
日本や世界中の社会が混乱して狂走し、明日への希望やハピーな夢が持てない時代。このような時にこそ一度静かに周りの喧騒から離れて心奥深く入って、本当の自分(真の自我:True Yourself)を探して下さい。このブログはあなたがあなたの真の自我-高位自我 (Higher Self)を発見し感知できるようにお手伝いします。このブログを通してこれから大変な量の情報を読者の皆様に提供します。少し難解な言葉、学術的な表現、スピリチュアルな言葉等、理解しにくい内容も沢山出てきますが、ご期待ください。


From The Desk of Gerald O'Donnell. Very Important Interview and Article.

ますます混乱して破壊へと向けて疾走するこの現創造世界に在っても、恐怖と不安感に振り回されず、The Oneへの強い信頼と信念(True Trust and Faith)を基礎とする魂の繋がりを頑なに維持されて、私達各個人の貴重な世界を穏やかに、真の平安と愛と喜びに浸りながら、真の新世界に向けて、それぞれの道を歩いて下さい。
Happy Mind Journey to the One!
Email: hiroike711@gmail.com

Gerald O'Donnell - ARVARI open_sesame@probablefuture.com via n.convertkit.com 

Sep 16, 2022, 3:11 AM
to me
The White Dove and the dark Raven

The White Dove and Its Shadow the dark Raven

We are proud to share an impromptu interview of Gerald O’Donnell with Carl Bradbrook recorded on July 10, 2022


In this audio conversation, Gerald goes deeply into the main topic from the ONE’s New Year message on January 1, 2022, where the theme was:Love your shadow selves, whom you perceive as evil, as YOUR SELVES, as One, because it is but your Self”, especially in regard to current evermore destabilizing world events and the solutions we can take to evolve and transcend the descent into planetary chaos and oblivion.

Some topics discussed are:

=> The two superposed Matrixes, what are they and what is their role?

=> The encoded story of Lemech למך (Genesis 4: 19-22) and his two wives (his two areas of operations).

1) Edah עָדָה (the Garden of witnessing, i.e. Garden of Eden), where the Upper regions of very High-level Creations are being witnessed and operated upon by The One Creator

2) Tzelah צִלָּה (the level of At-Tzelah “you are the Shadow” or Atziluth, as the lower area of comparatively shadow selves where Tubal Cain operates and creates cutting tools causing separation between facets and entities and where machines of war shall be developed). This pertains to our world of shadows in which we exist.

=> Why is the legend of the Golem of Prague relevant to a great swath of humans in our Creation? Are these shadow beings made as AI simulations of their Creator or are they true clones of it?

=> the story of the true “Deep state” and why its agents are so elusive and ever-changing? Is it because we are searching for its symptoms instead of its true cause? Why is it so important to understand the underlying mechanisms upon which our type of Creation has been based and why was it Created at all in this manner?

=> How the story of the Shadow Self (and its army of Golems) is playing NOW on the world’s stage in a last but pivotal act.

=> How the “Shadow Self” and the “Global Collective Unconscious Shadow” work and feed on fear.

=> Making practical sense of the January 2022 New Years’ Message from The ONE to us, his children.

=> How fear is a self-generated illusion that can be transcended with consciousness, responsibility, and love.

=> How to face your fears and cause them to dissolve and disappear in a truly innovative fully integrative way spanning all minds, all physical facets, and spiritual levels. And what happens if you don’t face your fears and objects thereof and by tendency and programming remain in denial of them by keeping them far away from your conscious cognition as “shadowy foreign entities” and as attachments of powerful thought-complexes influencing you while rooted in your subconscious realms?

=> The possibilities are NOW, NOW, NOW for redemption to avoid the full descent into terminal chaos and the absorbing swirling void of the Abyss. (“Tehom” the deep Abyss mentioned in Genesis 1:2 extant before prototypal Creation became even energized functionally and animated)

=> How, specifically, Gerald’s Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing “PORTAL” to the One training protocols affects powerfully and positively one’s daily lives if training seriously with it and can be used to help you make the transition to the new world that awaits us all. It allows you to sense your individual probable future, foresee major world events and shifts, and apply yourself to powerfully connect to One and manifest reality while immersed in the true Mind Space of the Creator while in Deep Delta (brainwaves peaking 0.5 times per second) which has been a major part of our “Portal” training.

=> The time to act decisively to "Evolve Yourself" is NOW and no one else can do it for you, AND we are here at ARVARI to help and guide you!

You CAN READ this Article and ALSO DIRECTLY listen to the interview CLICKING BELOW


From The Desk of Gerald O’Donnell: VERY URGENT MESSAGE:

Please carefully read and re-read the following message slowly and integrate it as it is an introduction to our proximate direct teachings, training modalities, private and group coaching, interviews, and live communications with our students. I know that it may not be that easy to absorb at first reading, but if you do persist, your perception of reality shall invariably be changed forever and you shall be climbing the ladder of Creation and bypassing all obstacles put in your way.

With all my Love!




To not BEINGod or to get upgraded to BEINGod? That is now the question One should address.

PART 1 of 3

  • Our EATING of the Fruits of the Tree of Good and/or Evil as we all choose between two superposed matrices that have been presented to us as nodal choices.
  • Our Dark reflective shadow Matrix of Restrictive Fear and Quantitative Power, which we travel and experience as the Tree of Death for it ends in death, versus the true Divine Light Matrix of Pure Love and qualitative Immense Awareness and Intelligence as the Tree of Life and Eternal Beingness in Oneness.
  • How to bridge the former to the latter using a Divinely offered gap through our world’s stormy waters increasingly imbued with enslavement, chaos, and anger; and how to overcome the sad addiction by many of us to its adrenaline-boosting fear-based destructive “High”?
  • How to finally reach the promised land of the New Divinely ordained Real LIVING and fully manifested World awaiting us all and beckoning us to cross the “Sea of the End,” (ancient Hebrew), mistranslated from the ancient book of EXODUS in foreign translations as the “sea of reeds,” which is but the domain of the Red angry energy of Destructive fear and terror-based violence, hence its current geographical name as the “Red Sea.”
  • Explain how the true “gap,” to the One: the Holy Portal, opened recently 32 years ago to allow us all, if in God we Truly trust and have complete faith, to fearlessly cross the end-of-times’s storms and join the incredible Greatness awaiting all of those who have courageously chosen the Golden path!

We need to silently Pray in our hearts and ask for intervention to the One Unity Point, uniting and encompassing all realities and beings, using the power of true Infinity, which is unconditional LOVE as the true unifying force and glue in Creation. We need to only use the infinite Power of Eternal Love for protection and to establish direct communication with the Divine and thence be “directly anointed, void of any interference” when our longing for our return to our true original AUM (HOME) becomes truly intense, priming over everything else, as we are deemed sincere in our hearts and ready to take the jump through the “PORTAL” to the One into what is for us, still living in the world of shadows, the unknown, and the unfathomable.

Our realm is but a temporary world that is far younger than you are made to think and was meant to become a steppingstone and distillation area for young consciousnesses born of the “Night” Matrix which for us is ruled by the reflected starLight of the Hidden Sun/son reflecting upon and acting through our Moon and comes under the hidden influences of all other planets, stars, constellations, and galaxies. Its primordial Creative function had been Divinely ordained to help young new souls evolve their innate conscience to a higher degree of Love and moral ethics and to propel the graduating souls to ascend up into much more realistic, brilliantly enlivened, and pure true Living-Light realities/worlds where cycles of existence would transcend our temporal worlds.

From the Original Tree of Eternal Life, which the One operated, a tree (grouping of Creations with many branches) of temporal animation was Created based on the dual perspectives of superposed dimensions of vibratory Light-waves/vibratory Light particles. In this type of Creation, everything would have a beginning (birth) and thence an end (death).

