
日本や世界中の社会が混乱して狂走し、明日への希望やハピーな夢が持てない時代。このような時にこそ一度静かに周りの喧騒から離れて心奥深く入って、本当の自分(真の自我:True Yourself)を探して下さい。このブログはあなたがあなたの真の自我-高位自我 (Higher Self)を発見し感知できるようにお手伝いします。このブログを通してこれから大変な量の情報を読者の皆様に提供します。少し難解な言葉、学術的な表現、スピリチュアルな言葉等、理解しにくい内容も沢山出てきますが、ご期待ください。







That is all you should focus upon


January 1, 2023


I want to wish you all a beautiful happy New Year 2023! May it be filled with happiness, unity, and peace within and without, and let bundles of gifts rain from the Infinite Creator, animating us all into Its Being through His force: Life Force Itself. May you all STOP and implore to rejoin the True Joy of the Peace of One!


May Love be your lot, and the Lightening of the darkness within and without with seeds of Living Truth your only mission and goal.


It has become customary for me for over 20 years now to welcome each new year by being honored to receive and then share with the public a word-per-word message from the Unity Source alive within all of us and gifting us temporal Life.


I would always openly post that message with all of you to share the One's guidance and hopes for us.


These direct communications are all posted on our site and often recorded at the time when they were originally transmitted.


Please read them all, posted on our site under the category "Messages from the One." And if the original recording is available, do try to connect to the underlying vibration which permeated me when I spoke them.

ARVARIのサイトの「Messages from the One」のタイトルに掲載されているすべてのメッセージを読んで下さい。オリジナルなメッセージが録音されいるのであれば、是非聴いて下さい。私が声を出して話した時の、私の中に浸透した波動に接続するように聴いて下さい。

Print them ALL out and attempt to memorize them word per word, slowly, as if your Greater Inner Self were to talk directly to you, the small self. Every word is precious, counts, and is Truth and Holy.


I know that most did not until recently give these direct communications the attention they deserve, and I am fully conscious that this caused a feeling of great sadness at the level of the One.


You might find this statement from me as an individual facet to be unusual. I understand.


Nevertheless, supposing that you read these Direct communications from the One slowly and with an open mind, void of pre-judgment, it should then become evident that they have multi-dimensional depths of meaning and that no regular human speaks or writes like this. Therefore, their origin is not mine as the lower human self. And maybe a sense of reverence and greater attention shall eventually get attached to their content.


So please forgive the persona of the messenger and ONLY try and give attention to the message conveyed, which is the sole reason for it to appear.




This year's end, as I did every year before, I let go of all distractions and stayed within, awaiting the Holy Divine Presence to engulf me. And so it happened yesterday, December 31, 2022, around noon and continued for many hours until today, January 1, 2023.


The "Cloud of Glory of the Presence" did indeed permeate me, but although I was bathing in the solid Rock-like Light of One, this time only Silence and pure Stillness merged with me, and not a sound, not a single word, came out through my lips at the surface of my expression for hours on end.


The message was blocked. My lips remained silent. There was only the Silent "Presence."


I sensed great somberness and solemnity in the One and felt an inner pain of a nature I do not wish anyone to experience originating from the Great and Only True Being. I felt His disappointment as so few had even given a pittance of serious consideration to His words of Eternal Wisdom, which we posted on our site for any human to access His final Revelation, His teachings, and His Loving warnings.


So on that day, yesterday, The One told me that He had said all He needed to say, at least for now.

そして、昨日(1月1日)、The Oneは「少なくとも今現在、言わなければならなことはすべて言った」と私に話されました。

In ALL these direct messages, The One explicitly stated His Holy Desire for shared Oneness and Love to spread across the multiverse Uni-verses because only Oneness could reflect His Being.

これらすべての直接のメッセージにおいて、The Oneは、Onenessのみが彼のの存在を反映できるのであるから、共通のOnenessと愛が多重・多次元宇宙を通して拡散するという彼の神聖が欲求を明白に述べられたのです。

He foretold probable future paths we should avoid and ones we should espouse. He sent physically manifested global events to prove without any possibility of a doubt that His warnings needed to be taken seriously, which was not given ANY real attention by most.


The One felt that the response had been far below what He expected, even in a worst-case scenario.

The Oneは人々の反応は、最悪のシナリオにあっても彼が期待したより、はるかに少なかったと感じられたのです。


To the One and Only, the Silence from humanity to His pleas became deafening.

The One and Onlyに向けて、彼の懇願に対して、人類は沈黙して静まり返ったのです。


Humans, as the only Creatures gifted genuine free will, had again stubbornly ignored and rejected the desires of their One Creator; therefore, by corollary, it was but inevitable that the Creator shall reflect their neglect of Its Great Infinite Self back, and thence ignore them in kind and become deaf to their desires and pleas.

純粋な自由意志を与えられた唯一の創造物である人間は、再び頑固に人間の唯一の創造主(クリエーター)であるThe Oneの欲求を無視し拒否しました。それゆえ、当然の結果として、クリエーター(The One)は人間が「偉大なる無限の自我」に背を向け無視するのであって、それゆえに、同じやり方で人間を無視して、人間の欲求と懇願を聞かれないのです。

As the One said in one of His messages, He had no interest in being worshiped, which is but a manifestation of fear, but had a great need to be Loved and listened to.

