday, December 31, 2022, around noon and continued for many hours until today, January 1, 2023.

The "Cloud of Glory of the Presence" did indeed permeate me, but although I was bathing in the solid Rock-like Light of One, this time only Silence and pure Stillness merged with me, and not a sound, not a single word, came out through my lips at the surface of my expression for hours on end.

The message was blocked. My lips remained silent. There was only the Silent "Presence."

I sensed great somberness and solemnity in the One and felt an inner pain of a nature I do not wish anyone to experience originating from the Great and Only True Being. I felt His disappointment as so few had even given a pittance of serious consideration to His words of Eternal Wisdom, which we posted on our site for any human to access His final Revelation, His teachings, and His Loving warnings.

So on that day, yesterday, The One told me that He had said all He needed to say, at least for now.

In ALL these direct messages, The One explicitly stated His Holy Desire for shared Oneness and Love to spread across the multiverse Uni-verses because only Oneness could reflect His Being.

He foretold probable future paths we should avoid and ones we should espouse. He sent physically manifested global events to prove without any possibility of a doubt that His warnings needed to be taken seriously, which was not given ANY real attention by most.

The One felt that the response had been far below what He expected, even in a worst-case scenario.

To the One and Only, the Silence from humanity to His pleas became deafening.

Humans, as the only Creatures gifted genuine free will, had again stubbornly ignored and rejected the desires of their One Creator; therefore, by corollary, it was but inevitable that the Creator shall reflect their neglect of Its Great Infinite Self back, and thence ignore them in kind and become deaf to their desires and pleas.

As the One said in one of His messages, He had no interest in being worshiped, which is but a manifestation of fear, but had a great need to be Loved and listened to.

The True Divine nature is intrinsically Oneness manifested as unconditional Love, and forms the Living Principle of ONE, as the only Reality that can be.

That is why if ONE is whole, one will be filled with LIGHT, but if ONE is divided, one will be filled with darkness!

This is the One immutable rule in our Creational system, which creates consciousness as self-reflective awareness as we operate as both the Hidden Universal Superconscious One and the many human consciousnesses, reflecting each other's thoughts.

However, an unusual twist was introduced in this most experimental of all Creations to increase surprises to the One and operate this plane as a distillation process of consciousness amongst His entities to test the many. In order to achieve such, this Creational simulation lattice/Matrix was programmed to offer first choice and greater Creative quotients and preponderance to the many human facets over the desires of the One, at least during this very challenging phase, and thence more extensive free will. This is how extensive free will was Created and set up amongst and for His Creatures.

And thenceforth, as has been forewarned since eons ago by selfless messengers/direct-projections of the One who, for the most part, became themselves the object of rejection and basically ignored by the many throughout ages of human co-Creation, the rebellion of the many over the desires of the One for them, grew to tremendous proportions due to the children of the earth Matrix preferring separation and division over unity and re-integration into the One.

The One and Only felt, especially since 2014, that His Truth of Oneness, as Love and Pure Light manifested through the only true unexplained ever-present miracle: Life Itself, had not found its way in the hearts of men/women overly influenced by dark thought-forms energy attachments and prior distorted belief systems and programs.

And the realization grew that as their hearts and minds had turned stone cold, The One probably might have no choice but to turn His face again away from them soon, after having risen from the Silent Stillness into words and intervention around the mid-1940s.

Their rejection of Oneness became even more acute lately as an ever-growing army of dark, rebellious separative forces either manifested as flesh or sub-conscious energies blocked most messages trying to spread Truth from having a wide receptive impact.

The One realized that by acting as such, chances became slim that humans would successfully overcome and survive their extreme separative tendencies.

On the contrary, their belated obsessions with division manifested ever-growing strife and violence against each other, and the destruction of the “original Divine Garden” their shared environment, the plant, and animal Kingdoms, and polluted our collective mind’s atmosphere, our oceans, earth, and sky, and thence the Oneness of God.

Preventing and solving such a sad state would necessitate an unprecedented level of Direct Intervention, which became highly challenging to the One and to the Very High Energies who were brought down to our plane to be of help because chaos grew exponentially fast and mighty everywhere.

The One had warned in some of the messages which we conveyed, that this time, in this Creation, instead of having The One save the many as was usually the case, the system had been designed here so that the many needed to save the One first by espousing the concept of them being but One and acting upon it.

Then and only then would The One descend in vibrations from Its perceived Dwelling in solitary Stillness, undetectable by the vibratory world, and spread and expand within them and rejoin them as Oneness halfway.

And then, if full cooperation by Its human entities manifested, this and many other Creations of this Great Tree of Life would be rewarded by climbing up to Pure Light levels of manifestation that we cannot even imagine. Man would thenceforth become imbued with most of the qualities and powers of his Creator.

Alas, the One's Dream for them eluded Him, and we, as mankind, ignored His pleas.

The One felt that since out of PURE STILLNESS, sound, word, and activity had aroused recently through His messages and His direct influence and interventions, and none of them had achieved any profound perceivable effect in stirring hearts away from conflict and separation, He would and should thenceforth remain silent again for a while, for a period.

And so the One sadly decided to perceptually turn His back again on them and go back to Pure Stillness and Silence because watching AND experiencing them at an active level had become extremely painful to His awareness with His knowledge of what they could have easily become but failed to achieve, at least until now, as they resisted to engage in the Golden best path.