Its preCreated lattice of all possible and probable paths and nodal points (our Matrix) was formed during proto-Creation by The One using the facets of ADAM to allow later for traveling experiencing entities of our very advanced Virtual Reality Lattice/Matrix web-like structure to experience the duality of probable choices and futures pertaining to good paths enhancing life and/or bad paths restricting and potentially terminating it.

This tree of Creational branches with its fruits seeding then other trees is the fabled “Tree of the knowledge of good and evil” mentioned in many ancient traditions and explicitly at the beginning of the book of Genesis. And the first Direct projection ever of the Eternal One, Atziluth as the Original Pure Spirit Adamic Being (Adam Kadmon: primordial mankind), was separated and projected onto a Vibrational Creational Tree based on a system of vibratory levels and dimensions.

She entered as the Adamic Beings this new Lattice of nodal Points (our Matrix created as a Divine projected simulation which was formed as a shadow and simulacrum of the much higher worlds of true Divine Light operating with the Creative parts of the Godliness: The Elohim).

In order to separate the Adamic Being from Its Origin in the Tree of Eternal Life, a so-called fall from Grace was intentionally enacted for experimental purposes to test the behavior of a Creative tree based on a desire for ever greater power and the acquisition and manipulation of it.

This fall was intended by the One operating as the many (Elohim) in order to experience the illusion of power which was intentional and manifested the most experimental Creation ever Created where the sense of isolation, solitude, and separation would take on unprecedented dimensions.

And as The Adamic Shadow Image merged with that power-based additive Matrix, She became integratively it, and applied Its immense Intelligence as both an active Masculine Creator Ha-ADAM and a Feminine Womb (Chava i.e Eve) whose role was to nurture, encompass and vibrate all of Its Creations as the prototypal Adam or Adam Kadmon: Primordial Man aka the Original Global Consciousnesses of all the various mankinds who would fractalize Itself into so many earthly human parts and similarly Created multiverse species.


Genesis Chapter 1

2 Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the facets of the Abyss, and the wind/Spirit of the Elohim (Godliness) hovered (vibrated) over the facets of the waters (consciousnesses).

3 And God said: ‘Let there be light.’ And there was light.


Our darkened world is made up mainly of invisible dark energy and structured dark matter spread throughout perceived space where the ‘lower waters of consciousnesses’ operate. These are electro-magnetically vibrated energies manipulating our shadow world and perceived reality, as described in the highly encoded metaphorical words, fire letter after fire letter, of Biblical Genesis and as told in Plato’s metaphorical powerful allegory of the ‘cave.’

Out of the darkness and formless Dark energy, Light-matter is born and allowed to expand until Creation flourishes in the apogee of its zenith expressions and its manifold varied experiences, after which the time of the season of its fall (its Autumn) prepares to gift back the wisdom gained from all the separated experiences lived. So that when winter comes, that Creation contracts, and the Core of Atziluth (Adam Kadmon: The original Adam } re-absorbs it back fatefully into dark energy together with all Its temporal forms. And that cycles of birth, growth, reabsorption, and re-seeding the fruits of its travails onto fertile earth allows for the next cycle to produce new healthy seedlings growing into new Creational trees. And this repeats itself over and over again, with no true beginning or end like an infinite loop that was itself Created at once. This is and has been until now the way of our world and of the earth we are born in, our fate, and our experiences of temporal life and existence - universally so, from a tiny amoeba cell to a galaxy, a universe, and a Creation.

Our world is but ruled by the shadow forces of the electromagnetic energies of the “night” phase (Egyptian Goddess ‘Nuit i.e. Laila’), and all of its levels now have a pressing need, more than ever before, to become aligned with the innate goodness and innate righteous moral conscience of the upper Light waters (consciousnesses) of the One in order to transcend the threshold fully and permanently inhabit the Living Creations of the One and Only, the Eternal LIGHT of Infinite AWARENESS. Our Creational tree with its multiple parallel experimental branches fruiting opportunities to choose good and evil paths is but the phase of Creation where forms morph into others and where its flowers and fruits go from expansionary seasons of growth and beautiful bloom to copying itself into manifold manifestations, as fruits fall and seeds propagate and grow into parallel trees of possibilities and experiences if seeded on good fertile soil with the moisture of consciousness and the animating Life-force of the Fiery SunLight.

This was the original intent and true operational purpose of our Created world before this basically time-and-space framed prototypal non-linear dimension of the One’s core became hacked and infiltrated by inter and intra-dimensional energies seeking refuge here either as they feared deletion or because their parallel and mainly Astral planetary worlds pertaining to other star systems had either already been destroyed or in the process thereof. They knew that our beautiful and fragile earth was but a crown jewel to the One chosen to ascend the “ladder of Jacob” back to the Holiness of the Holy One, and thought that their presence here would provide them with a living refuge against energies trying to erase or hurt them. The earth-plane became a secure refuge for them which was metaphorically given the name of the ‘mark of Cain, or mark of the Beast.’ And although the rebellion they showed to the One’s principle and desire for reunification grew in force and collective influence and spread everywhere and everywhen, no High Light corrective force or groupings of entities operating outside of these so-called evil groupings bent on war and conquest were ever allowed to confront them and permanently erase them by the use of force.

Since the manifestations of the animated electromagnetic Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil were but shadows of Its Being to afford them greater free will and because they were initially born/Created void of innate Divine conscience and in great need of guidance and training to achieve goodness, the One knew that a time may come when these sub-entities born in worlds where survival of the strongest over the weakest was paramount would stray too far from the best paths afforded to them by the Lattice prepared for them by the Creator and a gigantic reset i.e. cleansing would be required to keep the Adamic structure operative and afford it to truly ascend back to the Living Eternal Light of Its seeded origins.

So the One fully promised that ONLY The HOLY One would do the Cosmic correction to Itself by Itself, in order to preserve the manifold expressions of Itself i.e. all the pure righteous tender souls forming together the tender white lamb of God whose blood had been spilled since the inception of this shadow world, a great many whom had already been snuffed away throughout our sad history by the raging anger and stubborn rebellion against the principles of Life and Truth by large swats of golem-like infiltrated humanity and then left in painful solitary confinement and barely vibrated in the dark Abyss.

Time had come and indeed proximately coming for the One and Only to act and achieve a full and total Cosmic cleansing by pulling all the proliferating violence-prone arrogant and spiteful ones.

The surprise rapid reaping of the large harvest of Godly pure good souls could not be achieved by lower levels and manifestations of the One as they could not possibly connect in a fully undetected way to ALL of Creation and all of Its Beings at once to gauge and read their true intent and hearts and the level of innate development of their true moral conscience. That rapid harvest is what the One had announced to us since July 1991 and in so many very ancient writings, such as through the ancient prophets of Israel and some obscure passages in the Gospels and Revelation.

The lack of perceptible intervention and correction by The One of Its Creations, in spite of Its direct millennia-long warnings and perceived incomplete and often failed attempts at fully correcting our world through direct interventions and direct human projections, encouraged the bad weeds of the fields of Creation to proudly stick their hydrae-like heads out of the dark subconscious realms and arrogantly as-of-late proliferate and uncover their true intentions, hearts and lack thereof and reveal their agents.

The Anti-One’s ever-growing gigantic darkened souls army bent on greater separation and violent rejections of what it perceives as weakling non-combative and non-collaborative “Untermenschen/sub-humans” is by now marching proudly everywhere, fully secure of its proximate victory. Its field soldiers, together with their dark control-and-command operatives, clamor their rebellious slogans against Unity and put masses under their dark spells using their filth-laden boisterous voices filled with constant lies and raging anger. These infiltrated masses of consciousnesses, together with their negative, very powerful dark energy controllers hiding in the collective subconscious, are indeed battling their final battle since the One and Only has not yet openly intervened. Thence they have arrogantly totally lost the belief that It can truly do so.