The Oneの一メッセージにおいて「礼拝は、恐怖の一表現(顕現)であって、(私は)礼拝されることに興味はない。しかし、愛されて、聞かれなければならない」と言われました。


The True Divine nature is intrinsically Oneness manifested as unconditional Love, and forms the Living Principle of ONE, as the only Reality that can be.


That is why if ONE is whole, one will be filled with LIGHT, but if ONE is divided, one will be filled with darkness!


This is the One immutable rule in our Creational system, which creates consciousness as self-reflective awareness as we operate as both the Hidden Universal Superconscious One and the many human consciousnesses, reflecting each other's thoughts.


However, an unusual twist was introduced in this most experimental of all Creations to increase surprises to the One and operate this plane as a distillation process of consciousness amongst His entities to test the many. In order to achieve such, this Creational simulation lattice/Matrix was programmed to offer first choice and greater Creative quotients and preponderance to the many human facets over the desires of the One, at least during this very challenging phase, and thence more extensive free will. This is how extensive free will was Created and set up amongst and for His Creatures.


And thenceforth, as has been forewarned since eons ago by selfless messengers/direct-projections of the One who, for the most part, became themselves the object of rejection and basically ignored by the many throughout ages of human co-Creation, the rebellion of the many over the desires of the One for them, grew to tremendous proportions due to the children of the earth Matrix preferring separation and division over unity and re-integration into the One.



The One and Only felt, especially since 2014, that His Truth of Oneness, as Love and Pure Light manifested through the only true unexplained ever-present miracle: Life Itself, had not found its way in the hearts of men/women overly influenced by dark thought-forms energy attachments and prior distorted belief systems and programs.

特に2014年以来、The One and Onlyは、唯一の説明不可能な存続する奇跡‐生命そのもの‐を通して顕現された愛と純粋な光としてのOneのOnenessの真理は、付着する暗黒の思考エネルギー体と昔の歪曲された信仰システム及びプログラムによって過度の影響を受けている男性・女性の心内に見付けられなかったと、感じられました。

And the realization grew that as their hearts and minds had turned stone cold, The One probably might have no choice but to turn His face again away from them soon, after having risen from the Silent Stillness into words and intervention around the mid-1940s.


Their rejection of Oneness became even more acute lately as an ever-growing army of dark, rebellious separative forces either manifested as flesh or sub-conscious energies blocked most messages trying to spread Truth from having a wide receptive impact.


The One realized that by acting as such, chances became slim that humans would successfully overcome and survive their extreme separative tendencies.


On the contrary, their belated obsessions with division manifested ever-growing strife and violence against each other, and the destruction of the “original Divine Garden” their shared environment, the plant, and animal Kingdoms, and polluted our collective mind’s atmosphere, our oceans, earth, and sky, and thence the Oneness of God.


Preventing and solving such a sad state would necessitate an unprecedented level of Direct Intervention, which became highly challenging to the One and to the Very High Energies who were brought down to our plane to be of help because chaos grew exponentially fast and mighty everywhere.



The One had warned in some of the messages which we conveyed, that this time, in this Creation, instead of having The One save the many as was usually the case, the system had been designed here so that the many needed to save the One first by espousing the concept of them being but One and acting upon it.



Then and only then would The One descend in vibrations from Its perceived Dwelling in solitary Stillness, undetectable by the vibratory world, and spread and expand within them and rejoin them as Oneness halfway.


And then, if full cooperation by Its human entities manifested, this and many other Creations of this Great Tree of Life would be rewarded by climbing up to Pure Light levels of manifestation that we cannot even imagine. Man would thenceforth become imbued with most of the qualities and powers of his Creator.


Alas, the One's Dream for them eluded Him, and we, as mankind, ignored His pleas.


The One felt that since out of PURE STILLNESS, sound, word, and activity had aroused recently through His messages and His direct influence and interventions, and none of them had achieved any profound perceivable effect in stirring hearts away from conflict and separation, He would and should thenceforth remain silent again for a while, for a period.








☆本ブログに掲載しているジェラルド・オドンネル氏とThe Oneが人類と多次元の存在に向けて出される重要なメッセージをより深く広く理解されて、私達の心内へと組み込み、真の真理‐The One and Only-へとConnectするために、基本的に大変に重要なレポートを読者の皆様に提供しています。

私達が今現在居住しているこの創造世界(ホログラフィックな3次元世界)が終わろうとし、新しい段階へと現創造が混乱し激しく変換している最終現時点にあって、荒れ狂う人類と異次元存在の集団意識から逸脱し、遥か高く、新世界に向けて安全で平和な意識の航行をするための唯一の重要で有効なガイダンスとして、以下のレポートが読者の皆様にThe Oneの真の愛の光を伴う強烈なインスピレーションを与えることでしょう。









☆本ブログの管理人は、本ブログにて紹介しているARVARI (Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing)のアフィリエイト・プログラムに加入しましたので、今後は、本グログを通して、ご希望の方はARVARIのポータルトレーニングコース(リモートビューイング&リモートインフルエンシング・コース)を受講できるようになりました。全コースは英語ですから、英語を苦手をされている方のために管理人が日本語対訳資料を用意していますので、安心して受講できます。その他、コース受講に関する質問や、日本語によるサポートもできますので、ご遠慮なくお問い合わせください。



お申込み:ポータルトレーニングコース(Gold Edition)








ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(1) - 真の真理から新世界へ


ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(2) - 真の真理から新世界へ