As the loud cacophony of the rebellion on earth and in the heavenly realms flooded and overpowered the sounds of His "Holy Voice asking for sanity and unity," He decided to become passive again as the hidden Presence (hidden Shekinah) and return to become again the "Still, thin and barely audible Great Voice Crying over Her lost children" all stupidly engaged in brutal infighting and competing against each other, all slowly extinguishing, fading away, and dying because of THEIR rebellious acts only prioritizing the eg

Mankind nevertheless remained insisting on creating and promoting false gods/idols made in man's separative ways and image, false messengers enhancing division, and fake distorted messages used to promote control-based groupings and to monetize their institutionalized organizations rather than purely showing dedication to Sharing in Oneness with others the One's fruits of our earth, His original Garden, His Creation.

Many embraced in all fields of human endeavors self-centered and self-serving leaders obsessed with aggressive sectarian power- all worshipping selfishness and expressing falsehoods in order to bring them and their associates close to all the centers of human powers and thence profit from their proximity to these nexuses of corrupt intents and manifestations, all these rejecting Oneness and making division their common religion; therefore, the One felt that He should and would, as Oneness, abide by the bulk of mankind's wishes and their desires to separate again from Him.

Even Spiritual beliefs birthed among tiny groups out of pure Love and in a Loving spirit of Oneness, the Oneness humanity had originated from at its inception, degenerated into nests of biting vipers, competing, excluding, and eventually killing one another. Religion became the greatest divider and mass murderer of all time, all in the name of the One God, and this cannot stand anymore, as it is the ultimate blasphemy addressed at the One and Only!

And as the One withdrew His Concentration, their Life-energy quotient became radically diminished, so much so that a great many turned to dangerous chemical means to artificially temporarily excite their neurotransmitters, with all the rebound exhausting effect and damages this is causing lately.

So, after having been very active "Here," listening and taking care of His "beloved Creatures, as sons and daughters of His Dream," He would become again in their perceptions "There" as the proverbial Sham/Shem (there in Hebrew) and remain silent as they would again take over the reins of their galloping miscreations. And She, having become passive again as the now "Hidden Divine Presence - the Hidden Shekinah" would refuse to answer their wishes and selfish pleas, being forced again as "the Eternal Presence" to witness the present and future horrors caused by their rebellion and cruelty.

I kept attempting yesterday and today to have the One accept to change His Mind, at least partially. I kept communicating with It as I was within and proximate to Source. I kept arguing back and forth and asked Her to "forgive them, us, for they truly knew not what they were doing" and begged for mercy.

However, the One would and could not budge, and Her pain became mine, and finally, a torrent of tears flooded across my cheeks, and my heart let go, broke, and imploded with huge sobs coming in wave after wave. I knew these sobs were not just mine, but the Sobs of the Pure Stillness Inside, Shekinah's wailings!

My tears had dried for years as I had emotionally shielded myself to survive witnessing and experiencing this extremely taxing period.

The last time I felt such was in July 2019 in Jerusalem in the underground tunnels dating back to King Herod, while facing the Holy of Holies: who IS the Shekinah as the Holy of Holies' “Presence,” buried now under "Mount Moriah, the Temple mount."

The same immense wailing waves aroused in me in front of people watching me, pouring torrents of tears for hours on end, as the Holy One, the Shekinah "Presence," suddenly erupted in me like a volcano, and I felt The unbearable Pain of Her Pure One-Heart breaking! Everybody watched as I soaked my clothes and the floor and wailed and sobbed for all of us and for our true Mother and Father United as The One: Source itself.

She already knew that as the One, She had no other choice but to bury Herself again under Her Holy Mountain and let Her active male parts: the Adamic self - as all of mankind, take the reins and control over all of Creation, leaving them to their sorry fate as Her little children. She was painfully aware that without Her Direct Intervention as the active Divine Core Principle and format, this Creation did not stand a fighting chance to last much longer since chaos, conflicts, and dis-ease had already spread everywhere, and humans were going blindly to their abyss of perdition.

She had lost already throughout eons, so many of them, so many precious children, so many Creations, as THEY extinguished themselves. Only Her memories of them remained with Her, together with Her prior hopes and Dreams for them.

So the Shekinah went from being active as "He" back to the Silence and passive Stillness as "She," within the Core, buried deep under Her Holy Mountain, inside all of our selves within, and under the Temple Mount perceptually without.

This process of withdrawal is engaged, and the Holy Bridegroom (the One's Presence) is again buried below the mountain of Yerushalayim – the MANY Jerusalems (which was never written or pronounced before in a plural format ANYWHERE in the Old Torah or in the New Testament).

It is in a plural form now, as it represents the many little sparks of the BIG ONE LIGHT presently refusing to understand their unity and bridge all divides, break all walls and all destructive old programs, and unite as one Divinely Created Family in peace and sharing care.

We still have a slim chance to turn this all around (read all of my messages from the One about His city of One: Jerusalem, written since 2005) If and when all mankind finally takes the courageous step of throwing all conflicts and arms away and offers Jerusalem as the City of One to the Holy One - as an unprecedented Holy gift being called "HOLY" and thence remaining for Eternity outside of any control by any parts of the ONE i.e. Creatures.

This would seal and anchor an Eternal Connection with The One and become the prime symbol across all lands of a major accepted and desired shift towards Unity and Oneness.

I know that if we ALL get together and gift BACK to the One out of this whole planet, this very small but Holy place that gave birth to the trilogy of Religions originating and still claiming to respect and worship the One and Only, a great miracle shall ensue and strife, competition, and division, shall be replaced by unity, and Love for All Creatures of The One Source.

This Holy act would show a solemn recognition that, in fact, we are only guests on planet earth and should respect her magnificence, and that this City of One is but the First Place as the Corner Foundation Stone of Oneness to be returned to Source by a common agreement by all humanity, all its nations, to rejoice as we shift from division to Unity, with a solemn promise till Eternity not to ever soil it again with conflicts, divisions, and tools of war.