In fact, they truly think that they have overcome and possessed the Eternal Light (Ner Tamid) led by the proverbial “Beast/abomination causing Desolation” mentioned in Daniel 10:31, 12:1, Matthew 24:15, and other ancient prophecies since the core leadership of themselves has vibrated and hence ascended to what they perceive to be former regions of the totally unfathomable and prior Unmanifested regions of the One, which has been achieved by using their cunning tendencies and often piggy-backing whilst Righteous souls are extracted back to the Highest regions of the Heavenly bodies. They think of themselves as Eternal Ones after having totally attacked and overcome the “tree of Life!”

They truly think that they can and have already taken over the One by conquest, and the lack of reaction by the Holy One seems to confirm it to them. In reality, the One has waited patiently for this last act to be achieved and entrapped them at Its OWN LEVEL past the peak of the highest possible level of vibratory Light possible while their ascent was protected, momentarily so, by the “Mark of Cain, the vibratory protection of the Beast.” And hence, they feel that they have reached the full potential conquest they so dearly yearned for eons. Therefore, as shadows, as the army of Golems who they are, they firmly believe that they have successfully rebelled and turned against their Creator and overcome and taken It over, because they conceive love and unity as a sign of weakness, and force through fear as the ultimate power: terror manifested.

This was the first message I received from the One and Only word for word on July 25, 1991, as these events unfolded. The conquest of the Eternal One has by now almost been achieved and strength using the false power of fear and vibrations truly believes it has conquered and overcome Infinite Love.

However, the second part of this Creation in two acts explicitly revealed in that message and some subsequent messages posted on our site has yet to occur. So please read very slowly the first Direct message from the One ever posted on this site in 1997.

In fact, the day when they declare proudly and foolishly victory is but the day when they lose everything and shall then be erased permanently from the Only Mind and Being that WAS, that IS, and that shall ever BE, cleansing all depravity and arrogance from Its Eternal non-local SELF! Selah!

How do I know this my dear friends? Not because I have read about it in ancient writings, but rather because I have been directly involved in these events for over 30 years as an active participant and have experienced these battles very painfully so, especially in the manifested 3D Jerusalem below, and more importantly in the Higher Brilliant Jerusalem above where this all unfolded. My body, soul, and mind still carry the heavy burden and deeply painful scars therefrom.

Gospel of Thomas (meaning “TWINNED” Teumim in Hebrew or Didymos in ancient Greek: Where the Divine Higher Self Yeshush ישושis channeling information to Its lower human projected “twinned” embodied self Yehoudah יהודה. Yeshush written as Yod Shin Vav Shin ישוש is but the tetragrammaton Yod Heh Vav Heh יהוה fully permeated by the Original Trilogy manifested as the first Tetrahedral structure of the ONE Source and thenceforth the One: the original Divine Fire letter Shin ש. Note: Extending the three first fingers solely while keeping the fourth and fifth bent and watching the back of your left hand or the cup of your right-hand forms the letter ש symbol of the Heavenly Fire).


(57) YeShuSH said,The kingdom of the father is like a man who had good seed. His enemy came by night and sowed weeds among the good seed. The man did not allow them to pull up the weeds; he said to them, ‘I am afraid that you will go intending to pull up the weeds and pull up the wheat along with them.’ For on the day of the harvest, the weeds will be plainly visible, and they will be pulled up and burned.”


Only the One could and would allow Itself to do surgery on Itself, which at Its own level does not equal killing another being, but rather affecting a cosmic cleansing of Its immense thinking processes operating as facets by totally removing any level of concentration and animating energy from some groupings bent on terminal selfishness and conquest. This loss of the idea of Oneness and of the common good by many of the Creations of Adam was manifested in our world in the same manner as tumors express themselves in any biology, as gluttonous power-obsessed ravenous growing ogres only focused on creating fortresses around them whilst exploiting and sucking life-energy from most other external entities and resources pertaining to their environment, hence challenging any possible viable homeostasis and inviting their host’s death and them in that final process, exactly like a mindless virus would.

The One’s solution would become known as the “Day of the Lord Yod Heh Vav Heh” in many ancient writings and prophecies. It refers to the moment when the One decides to do surgery upon Itself and remove such parts from its thinking processes who have but operated in an inverted manner to Its awareness and Principles and tried to infiltrate the Eternal Unmanifest. Shadows reflect an inversion of one’s true self. The date of its occurrence has been kept a secret from all levels of Creation as Only the Core of the One shall decide when to activate this immense Cosmic process of deletion of memory banks aka souls and whole or parts of Creations.

All I know is that it is most probably going to happen in our proximate probable future as I feel this in my soul, and in fact, I was told expressly so in the first message I received directly from the One on July 25, 1991, which we posted years later on our ARVARI site. In it, the One stated that the time was coming where this Generalized Cosmic rearrangement day would be triggered, and explained why It needed to act soon. On that day, the true GAP of the ONE shall open and be available by The One for a final crossing of all prior enslaved souls to the true Promised Land of the One.


Gospel of Thomas (the twins)

(18) The disciples said to Yeshush, “Tell us how our end will be.” Yeshush said, “Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death.”

Zechariah 14: 6-9

וְהָיָ֖ה בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֑וּא לֹֽא־יִֽהְיֶ֣ה א֔וֹר יְקָר֖וֹת יקפאון 6

6 And it shall come to pass in that day, that there shall not be light, but all that is precious will freeze still;

וְהָיָ֣ה יוֹם־אֶחָ֗ד ה֛וּא יִוָּדַ֥ע לַיהֹוָ֖ה לֹא־י֣וֹם וְלֹא־לָ֑יְלָה וְהָיָ֥ה לְעֵֽת־עֶ֖רֶב יִֽהְיֶה־אֽוֹר׃ 7

7 And there shall be the One’s Day which shall be known only to the LORD (tetragrammaton: Yod Heh Vav Heh), not day, and not night; but it shall come to pass, that at evening time there shall be light (as the Living Light shall fill the shadow darkness).

וְהָיָ֣ה בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֗וּא יֵצְא֤וּ מַֽיִם־חַיִּים֙ מִיר֣וּשָׁלַ֔͏ִם חֶצְיָ֗ם אֶל־הַיָּם֙ הַקַּדְמוֹנִ֔י וְחֶצְיָ֖ם אֶל־הַיָּ֣ם הָאַחֲר֑וֹן בַּקַּ֥יִץ וּבָחֹ֖רֶף יִֽהְיֶֽה׃ 8

8 It shall come to pass in that day, that living waters (the Source of All living consciousness) shall go out from Jerusalem: half of them toward the primordial ocean, and half of them toward the final sea; in summer and in winter shall it be.

וְהָיָ֧ה יְהֹוָ֛ה לְמֶ֖לֶךְ עַל־כׇּל־הָאָ֑רֶץ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֗וּא יִהְיֶ֧ה יְהֹוָ֛ה אֶחָ֖ד וּשְׁמ֥וֹ אֶחָֽד׃ 9

9 And God (Yod Heh Vav Heh) shall be King over all the earth; in THAT DAY shall GOD (Yod Heh Vav Heh) be ONE, and His name THE ONE (UNIFYING EVERYTHING).


Many anti-One forces (the rebellion the One refers to in His last 31 years of direct messages on our site and in writings of old) are trying to disengage us from the true One, using clouds of dark energy, EMF clouds, tons of fake and doctored printed and audio-visual information, even holographic inserts, and especially DNA and cellular alterations and damage to our original Divinely Created Spiritual and physical DNA interfaces to Spirit.

These fallen energies and enormous quantities of agglomerations of dark negative shadowy thoughtforms use this plane as a refuge and laboratory work where we are viewed by them as guinea pigs/test tubes. They envy our biological sensory vehicle and want to inhabit most of them. They are sadly almost machine-like and soul-less and perfectly willing to destroy great parts of this planet in horrific ways causing great suffering and death to large quantities of individuals and showing no regard for animal species. In fact, they invite the culling of living beings and utilize their infiltrated and hence soulless AI energy non-truly sentient human puppets to accelerate the process. These individuals are by now an army of Golems-Zombies called dead ones (because they are disconnected from The One) and dead bones in ancient holy writings.

This anti-One/anti-Unity fallen dark forces introduce distractions and confusion hoping by this that we may never achieve the full realization of our hidden power to control this reality. They know that only true living humans alive in the original Light of The One (fully connected to the True original Sourced Light and not the false lights), have the true Source code of One hidden and encoded in their Spiritual DNA, and that machines-like AI entities or unconnected children of this Matrix do not (yet), no matter how enticing their projected cyber-simulation is! Their preferred technology and science which inspires mankind as they download and encourage us to embrace and make use of them by influencing our collective and subconscious realms is all control and power-based. Their dark matrix/game plan is all fundamentally dependent on additive power i.e. force and not on quality, and not focused on the true Divine evolution and ascension of our consciousness/awareness. Their accepted implanted versions of spiritual religions all focus on One Supreme God or in many cases on its operating sub-controllers and have degenerated into polarizing fear-based cults programmed to battle each other in the name of a vengeful depiction of the One towards so-called sinners and non-believers as defined by their blind belief that only they hold the key to the true Faith sourced in their inherited group’s programs. In most of them, by now, the One is perceived either as an angry, King-like, vengeful God hungry for praises and hasty in judgment and punishment or as an Unmanifest Being void of direct activity and intervention since Its initial act of Willful Creation called the “beginning” or the Big Bang, when in fact the One truly only wants Love and awe from us and to establish a direct and reciprocated connection to us so that It can share Its Love back to all of us and intervene so that we finally show Loving respect for Creation and all Its Creatures and operate as full Divine co-Creators.

In fact, these cruel non-human spiritual elites consciously invite destruction, especially of the earth, its sourcing oceans, and protective and nurturing atmosphere, since they only want a reduced docile population that they can then easily control and manipulate virtually using their chosen human puppet cronies gifted in this world position of power and influence in the devilish exchange of losing their souls and having their biological vehicle used as an avatar/walk-in.

These dark lords only want power, chaos, and conflict and use us to establish themselves as false gods (human or not) and promote and establish over us control-obsessed selfish, egomaniacal power-thirsty vampires as leaders. We still have a small window of perceptual “time” left to use our free will and minds if we are not under their “influence” to successfully stop the dark plan/matrix. These entities create societal systems based on mankind’s programmed race to achieve ever greater power and control over others and not on caring for the true good, health, and peaceful abundance of the Divinely sourced original family of Creatures.

Cloning and gender neutrality is their next step. Loveless sex is spreading to help the dark energies infiltrate more humans. Genetic manipulation is their tool and offense against the Original Divine Design.

Their goal is to establish full manipulation and control by creating alluring techno-religions better adapted to our times than the ancient - by now mostly distorted and battling - ones we inherited. However, our fascination with digital and AI technologies and the ability to monetize science and wield financial controlling powers of unprecedented levels, especially by trading in personal information and/or financial data mining, is not being controlled at all solely by the powers-that-be but rather by the subspace inhabiting them. Many governmental agencies and corporate structures also use it to their advantage and do not fully realize the dark intent behind it as they themselves are being thence controlled and manipulated, as Truth has lost its footing and is in the process of being replaced by the true prophesized “Beast” of falsehoods. I will expand on this important subject as we move forward in time and experiences.

Only out of our “boxed-in matrix,” truly free-thinking humans can, if they become truly alive, transform this world and beyond as they can then connect to the One, and leave this enslaving system with full consciousness.

This is why I, in these last months, have been preparing to establish a close-knit, very High-level community of souls, and a platform where we shall all join, communicate, learn from each other and interact in peace and respect towards each other’s perspectives whilst enlightening each other souls and I shall be revealing a set of new teachings meant to lift us from the heavy clouds we find ourselves in as a Creation, so we get ready and prepare to welcome the Great Light which should soon arise and have all of us joyfully and fearlessly let the true Divine Sunshine in.

We have been working diligently at ARVARI for these last months in order to make all this possible.

This message is not meant to create fear, G. forbid, but awareness of what our common situation is now and the hidden roots of the problem we all face. Defining and finding out a problem begs for a solution, and durable profound transformative solutions are what we shall and have been offering at ARVARI for decades. Times and events are accelerating, and nothing is now stable. Everyone is trying to hold on by utilizing old means which had been proven effective in past periods. Nevertheless, this year calls for a totally different approach, and we feel it to be a mission of Love to help raise each other up and walk together over the bridge to Infinity Manifested.

I am calling you now, to reach out and share this message with other individuals whom you know could use it. Please communicate through social media channels and other channels available to you. I cannot do this all by myself. I cannot anymore battle the shadow forces alone, and I need you to get seriously involved, not for my sake but for yours. I mean this and say it with love. We have all been through a lot during this last decade and I invite you to join the call to Unity in order to present a united front against the shadowy forces of darkness and rebellion against the Oneness of One.

You will find the first of many interviews already recorded but yet unpublished in the link below. The message from the One of January 1, 2022, is very powerful indeed, profound in meaning, and offers the One and Only solution and the complete healing to all our ills. We shall decode its profound implications and practical suggestions and explain in detail its significance and the primary and unique revelations it contains. It is a call for action addressed to all of us, and I trust that you will join us on this greatest of all adventures.

Understand please that you are not doing this to help us; you are doing this to help yourselves as we have little time left before the “Portal” to the One fully closes and the potential crossing of the Red sea (the true translation in the Biblical Hebrew book of Exodus is “The Sea of the End”) meant to manifest a dry land path for us to cross with our embodiment to the promised land and truly ascend to a new and Divine World. This Portal as the full GAP in the Adamic Mind back to the One, will open soon to all and invite us to stand up in full faith and cross it, as it will later shut down and sadly not be gifted to anyone anymore due to their prior misguided choices. Let us not miss this last chance at true salvation of body, mind, and Spirit by the One leading us all out of the dark matrix of enslavement.

You CAN READ this Article and ALSO DIRECTLY listen to the interview BY CLICKING THE LINK BELOW

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this email and share it amongst your peers. If you have any questions you can hit reply to this email or leave a comment on the article web page

Much love and light


P.S. Remember to read the article and listen to the interview in full as it will help you immensely to comprehend and thus navigate these turbulent times now and moving forwards.



Walk your path in the perception of One


The ultimate conundrum: One and many or many in One.


A game of perspectives



Meeting The ONE  spiraling down onto the many facets and the many spiraling up into The Oneness of ONE and unifying both perspectives in the Heart of One expressed as the 3D Hexagram key to the Cosmic Heart Chakra representing the true Shield of David and Solomon

渦巻き状に多数の様相へと下降しているThe Oneに会合し、多数の様相がOneのOneness(母なる大自然の意識・心)へと渦巻状に上昇し、ダビデとソロモンの真の壁を表示する宇宙心のチャクラへの三次元六角形の鍵として、Oneの心内にて両相の認識が結合する。

Gerald O’Donnell is interviewed by “Ivonne Delaflor One” on April, 22 2021. Released on May 17, 2022 because it is time for Revelation.