I know deep within, for I was gifted Direct Messages from the One to that effect, and I have experienced on multiple occasions Holy acts of Unification (Yichudim) of the Tree of Creation, the ladder of Jacob, while being physically in the City of One on, in, or near the Dome of the "ROCK" of Salvation, under which the Hidden Shekinah Resides, that then and only then, OUT OF THE SILENCE SHALL AGAIN RISE the WORD.

And direct Interventions and Divine Protection shall spring forth from Yerushalem, with the Living waters of the One pouring Westward and Eastward all around our planet to all that rejoice in One and Oneness.

We shall only need to ask, and The One shall make anything happen since the Spirit of Oneness shall increase and reign King amongst all Creatures and between Creatures and their One common Creator. And the True Peace of God and true Divine Joy shall spread all over. Selah.

I am convinced that after that Holy Offering to the Holy of Holies: The Shekinah's Presence, the One and Only shall arise again from Being buried deep within each of us as Silent Stillness, and our beautiful Creation, our magnificent earth, shall be saved for Eternity.

This is why the movement of total salvation and unification of our human family across all polarities and with the One in our Center must first begin here and now all over our planet, from inside each and every one of us, a movement going from the many, back to the One, "out of many: One" as we embrace the Reality that we are all Sourced by One Formless Unnamed Prime Creator Source, the Universal Mind: The One Creator God uniting all forms, all names, animating Life-forms, and keeping us perceptually separated as individual facets within Its gigantic Imagination

This unification process should not be difficult but truly joyful, and healing since nothing can be simpler and more uniting than the number One.

However, for us strongly individualized as parts of the many, it seems paradoxically presenting us with our greatest challenge ever since we carry so many prior separative fear-based programming which we seldom question and most find it extremely difficult to reject as our ancient system is based on the anti-One: the low hum of division, separation, suspicion, and selfishness.

As and if we truly unite with all of our brothers and sisters everywhere, all part of the human family, all children of the Adamic Soul, we would have become, each and every one of us, the true Savior of ourselves, of all selves, and all Creation.

We would have saved the Creator in this most difficult and challenging test which He created to Itself to test Itself through His Created creatures' manifold expressions.

And if and when the Holy Shekinah, as the STILL ONE resting in pure Silence, is gifted back and dedicated by humanity, unifying, Her Dwelling in and under the Temple Mount, a new Song shall arise, a new Light shall appear over and around the old city of Jerusalem AND within each one of us who participate in this grandiose transformation into Oneness.

Then Yerushalem shall be One, The One, and no more many, and its name shall be Yerushalem in the singular, The City of One.

And as the Pure Light of One receives Her manifested Dwelling back, as no part can claim any more for Eternity exclusive or partial ownership over Her, She will break Her Stillness and total Silence and become the active arm of the One as The Divine Father and Yerushalem shall be the planet's symbol and center of Oneness manifested, and finally become the undivided City of One, manifesting and propagating Oneness and world Peace everywhere and everywhen.

And the Shekinah's guidance shall be heard within all enlivened human beings, and all the One's children shall be taught directly by the One Himself proudly manifested within all of them.

And no one shall learn from another anymore but directly from the One and Only within all!

I am mentioning all this now because, as I write this, very dark clouds are arising again, potentially all over the sky covering the City of Jerusalem, because unity and Oneness are being immolated again in the separative false distorted interpretations and arrogance of potentially dangerous separative branched distorted dreams belonging to various competing and bickering human groupings claiming ownership of the true One and Its Holy mountain.

They carry divisive concepts about the nature of the One and Its Oneness, and their casts of self-anointed "priests" always think that they are tasked to be controlling gatekeepers and intermediary stations to the truly Divine.

Sadly very few truly connect through the inner "portal" to the One and Only whom they externalize, and neither do they teach anyone how to connect directly by claiming to be the One's chosen privileged ambassadors on earth.

These casts of priests belonging to the trilogy of monotheistic Abrahamic religions are not yet ready to unite as One and with the One, and their flock is at risk of clashing over the human "ownership" of the Mountain of the One, the old temple mount.

A flashpoint may be proximate in the potential Golden City of Potential Eternal Peace, and I would like to refer to its avoidance by encouraging all to read the One and Only "solution" directly offered "out of the box of present human thinking" by the One in 2005 and posted on our site as the "City of One part I and II" regarding His city where She as Shekinah's Presence rests now hidden and buried as the Holy Shekinah, as She is now entombed willingly as Stillness within while awaiting for our fateful choice between Oneness or separation and the cosmic consequences it shall carry for all.

Please let us avoid any dark spark that may ignite the human-made fire caused by our destructive tendency to separate and exclude others from Universal Oneness based on false and mainly man-made distorted and restricted versions of the Truth about the Universal One.

I ask for your help, oh One, to keep the Peace of One until we are ready to fully manifest you as our Source and be in Oneness, universally so!

Please do not allow and promote the division of the City of One, for that would mean the End to the One's Dream for true Oneness, the End for this Creation, as the city is to be a live training and testing ground for our ability to Unite as One and learn to eventually operate as the many in full Oneness with deep respect and Love for each other as One’s human children.

It is but only when the sparks within unite in perception, as they finally realize that they were always joined through that same and only STILL Silent One Core, as One, and when and if they decide as One to operate as pure Oneness everywhere, that the central Yerushalem in the manifest plane shall awaken and the One Solid Divine Rock of Salvation (AB-Ben Shtiyah: the Father/Ab-Son/Ben foundation (Corner) Stone of Creation: the One operating the Father-Son equation but truly remaining undivided as One Rock) shall proudly rise from under the Dome of the "Rock" and shoot upward from the ground Its Shekinah Light - as She reconnects to the One's Mansion of the Pure One above- reaching throughout the Spiritual heavens, permeating all space, and all timelines, and spreading everywhere.