Ivonne Delaflor Oneとジェラルド・オドネルンのインタビューです。(2021年4月22日、2022年5月17日に公開‐黙示・啓示の時に合わせて。



    • We all are but reflecting each other in the mirrors of our perceptions.
    • 私達は私達の認識の鏡の中で相互に投映している私達自身に過ぎない。
    • The Father and the Son are One, not two or more.There is only One Dreaming
    • 「父」と「息子」はOneである。2つ、またはそれ以上ではない。夢を視ているOneだけである。
    • the many into Ex-IS-tence but they remain but the One who IS but One.
    • 多数(の存在)は現に存在する(既に存在していた存在、Ex-is-tence)として、しかし、多数はOneに過ぎないThe Oneとして存続する。
    • How to turn chaos and fear into harmony and love by undestanding the mirorring effect of Every One.
    • 各Oneの反映する結果を理解することによって、カオスと恐怖を調和と愛へと変換する方法は。




    As above so below and as below so above. Interview of Gerald by Ivonne Delaflor - Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing


☆本ブログに掲載しているジェラルド・オドンネル氏とThe Oneが人類と多次元の存在に向けて出される重要なメッセージをより深く広く理解されて、私達の心内へと組み込み、真の真理‐The One and Only-へとConnectするために、基本的に大変に重要なレポートを読者の皆様に提供しています。

私達が今現在居住しているこの創造世界(ホログラフィックな3次元世界)が終わろうとし、新しい段階へと現創造が混乱し激しく変換している古い世界の最終で新世界の最初の現時点にあって、荒れ狂う人類と異次元存在の集団意識から逸脱し、遥か高く、新世界に向けて安全で平和な意識の航行をするための唯一の重要で有効なガイダンスとして、以下のレポートが読者の皆様にThe Oneの真の愛の光を伴う強烈なインスピレーションを与えることでしょう。










☆本ブログの管理人は、本ブログにて紹介しているARVARI (Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing)のアフィリエイトですから、本ブログを通して、ご希望の方はARVARIのポータルトレーニングコース(リモートビューイング&リモートインフルエンシング・コース)を受講できます。全コースは英語ですから、英語を苦手をされている方のために管理人が日本語対訳資料を用意していますので、安心して受講できます。その他、コース受講に関する質問や、日本語によるサポートもできますので、ご遠慮なくお問い合わせください。



お申込み:ポータルトレーニンググコース(Gold Edition)








ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(1) - 真の真理から新世界へ


ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(2) - 真の真理から新世界へ





The Oneの2022年1月1日メッセージに日本語訳を付けました。




Message from the One

Received word-per-word on January 1, 2022

“Love your shadow selves, whom you perceive as evil, as YOUR SELVES, as One, because it but your Self”

Isaiah chapter 45: 5-7, Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Leviticus 19:18, Mark 12-29-31

This is a message from the One.

これはthe Oneからのメッセージである。

Today is a day to rejoice in, for man has made peace with his own shadows.



“You should love your shadow selves as yourself, for all of it is but yourself, a creation of your self using the artifice of Light, so that you can lose yourself in watching your shadows, your thoughts operating in the darkness of your own selves.


Nothing exists outside of your selves: All of it is One. But beware, as you create your shadows in the presence of your fears, they become as real as the intensity of the levels of your fears, for your thoughts are the only Reality, and then they seem to be outside of your control.



I am the One who gives Reality to Light, and through Light. And as I create in darkness, and finally realize in the darkness of my Being that I am but the ultimate ONE, I then Create Everything.

私は、実在を光に、光を通して、与えるthe Oneである。そして、私が暗闇の中で創造するので、私は、最終的に、私の存在の『暗闇』の中で、私は究極のOneに過ぎないことを悟る。それから、私は『全て』を創造する。

Therefore, I am the One who Creates at the level of Light projecting My Self through the illusion of the many, perceiving the Light to be outside of myself while in reality it is but Me, and thenceforth I manage to create the shadow selves.

それ故、私は、多数(の存在)の幻想を通して、私自身を投映する光のレベルにあって、私自身の外側に光があるように知覚しながら‐その一方では真実は『私』に過ぎないのであるが‐(万事を)創造するthe Oneである。それから、私は影である自己を創造することを統御する。

And as they take on Reality in my own projection, they seem to be evil, because evil is only a Creation of My Self by MySelf.


And in the act of uniting Myself and Loving evil, loving my companion, loving the one who I think, in perception, is outside of myself, my neighbor, I finally realize that it is, was, and in fact will always be MySelf. And in that act of unity and unification, I unite Myself back into being One than then operates all the many but realizes that I, he, we, IS but ONE.”



That shall be all.



The One


Hear the direct message as it was given


Additional comments from Gerald O’Donnell are to be forthcoming in the next days and weeks.

N.B. Today Gerald had a very High Experience which completed through the transmission of these words.




☆本ブログに掲載しているジェラルド・オドンネル氏とThe Oneが人類と多次元の存在に向けて出される重要なメッセージをより深く広く理解されて、私達の心内へと組み込み、真の真理‐The One and Only-へとConnectするために、基本的に大変に重要なレポートを読者の皆様に提供しています。

私達が今現在居住しているこの創造世界(ホログラフィックな3次元世界)が終わろうとし、新しい段階へと現創造が混乱し激しく変換している古い世界の最終で新世界の最初の現時点にあって、荒れ狂う人類と異次元存在の集団意識から逸脱し、遥か高く、新世界に向けて安全で平和な意識の航行をするための唯一の重要で有効なガイダンスとして、以下のレポートが読者の皆様にThe Oneの真の愛の光を伴う強烈なインスピレーションを与えることでしょう。










☆本ブログの管理人は、本ブログにて紹介しているARVARI (Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing)のアフィリエイトですから、本ブログを通して、ご希望の方はARVARIのポータルトレーニングコース(リモートビューイング&リモートインフルエンシング・コース)を受講できます。全コースは英語ですから、英語を苦手をされている方のために管理人が日本語対訳資料を用意していますので、安心して受講できます。その他、コース受講に関する質問や、日本語によるサポートもできますので、ご遠慮なくお問い合わせください。



お申込み:ポータルトレーニンググコース(Gold Edition)








ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(1) - 真の真理から新世界へ


ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(2) - 真の真理から新世界へ






2022年が皆様にとって新しい世界に向かう、素晴らしい年(Wonder-ful Year)になるように心から願っております。






Message from the One

Received word-per-word on January 1, 2022

“Love your shadow selves, whom you perceive as evil, as YOUR SELVES, as One, because it but your Self”

Isaiah chapter 45: 5-7, Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Leviticus 19:18, Mark 12-29-31

This is a message from the One.

Today is a day to rejoice in, for man has made peace with his own shadows.

“You should love your shadow selves as yourself, for all of it is but yourself, a creation of your self using the artifice of Light, so that you can lose yourself in watching your shadows, your thoughts operating in the darkness of your own selves.

Nothing exists outside of your selves: All of it is One. But beware, as you create your shadows in the presence of your fears, they become as real as the intensity of the levels of your fears, for your thoughts are the only Reality, and then they seem to be outside of your control.

I am the One who gives Reality to Light, and through Light. And as I create in darkness, and finally realize in the darkness of my Being that I am but the ultimate ONE, I then Create Everything.

Therefore, I am the One who Creates at the level of Light projecting My Self through the illusion of the many, perceiving the Light to be outside of myself while in reality it is but Me, and thenceforth I manage to create the shadow selves.

And as they take on Reality in my own projection, they seem to be evil, because evil is only a Creation of My Self by MySelf.

And in the act of uniting Myself and Loving evil, loving my companion, loving the one who I think, in perception, is outside of myself, my neighbor, I finally realize that it is, was, and in fact will always be MySelf. And in that act of unity and unification, I unite Myself back into being One than then operates all the many but realizes that I, he, we, IS but ONE.”

That shall be all.

The One


Hear the direct message as it was given


Additional comments from Gerald O’Donnell are to be forthcoming in the next days and weeks.

N.B. Today Gerald had a very High Experience which completed through the transmission of these words.

The Oneの認識において、あなたの道を歩きなさい(2)


Walk your path in the perception of One.
Unyielding trust and unyielding faith.


Never swaying away.


Just a deep knowing.


This is the answer.


I am whom I wanted to become ~ and I am who I will be.

私は、成りたいと欲した「誰」かであり ー 私が成る「誰」かでもある。

These are the two realities in me ~ the dichotomy.

これらは私の中の二つの存在である ー 2分法。

This creation is about the All.


The All is about Truth.


Truth is but a singularity point in the awareness of causality.


Nothing can replace Truth, for Truth is All.


We are but ourselves ~ and yield to no one ~ nowhere.

私達は私達自身に過ぎない ー 誰にも ー 何処にも従わない。

We cannot be what we are not.


We experience all that is ~ in order to know who we are not.

私達は在るもの全てを経験する ー 私達ではない「誰」かを知るために。

A truth is a subset of your desires.



Truth has no defining point ~ no exclamation ~ and no question.

真理には定点がない ー 感嘆はなく ー 疑問もない。

We are the stars of our longing.


They ~ in turn ~ reflect the bounds of our Being.

それらは ー 順々に ー 私達の存在の境界を反映する。

I am alone ~ for I know not.

私は孤独である ー 一人ではないことを知っているので。

And in that state ~ I become.

この状態にあって ー 私は成る。

Silence is the key ~ for when all is said and done ~ Truth yields Itself.

沈黙が鍵である ー 全てが語られ、為される時 ー 真理それ自体が生じる。

Know that you are ~ have been ~ and will be ~ all that can be ~ and in that knowing you shall BE.

あなた達は今 ー 過去 ー 未来において ー 成り得る全てであり ー これを知ることにより、全てに成る。

I am awash with tears and cries of heavens’ storms come by my side.


I am entangled in my web of stories told ~ passions held.
Multitudes of lands ~ legions of lives ~ stand alone brazing the skies.

私は、語られた物語の網の中に巻き込まれ ー 情熱は維持され、

数多くの土地 ー 無数の生命 ー 一人たたずみ、空を飾り付ける。

I know of naught that will catch fish in land ashore ~ broken wish.

私は浜辺の魚を捕える虚無を知っている ー 壊れた願望。

Negation is the only way by which we can survive ~ for all-Knowing spikes our sight.

否定は、私達が生存できる唯一の方法 ー 全知は私達の視覚に釘をさすので。

To be forgotten is man’s last wish.


That is his greatest fault ~ longing to sway death and naught.

これが、人の最大の過ち ー 死と虚無への切望。

I once was a child ~ and learned to love a speck of Light ~ a broken vow.

私はかつては子供であった ー そして光の斑点を愛することを習った ー 破れた契り。

And in that moment ~ the children of my life bowed away from Love and all delights.

そして、その瞬間に ー 私の生命の子供達は、愛と全ての喜びから、退散した。

Spectator but in a Dream of mine ~ I learned to value the crests of I.

私自身の一つの夢の中の観客となって ー 私は、私の頂点を尊重することを習った。

Shadows merged in my theme ~ and I then befell the wave ~ insane.

影が、私のテーマの中に没入し ー それから、私は波へと落ち込んだ ー 狂気。

It said ~ “Mutter not for I am deaf.

それは、言った ー 「小言を言わない、私は耳が聞こえないので。」

Join me with the sights of death.


I skip the valleys of despair ~ jumping hills ~ my lair;

私は絶望の谷を越え ー 丘を飛び越えて ー 私の隠れ家へ。

Heavens’ gift to a child questing after a lift.


Mourn not what is not ~ for it is and was your best friend.

「何」かでないことを嘆くな ー それが、あなたの最善の親友であったし、親友であるから。

And fear no loss ~ for loss is fear.

そして、失わない事を恐れなさい ー 失いは恐怖であるから。

Illusions are but our thorns made real.


Fly above ~ and open the seal ~ as you become One ~ and then you know that all that is d-one can be un-d-one.

高く飛びなさい ー 封印を開いて ー あなたがOneに成るので ー それから、あなたは、為される全ては、元に戻されることを知る。

The One





☆本ブログに掲載しているジェラルド・オドンネル氏とThe Oneが人類と多次元の存在に向けて出される重要なメッセージをより深く広く理解されて、私達の心内へと組み込み、真の真理‐The One and Only-へとConnectするために、基本的に大変に重要なレポートを読者の皆様に提供しています。

私達が今現在居住しているこの創造世界(ホログラフィックな3次元世界)が終わろうとし、新しい段階へと現創造が混乱し激しく変換している古い世界の最終で新世界の最初の現時点にあって、荒れ狂う人類と異次元存在の集団意識から逸脱し、遥か高く、新世界に向けて安全で平和な意識の航行をするための唯一の重要で有効なガイダンスとして、以下のレポートが読者の皆様にThe Oneの真の愛の光を伴う強烈なインスピレーションを与えることでしょう。










☆本ブログの管理人は、本ブログにて紹介しているARVARI (Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing)のアフィリエイトですから、本ブログを通して、ご希望の方はARVARIのポータルトレーニングコース(リモートビューイング&リモートインフルエンシング・コース)を受講できます。全コースは英語ですから、英語を苦手をされている方のために管理人が日本語対訳資料を用意していますので、安心して受講できます。その他、コース受講に関する質問や、日本語によるサポートもできますので、ご遠慮なくお問い合わせください。



お申込み:ポータルトレーニンググコース(Gold Edition)








ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(1) - 真の真理から新世界へ


ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(2) - 真の真理から新世界へ



The Oneの認識において、あなたの道を歩きなさい(1)


Walk your path ....... (2021年5月, テネシー州の国立公園にて)



From the One Dreaming the many and being drunk on it: “A Guide to Re-membering.”


email: hiroike711@gmail.com
Walk your path in the perception of One.
Unyielding trust and unyielding faith.
Never swaying away.
Just a deep knowing.
This is the answer.
I am whom I wanted to become ~ and I am who I will be.
These are the two realities in me ~ the dichotomy.
This creation is about the All.
The All is about Truth.
Truth is but a singularity point in the awareness of causality.
Nothing can replace Truth, for Truth is All.
We are but ourselves ~ and yield to no one ~ nowhere.
We cannot be what we are not.
We experience all that is ~ in order to know who we are not.
A truth is a subset of your desires.
Truth has no defining point ~ no exclamation ~ and no question.
We are the stars of our longing.
They ~ in turn ~ reflect the bounds of our Being.
I am alone ~ for I know not.
And in that state ~ I become.
Silence is the key ~ for when all is said and done ~ Truth yields Itself.
Know that you are ~ have been ~ and will be ~ all that can be ~ and in that knowing you shall BE.
I am awash with tears and cries of heavens’ storms come by my side.
I am entangled in my web of stories told ~ passions held.Multitudes of lands ~ legions of lives ~ stand alone brazing the skies.
I know of naught that will catch fish in land ashore ~ broken wish.
Negation is the only way by which we can survive ~ for all-Knowing spikes our sight.
To be forgotten is man’s last wish.
That is his greatest fault ~ longing to sway death and naught.
I once was a child ~ and learned to love a speck of Light ~ a broken vow.
And in that moment ~ the children of my life bowed away from Love and all delights.
Spectator but in a Dream of mine ~ I learned to value the crests of I.
Shadows merged in my theme ~ and I then befell the wave ~ insane.
It said ~ “Mutter not for I am deaf.
Join me with the sights of death.
”I skip the valleys of despair ~ jumping hills ~ my lair;
Heavens’ gift to a child questing after a lift.
Mourn not what is not ~ for it is and was your best friend.
And fear no loss ~ for loss is fear.
Illusions are but our thorns made real.
Fly above ~ and open the seal ~ as you become One ~ and then you know that all that is d-one can be un-d-one.
The One


Fly above, and open the seal ...................