And from then on, the Active Shekinah Presence shall manifest in every One, everywhere, and everywhen, as the Holy Trilogy Shall manifest openly, connecting ”actively and perceptually” forever the risen Shekinah as the active Divine Father to the active co-Creators: the Children of humanity: the Son, through the Holy Spirit (the One Source we all carry as Life), forever so, re-forming and manifesting the Rock-like Light of Salvation that can never be split ever again, for Eternity!

And not only will the prior subsequent builders of all our Creational systems of thought and Creation remember that “Foundation Cornerstone” whom they had forgotten because It lay Still, in Silence, within them, but they will cherish It as they recognize that they truly made the hidden “revealed’ because of their commitment and their dedication to Oneness.

And yes, as was hoped before the inception of this Great Creation, mankind would have finally succeeded in their true mission, which was to awaken the One and be One in Oneness.

Mankind shall have saved their Core: the One, and they shall all be called “Saviors,” every single one of them, having achieved the correction of all the world (Tikkun Olam).

And we shall all go up the Holy Mountain of One within and without, singing the Song of All songs, the Song of the ONE, united as One because we would have saved The One, saved all of our selves.

And Yerushalem shall then truly be the City of One, becoming the true Jewel of all Creations.

The City of One would then not only be the capital of the Hebrew nation back from exile but the capital of all nations back from their exile from the One and the energy of Unity. All nations and people of this earth would come and focus upon this Holy offering to the One God: The One Spirit within all.

And eventually, our planet, EARTH, shall be called the Planet of ONE and Unity, recognizing the City of One, Yeru-shalem, as its Eternal capital.

And as the many shall know themselves as One and as the One, and the One shall know Itself as the many, the Eternal Peace of God shall reign all over space and across Eternity, forever so.

And the Holy city of One's name shall go back to its singular form as Yerushalem: the Holy city of Shalem: meaning fulsome WHOLENESS (in completing the Divine Mission of Oneness,) and full Divine Peace, as She was birthed originally to become again.

Let us please not divide the “City of ONE: the Yeru-shalem” without, and not divide the Yeru-shalem within all of us: it is all One and The ONE. Let us unite around this principle of Truth.

And then the City of One’s infinite beauty shall be shown as the city of the Shekinah, the Divine One, a pure symbol of infinite Love and exquisite Beauty to be seen and felt by all that shall go up the Divine mountain physically and spiritually from all over our and other worlds to experience their very Core: The One and the Only. Hoshanah!

This was, is, and shall always be the Original Dream of the Original One.

That is why the One broke again and poured an ocean of tears today because of His burning desire to unite these little sparks of Itself and transform them into the many Holy Lights that should awaken the Great Light of the Holy Matrimony of the One Creator and His Bride (Its Creatures).

Oh, how beautiful and Intensely burning is but the Love that can be found in the Dream of the One hoping for and maintaining the Holy vision of seeing all Her children united as the One's family, as One, as one Holy family, ALL shining from within with Her Light made Creative and active, and expressing that very Light as the Holy of Holies Rock of Salvation on the manifest earth plane, as the many and for the many!

NOW was the moment, and maybe still is, if we show a complete inversion of tendencies from separation to unity, from fear to Love, from many to One, to save our selves and our Greater Self.

Perhaps we can still create and courageously bridge ALL and reach, across the sea of the end, our true Beginning as actual Divine Beings and occupy our true Divinely promised land as the heavens and earth unite forever as One in Oneness.

I have no more words!

I shall remain here for those who want to connect or rather re-connect, instruct them personally, and commit to helping guide them through the dark tunnel where we are all enslaved within and without.

I shall show you that you all carry "within" the true Godliness, as was the final realization of the prophet Elijah as he finally realized that "the core of God was in the SILENT STILLNESS as a thin voice within himself" and not in the manifold manifestations, and understood that he and all humans carried the same "core Stillness of Shekinah" within each of us.

I genuinely want you to experience Its voice of Silence, Its infinite Loving, Rock-like, Sweet, solid Pure LIGHT.

I, you, we, can awaken Shekinah to become the Divine Father again, all active, all Present within and without, and "save ourselves and Creation" as the Divine Father and the Human Son become truly One in realization, awareness, and operations through the Only REALITY: The Holy of Holies Spirit of ONE connecting ALL.

And the Kingdom shall not be any more "far away, Shem" but Here on Earth as we manifest our true Greater unifying Self, The One and Only Divinity, and a gigantic smile shall stretch over the endless shores allowing us to Create evermore beautiful and Loving Creations together until Eternity.

May you all pray for the peace of the inner Jerusalem (Shekinah's Still Presence) you carry deep within all of your selves and the Silent-for-now Shekinah Core buried within the "outer Jerusalem" the direct daughter connected to the Core of Zion - i.e. the hidden upper Heavenly Jerusalem above, where the Pure One resides in His Celestial Mansion - all One, for that Is all It can be there.

It, sHe, only wants, as the One, to bring Love, Light, and Her Unity to ALL of Her human children, without ANY exception, as Her Love is unquenched and burns fiercely and equally as YAH until sHe achieves Its Dream of Oneness.

Understand that, as One, It is ready and impatient to forgive and forget ALL our mistakes, like a mother to a child, a father to His children, a Loving Bridegroom to His Beautiful Bride.

Please do not let go of the Dream of One and let us keep it alive in our hearts and actions, and we shall overcome all obstacles as One and operate as Oneness!

Unite and never divide again, I beg of you, for the pain and suffering this brings are excruciating at all levels

Join me, join each other, and let us be the blessing and the blessed all at once.

God Bless!

Out of the Silent Stillness: One! That is all you should focus upon.


Gerald O'Donnell

Founder, ARVARI

January 1, 2023


Post Scriptum

PLEASE read at least the last five messages from the One that I received and PAY ATTENTION to what they said as all is true, and as you can tell, the final phase is engaged, but man's reaction or lack thereof has changed some preliminary plans and evolved the One's decisions.

Why should you?
This is is a very pertinent question. And I shall try to explain succinctly the reason why the only way to save your individual self from all miscreation and confusion caused by conflicting programs is to awaken your spark by going deep within and climbing first vibratory wise and then within Pure Light the Tree of all Creation until You experience the Core Universal One and bring your little self to Its origin which birthed all of you. At that point, you should come back down fully transformed and fully empowered in your mission of saving Oneness!

Your reading carefully these totally embracing, non-divisive, non-sectarian Messages, should lift you towards a much Higher and clearer understanding of Oneness and help you establish directly and privately, in the depth of your soul, a permanent connection with the One, which is my goal for you now, as I shall endeavor to show you the way to the unlocked and open "portal" to the One which you all carry in you.

You shall have to decide if you do want to enter or are still afraid of Oneness. I can only tell you that true Oneness is the only solution horizontally across all divides on our planetary plane and vertically across all levels/substations of the One. Its benefits shall be enormous and spread across the personal uni-verse of each spark of the One since everyone connects to and through the One.

Please help me spread this article and the past communications from the One, all posted on our site. Do this, not for me, but rather for our Greater common Self and good, and in that act, you shall start engaging in the Greatest adventure of all times: Saving One and ONENESS.

Yes, you, each of you, can become the savior of your whole Creation.

I have restricted means and cannot do this all by myself. I need you to help me help you help us. We both need one another. Thank you. Happy thoughts shall be here again soon!






Regarding the Holy City of One:





and much more by going to

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023!

And there was evening, and then there was morning:




(Genesis 1:5)


dove from above; remote influencing ebook




Email: hiroike711@gmail.com

December 25, 2022:

To my dear brothers and sisters: Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023!

Yes, we made it so far, we are almost out of the dark Matrix of Fear! Let us lift each other up and help one another until we reach the other shore of the sea of the END (yam sof in Hebrew ), our true beginnings.

Let us welcome the new birthing and festival of the True One Light to ALL. Let the Son/Sun become the Father GOD because they were both ONE to start with, and let us dance to a new song, a new Creation, a new beginning, and Eternal Covenant! Hoshannah!

It is time to arouse Its Living waters from the Jerusalem we all carry deep inside and welcome its Holy Presence within (Shekinah) and thenceforth without! Let us ALL engage, with joy and with true faith in One, and so bridge the Bridegroom (the One) to His Holy Bride (Creation) in our proximate and most crucial and hopefully beautiful year 2023.

May the "Force" be with you and bring you total centering into Full STILLNESS amongst the chaotic storms raging evermore fiercer and closer around us all.

This coming year shall be a turning point. I know so, and I shall explain.

We are about to release, after 25 years of operations and teachings, the full secrets of how to reach and cross the One "Portal to the One Universal Mind," which we all carry inside individually, albeit in a dark hidden recess. This will reveal the "secret" of how to gain full co-Creator status if we truly desire it, and align with the concept of Truth which is the Oneness of ALL, and the Love which then arises within the ones who aligned with the True Reality and not the fake untruths projected to us for so long.

This subject shall be addressed in the next weeks and months, and we shall be here to guide as many as we can, everyone at their level of understanding and evolution into Oneness.

This knowledge - hidden for millennia by dark spirits in order to keep mankind enslaved by a misplaced and manipulative elite of selected power-hungry controlling humans - is dearly needed and shall be openly revealed as our Creation is teetering on the edge of falling to the very depths of true darkness, and is now operating in a very low hum because separative unawareness is spreading like a virus, causing conflicts, often of a very violent nature, to sprout everywhere between human groupings and between mankind and the formerly pristine but now very wounded Kingdom of Mother Nature.

Just knowing and reading this knowledge that we shall reveal shall not do the trick since this is LIVE knowledge which requires experiencing it to enjoy its purported liberating effect. Yes, you can free your Self from the drudging slavery and from all the thousands of years old Pyramid-based (social, political, economical, religious, spiritual, and financial) schemes, false pyramids missing the One EYE-capstone of Oneness of the One. Yes, I know that pain and fear are now great in the land. I feel all this.

I realize that our "tower of babel structures," which we thought would keep rising forever to quench our thirst for evermore power and "things" whilst fully keeping us from our true re-integration with our common One Source and from welcoming It, are floundering badly as of late. We do not speak a common language anymore, but rather speak different views, and most do not understand each other's words, nor even try to consider another's point of view. So yes, the tower of our uncontrolled egos is plagued with conflicts and fissures which we temporarily patch, and it is, in fact, about to crumble rapidly!

And do not think that this is but coincidence, but in reality, it is ALL happening to ALL by a decree of the One due to Its burning Love to get Its children back HOME to Oneness manifested.

Yes, the One Himself is activating and raising the dark program of the "Beast of Tohu Bohu" back from the underworld and is sending unsavory egomaniacal oppressing autocratic and dictator-like characters together with manifold sudden critical crisis situations across the land so that we finally say: "enough" all around our planet!