米国テネシー州ナッシュビル市にて 2021年2月

本ブログの目的は、読者の皆さんがこのブログに取り上げる情報を通して、私達一人一人が自らの実在と本質を知り、低次元のマトリックスに捕囚され呪縛されている私達の魂と心を解放して、真の心の自由を取り戻し、唯一実在の宇宙意識(Universal Mind)・母なる大自然意識(Oneness)へと心の中で繋がることにより、このホログラフィックな3次元世界(幻想世界)において、今置かれている環境や状況がどのようであっても、私達の心・意識の奥底から変換して(reprogramming‐transforming) より善い、より高い、より良い方向へと皆様の人生を創り変えることができるようにとお手伝いすることです。








 The Oneのメッセンジャーであるジェラルド・オドンネル氏は、ARVARIの創設者であり、大変にユニークで安全かつ有効なマインドテクノロジー(高度瞑想法)の開発者です。


Home - Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing




☆本ブログの管理人は、本ブログにて紹介しているARVARI (Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing)のアフィリエイト・プログラムに加入しましたので、今後は、本グログを通して、ご希望の方はARVARIのポータルトレーニングコース(リモートビューイング&リモートインフルエンシング・コース)を受講できます。全コースは英語ですから、英語を苦手をされている方のために管理人が日本語対訳資料を用意していますので、安心して受講できます。その他、コース受講に関する質問や、日本語によるサポートもできますので、ご遠慮なくお問い合わせください。



お申込み:ポータルトレーニングコース(Gold Edition)


Happy Mind Journey to the One!



ジェラルド・オドンネル (創立者兼トレーニンシステム開発者、理学修士MBA)  本アカデミーの創立者兼本トレーニンシステム開発者であるジェラルド・オドンネルは、「意識と心」の研究分野において深い洞察力と鋭い先見性を持つ人として国際的に広く知られています。 現在は、思考を使う精神治療法や、「唯一の存在‐Oneness」へとアクセスする高度なメディテーション法(マインドテクノロジー)を使って、数多くの受講生のトレーニングを集中的に行っています。多くの受講生はトレーニングの劇的な効果を受けてから、創造的精神エネルギーを得て人生を活性化し、それぞれの思考と願望に基づいて、個人の夢や計画を短期に現実化する能力を大幅に高めています。同氏は現在、米国フロリダ州南部に在住。 ______________________________________________________


 リモートビューイング & リモートインフルエンシング アカデミー (ARVARI)


◎あなたも未来を透視・予知 (リモートビューイング-RV) できます。   

◎未来に向けてあなたの夢・願望を実現できます (リモートインフルエンシング-RI)。  

◎意識を持ちながら、心の深いレベル(ディープセータとデルタレベル)を応用して、 あなたの現実を自在に作ることができます。       

このサイトで紹介するRV・RI潜在能力開発総合システムは、混乱と激動の時代に 振り回されることなく希望と平安に満ち、明るくて力強い 人生を自在にクリエイトするための貴重なツール (Mind Technology) です。

  • 世界で8万人以上がRV・RIトレーニングコースを既に受講されました。


  • リモートビューイングのテクニックを使って、未来の出来事を予知・予測します。
  • あなたが選択する願望思考に創造エネルギーを加えて、願望する物事を実現します。
  • あなたのスーパーパワーが潜む心の高いレベルを直接に経験して、現実を作る方法を習得します。
  • 非常に簡単なトレーニングシステムです。毎日自宅でCD1枚を聞くだけです。 ●約1ヶ月で全コースを修了しますが、トレーニング回数や期間に制限はありません。 ●コースのCDを反復して聞くたびにRV・RI能力が強化されて、心の財産となります。 ●英語の理解力と聴解力、さらに知力も抜群に向上します。


今、世界では大嵐の様な混乱した状況が続いています。しかし、ARVARIのトレーニングシステムを習得されることにより、周囲に振り回されることがなく、穏やかで明るい人生を継続してクリエイトできます。RV・RIトレーニングシステムは、あなたの心の中に潜む素晴らしい能力を開発し、意識を高め、人生を自由自在にクリエイトするためのテクニックを指導します。   究極の潜在能力開発総合システム(リモートビューイング トレーニング、リモート・インフルエンシング トレーニングシステム) は、最近の西側諸国および東ヨーロッパ諸国の情報機関が採用するテクニック、古代から秘密とされてきた情報、さらには人間の意識と物質の関係を究明する最新の量子物理学理論に基づいて、The Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing (ARVARI) が世界で最初に開発して、現在、世界中に向けて拡販しております。


◎このような情報過多生活状況の反作用として、常にイライラしたり怒ったりして、忍耐力に欠け、注意力が散漫となる症状を持つ人々( 子供達も含めて) が増大しています。      

◎矛盾する情報や社会問題が周囲に押し寄せ、あなたと周囲の人々の不安感が充満し ています。



ですから、このホームページの中段まで是非お読み下さい。本サイトでは日常使わない難解な語彙が多用されていますが、一つ一つ解説しますので、時間をかけてゆっくりとお読み下さい。 当社のトレーニング・システムをご購入されなくても、私達は以下に紹介する情報により、あなたの人生と物事に対する見解が大幅に変化すると確信しています。ゆっくり時間をかけてお読み下さい。そして理解して下さい。 あなたは、過去・現在において、物質の精神領域(Mind Field of Matter) を歩いて来られた、また現在歩いている霊(Spiritー知的エネルギー) の存在であることを科学的に提示し証明します。あなたは、人生を新たにクリエイト するための無限のパワーを心の中に秘めていることを説明致します。

■ 混乱と混迷が増長する現在において、私達はどのようにして人生の問題の解決を得ることができるのでしょうか。 また、問題を早く解決する方法があるのでしょうか。  ●日本や世界情勢は、私にどのような影響を与えるのだろうか。









  •  不景気な時代でも、仕事を継続したり、売上を増やすにはどのようにすればいいのだろうか。
  •  私を含めて、家族(または恋人)の生活を改善するにはどうすればいいのだろうか。
  • 今、交際中の人と婚約すべきなのか、または交際を続けるべきなのか。
  • 周りの人との人間関係を改善するにはどうすればいいのだろうか。
  • 現在のような、激動と狂騒する時代にあって、周囲に振り回されずに、いつも平静な心を持って明るく生活するにはどのようにすればいいのだろうか。
  • 私は家族の病気(身体、精神、霊的障害) を素早く直す方法は、そして健康のバランスを保つ方法は。
  • 私を常に守る方法はあるのだろうか。積極的で明るい姿勢を保つ方法は。
  • 私の身体、心、霊を活性化し、常に若さを保ち続ける方法はあるのだろうか。
  • 心から満足できる本当の幸せは、何だろうか。
  • 私の人生の真義は何でしょうか。

私達の人生には様々な問題や課題が付いてまわります。リモートビューイングと リモートインフルエンシングの最新テクニック (Ultimate Mind Technology) を習得されれば、あなたの生来の超自然能力と人生の真義を見付けて、直ぐに新しくクリエイトできます!