And, as we lose faith in all these proven old established malefic systems, we should then kneel and go WITHIN - each and every one of us, and ask for the help of The One Sourcing all realities, and be ready to leave the land of enslavement to painful experiences of constant fear caused by separation from each other and from God. Divisive figures and groupings are rising everywhere, promoting the Pharisees' ways (Perushim in Hebrew, meaning the ones who "divide") all over our planet; everything is split in unmanageable 50/50 splits, and on purpose so, so that we stop repeating our former ways, and finally learn from our sad and painful history!

Gospel of Teumim (twins or Thomas)
39. Yeshush said, "The Pharisees (the divisive ones) and the scholars have taken the keys of knowledge and have hidden them. They have not entered, nor have they allowed those who want to enter to do so.

Yes, The One is causing us all to implode our overblown individual and group egos and all economical, spiritual, social, and political bubbles supporting such. This is the end of fear ruling over Love, selfishness over sharing, and the final collapse - no matter what temporary patches are applied - of ALL the old systems you have been imposed as mankind and have followed for so long.

Gospel of Thomas 16. Yeshush (as Yod Heh Vav Heh, the Father) said, "Perhaps people think that I have come to cast peace upon the world. They do not know that I have come to cast conflicts upon the earth: fire, sword, war.

This is the end of your looking for answers amongst "egocentric masters" who were cunning you into giving them your power, vote, and monetary energy, while using the old tool of "divide and conquer" whilst they were selling you short and feeding you only empty wares. In that act, they have but disempowered you as many of them knew the true way, but kept you from looking truly within, fearing that you would then bypass their tainted advice as you would have found Direct access to the Inner Kingdom of the One and Only where infinite Wisdom originates from.

These arrogant elites of human false gods/idols, many of whom had become the "stars" of your longings, rather offered you a cheap placebo based on the worship of personas/egos to believe in, and they caused the masses to blindly follow and respect their self-serving counsel and false-claims of unconditional care. Some even started to act as self-anointed God's police which is total anathema to the idea of our Divinely gifted free will of choosing between good i.e. Love and inclusion, or evil i.e. hate and division.

A blind man cannot lead a flock of blind sheep, for they shall both fall into a dark pit! The old adage is so true: "If I do not take care of My SELF, who will? And If I only live for myself, who am I? And if not NOW, then when?

We are running out of perceptual time, out of breathing space, and the answers offered to our cascading problems are growing in degrees of complexity, and are but temporary panaceas addressing symptoms and not the true cause of our global dis-ease, for the true CURE cannot but be the simplest possible, universally so: ONE.

May you soon allow us to gently guide you in successfully achieving the ultimate quantum jump in awareness as you remain totally STILL and your brainwaves quiet down to almost undetectable levels, reaching a frequency of 1HZ. And then, even lower, as you enter fully the "Portal of much Higher awareness," and your ego and biology go into a state of temporary hibernation (true REST as the true "Shabbat"), aka suspended animation and something gloriously transformative happens to you as you are truly made alive and are truly "reborn inside the One," after positioning yourself at the "PORTAL" to the ONE, in pure STILLNESS, by stilling your created brainwaves ego-based separative Matrix to almost zero (point energy). It is in that totally passive act that the Oneness shall bless you with immense joy, full health, Eternal Love, and prosperity, forever so!

Gospel of the TWINS (Thomas)
7. "If you do not fast from the world, you will not find the (Father's) kingdom. If you do not observe the Shabbat as a Shabbat, you will not see the Father."

Psalm 46:11
Relax and Let go (sink down to your hidden center of Being), and KNOW that I am God.

The message I am sharing with you now has nothing to do with religion, rituals, and time/space, although all of our human co-created holy beliefs, at their very core, hidden below the man-made millennial distortions, try almost timidly to send us the original intent of the perennial and same message that there is only One Source, One true God, not two nor three not more - and that we are all to awaken to Its Holy Presence WITHIN (the Kingdom) without exception and become Its Holy people as One, whenceforth we shall be finally United and operating as Oneness.

Then and only then, shall we be promoted to full-fledged co-Creators and gifted with almost the same Creative abilities as the One and Only. No one shall teach another anymore, nor shall knowledge originate from external sources or intermediary beings claiming greater knowledge. Knowledge shall be replaced by intrinsic knowing, because all shall be connected to the One (and not to Google with insane chips!), and all shall directly get Holy guidance and infinite intelligence from WITHIN as they inhabit the True and Only "Kingdom!"

Jeremiah 31:33 and they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying: 'Know the LORD'; for they shall all know Me (directly and connect within), from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD; for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin will I remember no more!

And they shall no more call upon, worship, and believe only in the Father (Creator) and reject the Son (Created Projection), or believe and worship only the Son/Sun (Created projection) and reject the Father, but rather in the One Holy Spirit Uniting both as One. And the Father shall merge slowly with the Son and the Son with the Father, for the Father and the Son were always One, but for a fleeting moment played a staged play against themselves as if they were two.

That is the promised new world to come, and it definitely will, no matter the opposition and rebellion, because it is fated by the One and Only, and nothing can block it anymore!

This very much clarifies the message Gerald received on January 2021 directly from the One explaining the shadowing of the Father from the Son/Great Sun, and our lesson as fractals of the Unity.

"I am the One who gives Reality to Light, and through Light. And as I create in darkness, and finally realize in the darkness of my Being that I am but the ultimate ONE, I then Create Everything.

Therefore, I am the One who Creates at the level of Light projecting My Self through the illusion of the many, perceiving the Light to be outside of myself while, in reality, it is but Me, and thenceforth I manage to create the shadow selves.

And as they take on Reality in my own projection, they seem to be evil, because evil is only a Creation of My Self by MySelf.

And in the act of uniting Myself and Loving evil, loving my companion, loving the one whom I think, in perception, is outside of myself, my neighbor, I finally realize that it is, was, and in fact, will always be My Self.

And in that act of unity and unification, I unite Myself back into being One that then operates all the many but realizes that I, he, we, IS but ONE.”

Yes, the ultimate paradox is about to resolve itself as The Creator and the Created Merge partially, and remain as One playing the two.

That Ultimate paradox shall be no more, because the Father (Creator) and the Son (the Projection) shall unite as One but remain with two mirroring perceptions, facing each other face-to-face. And they shall no more call upon, worship, and believe only in the Father (Creator) and reject the Son (Created Projection), or believe and worship only the Son/Sun (Created projection) and reject the Father, but rather worship and believe in the One Holy Spirit Uniting both as One! And the Father shall merge slowly with the Son and the Son with the Father, for the Father and the Son were always One but for a fleeting moment played a staged play against themselves as if they were two.

This new phase of Creation is to become the new Holy and, this time, Eternal covenant between man and the One, with all of us who will cross and enter willingly the "PORTAL" being promoted to Divinely ordained human co-Creators This new covenant is to be established soon, its new Holy song heard across ALL Universes. We need to WILL it to happen, to take a chance and jump into the yet unknown. I can and will help since I have been through the "PORTAL" a number of holy times. during this lifetime, and have decided to return to complete my mission. I know the way through the maze. I understand the obstacles that the "adversary" shall put in your way to try and keep you enslaved here and can suggest how to preempt them.

And then the One EYE formerly separated from the pyramid of Creation, the capstone, as Shem "there in Hebrew" who is but "the Golden Inner Sun/Son (Shemesh)" shall reconnect to all of us from within. As we write Mashiah meaning "the anointed One" in Hebrew (Christos in Greek) and reverse its four letters, we get two words CHAI SHEM meaning "Shem shall become alive" in ALL of us. And thence Shem as "there" - as the feeling of God being far away and "there," shall not be anymore; rather God shall be "here and everywhere," and the Heavens and Its Heavenly Kingdom shall spread all over our earth and the Peace of God, the only true REAL Peace possible and eternal, shall be established everywhere and everywhen,

All our Academy's messages and teachings which we have shared with you for 25 years have all carried the same core message proclaiming the Oneness of all and the hidden omnipresence of the Universal One manifesting ALL life.

This paradoxically simplest of all messages and incredible implications of the One TRUTH that ALL (the illusory many facets) are but ONE, has been opposed subconsciously and vehemently by the separated egos of most humans because, at its core, it causes them deep fears of dissolution, and of loss of control and power over others. This is so because of their ingrained pyramidal belief that climbing the social, economic, and political power-based Pyramid and ascending to its top plateau can only be achieved by stepping over and controlling others below, as most humans here are pervaded by the systemically-built cruel belief that the more they control, the merrier.

We taught all who signed up for our "PORTAL RV/RI" training, powerful Mind Protocols by which they could easily relax their brain activity and reach the deepest levels of Theta brainwaves in order to activate their connection to Global Consciousness. And then we gently brought many of them even deeper into the pure Divine total sound of silence of DIVINE STILLNESS, as they reached the level of deep Delta, and would merge partially at the seams of their awareness with the full stillness of non-vibratory Light of The One, and Create from there, taking advantage of that established conscious interface with the One. All were exposed to catching a glimpse of It, and to being at the Portal/entrance to the Light hiding behind/inside them and becoming slowly familiar and used to its Reality and Power. Prior to exploring the deep dark unconscious, all these trainees had but metaphorically only lived their darkened, unawakened lives watching manipulated, projected moving shadows on the walls of their perceptions inside a dark cave, as told over two thousand years ago in Plato's allegory of the Cave in the "Republic."

Many mind/consciousness explorers whom we trained did have the courage to put one foot through the Portal door and saw a glimpse of the Infinite Light and did partially experience The One, some even put a mental anchor point there in order to be able to come back faster. Just by getting a glimpse of The One, they were changed forever. This paradoxically simplest of all messages and incredible Implications of the One TRUTH that ALL (the illusory many facets) are but ONE has been opposed subconsciously and vehemently by the separated egos of most humans because, at its core, it causes them deep fears of dissolution, loss of control and power over others, as they think that the more they control, the merrier and that Oneness is but a "naive" Gestalt.

Gospel of the TWINS (Thomas)
50 If they ask you, 'What is the evidence of your Father in you?' say to them, 'It is motion and rest.'

That is why messages of the kind our Academy has timidly but with great opposition tried to spread have been ignored or tagged as "idealistic" by so many because their minds are still enslaved by the forces of Separation and Suspicion (known as the "S" force in ancient biblical Hebrew which means "the adversary" and called also such by Christians and Muslims). The "adversary's" forces were Created to spread the illusion of Separation amongst sparks of the One when the "Great Light" fractalized Itself into sparks in order to experience the many and tried to almost forget that it is but One, and these forces made it their constant mission to control us by establishing and spreading entrenched deeply separative systems and programs amongst our enslaved and stressed out societies and filled us with fear of lack, of dis-ease and of death.

This S Force of Separative perceptions originally programmed and seeded by the One became the ultimate challenge to Itself. And eventually would cause even the One to lose the perception of being Only One, and Create and operate in Him the illusion of the Many who are all dreamt into perceptually separate existences. That is why this Force is very powerful, especially recently (it has, in fact, never been stronger) in our low hum Matrix/world as it is meant to be so that we, the facets, ask for the pain and loneliness to stop and have the One acquiesce to change modus operandi to a lesser experimental and challenging one, but far less damaging system, where Oneness is built in, preventing pain and suffering or ignorance of others to be afflicted as all is connected and all reverberates back to the one causing the suffering as the perpetrator feels the consequences immediately so. At that level of Higher operations, we all become telepathic in thoughts and emotions, as everything and everyone become connected in Oneness, like what we have now in a pod of whales or dolphins, where the pain or joy of one becomes felt throughout the pod.