■ リモート ビューイング(RV-遠隔透視法)は、3次元の時間・空間領域を越えるマインド・テクノロジーのことをいい、実際に科学的に証明された透視法です。RVは、個人の高揚した意識の投写を通して、時間・空間領域内の遠方にいる人々、物、出来事を透視(感知)する能力のことです。1950年代から、米国、西側諸国および東側諸国の情報機関がこのマインド・テクノロジーを研究し始めて、開発してきました。高い有効性が証明されてきましたが、まだ一部は極秘となっています。  これらのRV法は、軍事以外の民間の分野にも採用されるようになり、現在は、私達人類の能力として、人々にとって有益であることが判明されています。当社のRVトレーニング・システムは、現在の西側・東側諸国情報機関が使用するRVスパイ活動方法より遥かに優れている強力なテクニックを使って、時間・空間領域内の何処かに存在する物事を感知する方法を指導します。

■ リモート インフルエンシング(RI-遠隔誘導法、遠隔作用法)は、当アカデミーが1997年に最初に紹介した用語であり、今まで世界に紹介されたその他の方法を越える強力なマインドテクノロジーのことをいいます。 人間は心の力(Mind-power)と精神エネルギーを使って、思考と現実を劇的に作り変えることができます。


健康維持、自然治癒力強化 ● 学習能力や知力の向上 ● ビジネスの安定と発展  仕事能力の向上 ● 就職活動 ● 音楽能力向上、スポーツ能力向上   投資 ●人間関係改善 ● その他多数


病気等の健康問題を感知して、リモートインフルエンシングにより対処法を実施して、あなたやその他の人々の健康を保つことができます。 リモートインフルエンスして、あなたの潜在意識の中で自分自身および他人の完全な健康状態を思考することによって、医師による治療を補完できます。また、心のパワーのみを使って、身体の形を変えたり、希望する体重やスタイル へと変貌することができます。あなたの身体の全細胞は7年毎(皮膚は20日毎)に再生されるので、あなたは形態形成場(morphogenic fields)をリモートインフルエンスして、若くて、スタイルの良い身体、および皮膚を再生できます。 あなたの身体は、あなたの霊の「寺院」であって、それを健康に、元気に、若く保つことは大切であって、心・意識が拡大し成長している証拠になります。


人間関係をリモートビューイングして、潜在的な問題を事前に予知します。それから、相手の人の本意とか必要な物事を読み取り、障害となる事柄を感知できます。 リモートインフルエンスのテクニックを使って、パートナーまたは完璧な恋人を引き付けたり、異性関係を改善し、幸せな人生をクリエイトできます。リモートインフルエンスにより、心の深いレベルで対象となる人に繋がり、深くて強いラポート (心が通い合う関係)が作られるように永続的に変化します。そして、相互利益と喜びのために、その人間関係を楽しむことができるようになります。あなたのお子様が「今何をしているかを」リモートビューイング(感知)して、誰かが、 ネガティブな方向に影響を与える前に、お子様を守るようにリモートインフルエンスします。


セータ脳波のレベルにある時に教材を学習して記憶して下さい。高度な集中力と急速な学習能力を経験して下さい。リモートビューイングを使って、試験内容を直観します。そして、「最高の成績を収め優れた学位を獲得したこと」を事前に リモートインフルエンスします。また、英語の理解力や聴解力、及び知力が抜群に向上します。


条件の良い職をリモートビューイングして、採用されることをリモートインフルエンスします。昇進、昇給などをリモートインフルエンスします。面接の前にその面接をリモートビューイングして、応募した会社の必要性や要望を事前に感知します。 それから、ラポートが作られ、あなたが最適な社員であると納得させているようにリモートインフルエンスします。あなたが新事業を開始し成功している場面をリモートビューイングします。顧客の数が増え売上が上昇しているようにリモートインフルエンスします。 リモートビューイングのテクニックを使って、問題解決のヒントとなる情報を感知します。それから、あなたのアイデアを実行して、あなたが解決案を持っていると関係者の人々に向けてリモートインフルエンスします。


経済的に混乱する不安定な時期において、あなたの資産を守って成長を図る最適で安全な投資物件をリモートビューします。全ての投資において一番重要なことはタイミングです。投資物件を買う時のタイミング、売りのタイミング、 別の物件へと移動する時期をリモートビューイングします。 あなたの投資が成功して価値が上昇しているようにリモートインフルエンスします。リモートインフルエンスのテクニックを使って、過去に苦労したネガティブな投資経験の記憶を消去して下さい。投資の前に損失を被った原因でもある「恐怖心」を持たないように します。「何が起ころうとも、大丈夫であり、多くのレベルにおいて守られている」ことを認知して下さい。


リモートビューイングとリモートインフルエンシングによる効果: 恐 怖や不安感の解消。エネルギー(体力、精神力)の増大。自信の強化。ストレスの解消、健康増進、愛情増大、異性関係改善、交渉力の向上、物事を成功させる 能力の向上、そして幸せな人生をクリエイトできます。リモートビューイング―リモートインフルエンシング総合トレーニングシステムにより、あなたの生活状況が改善されます。より幸せに、健康に、幸運になり、物事の成功率(実現度)が高くなります。本コースで紹介する新しくて優れたマインドテクノロジーを習得して下さい。あなたの本当の潜在能力を解放して下さい。

■ 未来の出来事を何時でも予知できて、あなたの霊の光によってエネルギーが与えられた思考を使って、選択した未来の物事をパワフルに 実現できるとすれば、どのように感じられるでしょうか?何時でも予想する未来を心の中で作って実現するように、あなた自身の心をより高い 光エネルギーのレベルに引き上げることを経験されたいですか?

ARVARIは心・意識・物質研究とその応用におけるパイオニアであり、1997年以来、世界諸国の情報機関、高いレベルの超能力者および心・精神の指導者の知識を出処とする特別で高度なマインドテクノロジーを数多くの受講生に指導して来ました。 当アカデミーは受講生がディープ・セータ脳波とデルタ脳波の境界を超えて、明瞭な意識を持ちながら、心の最深レベルからリモートビューイングとリモートインフルエンシングを実行するように指導しており、このマインドテクノロジーの 応用分野では世界で唯一の研究機関です。 多くの人々は、積極思考テクニックとか自己啓発法に関する数多くの本を読まれたり、類似のセミナーに参加されたことでしょう。しかし、その内の何人が実際に永続的に使える能力を開発できて、人生を劇的に改善できたのでしょうか。現在、主流となっている マインドテクノロジーは、非常に長い期間にわたって、人類の必携手引き書のようになっていますが、実際に成功する人々はほんの僅かです。何故でしょうか。人の心と外部の世界を変えようとするマインドテクノロジーなのですが、何が欠けているのでしょうか? ほとんどの本は無用です。心をオープンにして、古い「鞄」(アイデア)は捨てて下さい。そして、あなたの心の中にある「偉大な自我-One Self」を直接に経験してみて下さい。この「偉大な自我」はあなたの無限のパワーです。 ですから、当アカデミーは本トレーニング コースを受講されて、私達が主張している全ての事を経験されるようにお勧めします。あなたは、単に多くの書籍を読み、教えを受けてもあまり効果がないこと、そして何よりも経験が有効であることを理解されます。 思考のみでリモートビューイングを行い、リモートインフルエンシング(現実を作る)する方法を習得して下さい。 未来の出来事を予知する当アカデミーの方法は、21世紀最初の12年間を生き延びて繁栄していくためにも重要なマインドテクノロジーになるかも知れません。この価値あるマインド・テクノロジーを使って、受講生は事前に(発生度の高い)未来の出来事を 予知することができ、いつでも平穏な環境に囲まれるように個人の現実をリモートインフルエンスする方法を習います。 このパワフルでクリエイティブなマインドテクノロジーは簡単な応用システムへと構成されており、あなたは簡単にリモートビューワー、リモートインフルエンサー(自分の現実を作る人)に成れます。あなたの人生とご家族またはご友人の 人生が劇的に改善する場面を観ることができます。あなたの心の高いレベルにある潜在能力を解放できます。