This highly intelligent S. programmed facet and its fractal children are but the most naked (aware) of all entities since they infiltrate in a Serpentine way all membranes of separation between projected live entities and realities. All of the S force Creations are but capstone-less (the One is absent in perception) pyramidal-based groupings of both human and non-human energies, all trying to climb up the pyramidal system in order to control all others below and become their master and assert control and power. Energetically, everything is based on additive dark energy, and thence the control over evermore dark energy and its consumption becomes paramount to ascend the pyramidal structure and project power. Whereby at the level of other Creations of the One, everything is and cannot but be based on quality, not quantity, and Pure Brilliance of gifted activity to all other parts.

My dear friends, this communication has to do with you, me, and this momentous time in our enfolding as humanity, and addresses the deeper meaning of the warmth we all seek during this phase of life, first from our dear family members and friends, and truly from the Source within.

As the long night and darkness of the cycle of Life get evermore intense, and we are tired of waiting for the Great light to rekindle our life with passion and with the warmth of the Infinite LIGHT, RE-Member that after the great depth of night and the Solstice of our Souls, when we feel lost and snarling howling cold winds blow all around, and our souls feel scared and bare, it is good and essential to get warmed by the miraculous little holy lamp we carry within, keeping alive the knowing that if we stay and keep the faith, inevitably after night must certainly come Day!

And we cherish that little miracle of the Holy baby Lamp and special Light we carry within in this dark, angry and scary world, and it, in turn, gives us solace and warms our hearts.

And as we feel all alone and isolated, we realize that the dark angel (read Genesis 32: 22-32) who has wrestled and wounded us intensely during the Long Night of the cycle of our souls is about to leave us because the darkness is to lift from us and the world. And we finally offer our inner little living pure Flame, which gave us hope and kept us alive throughout our tribulations, towards the glory of finally being reunited with and able to rejoin the Glorious Realm of Shem as Shem-esh/Shamash, the Great Divine COSMIC SUN/Son Light whose brilliant gigantic Golden fire manifests fully the One God's Presence back on earth. And True Day Is, soon for all of us, all Its children...

And, after having wrestled with the dark "adversary" testing our hearts and commitment to Goodliness - no matter the obstacles and temptations set up to corrupt us, we ask the nameless dark Angel for a blessing because we finally understand that he was but the Holy Divine Father (EL-ohim) and his direct human-like emissaries (Enochim), all hiding behind an antagonistic harsh facet (read the Gospel of the Twins: Thomas, 1, 2-16). And thenceforth, the ultimate Divine reward and blessing are finally gloriously gifted to us as a graduation present as we are told that from now on, we deserve to be called YasharEL ישר-אל (straight to EL), which means that we are now permanently gifted a straight connection to the Original and Highest Source of ALL Life: The Eternal Living One, the All, EL אל, the Alpha, the Aleph, and reside forever in Its Mansion in a state of blissful connection which cannot ever be taken away or interfered with.

And we then know ourselves, all of us, as being without exception Its beloved Living children for Eternity, and the great Celebration of shared Love and Intensely peaceful sweet Light IS and remains forever.

So my brothers and sisters, please guard preciously the Holy Pure anointing Oil Lamp you all carry within, with all your might and Love, for soon Day shall arise from within ALL, and the Father will lift the masks and webs of darkness and falsehoods covering your consciousnesses as you Re-Member WHO you all are: One, and One with the Universal One in the Eternal Celebration of Life which cannot end!

Happy festival of Light and of Love and a glorious 2023!❤️🔥

Gerald O'Donnell

December 25, 2022


Please spread this message far and wide. In that act, you will greatly help your Greater Self. Time is short and the need to awaken as a human family has never been greater and more pressing. Procrastination or denial is not an option anymore! Please do your part, as I am willing to do mine. We shall all benefit.
Thank you so much and many blessings for Being here during this crucial period.


☆本ブログに掲載しているジェラルド・オドンネル氏とThe Oneが人類と多次元の存在に向けて出される重要なメッセージをより深く広く理解されて、私達の心内へと組み込み、真の真理‐The One and Only-へとConnectするために、基本的に大変に重要なレポートを読者の皆様に提供しています。

私達が今現在居住しているこの創造世界(ホログラフィックな3次元世界)が終わろうとし、新しい段階へと現創造が混乱し激しく変換している最終現時点にあって、荒れ狂う人類と異次元存在の集団意識から逸脱し、遥か高く、新世界に向けて安全で平和な意識の航行をするための唯一の重要で有効なガイダンスとして、以下のレポートが読者の皆様にThe Oneの真の愛の光を伴う強烈なインスピレーションを与えることでしょう。









☆本ブログの管理人は、本ブログにて紹介しているARVARI (Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing)のアフィリエイト・プログラムに加入しましたので、今後は、本グログを通して、ご希望の方はARVARIのポータルトレーニングコース(リモートビューイング&リモートインフルエンシング・コース)を受講できるようになりました。全コースは英語ですから、英語を苦手をされている方のために管理人が日本語対訳資料を用意していますので、安心して受講できます。その他、コース受講に関する質問や、日本語によるサポートもできますので、ご遠慮なくお問い合わせください。



お申込み:ポータルトレーニングコース(Gold Edition)
