
日本や世界中の社会が混乱して狂走し、明日への希望やハピーな夢が持てない時代。このような時にこそ一度静かに周りの喧騒から離れて心奥深く入って、本当の自分(真の自我:True Yourself)を探して下さい。このブログはあなたがあなたの真の自我-高位自我 (Higher Self)を発見し感知できるようにお手伝いします。このブログを通してこれから大変な量の情報を読者の皆様に提供します。少し難解な言葉、学術的な表現、スピリチュアルな言葉等、理解しにくい内容も沢山出てきますが、ご期待ください。

The Holy Oneからのメッセージ(再掲載)

The Holy Oneからのメッセージ(2018年12月28日)をここに再掲載します。できれば、繰り返して、お読み下さい。メッセージが心の奥底へと、魂へと浸透するように集中してお読み下さい。


Happy Mind Journey to the One!





 2012年から現在まで(2019年3月10日)の、ジェラルド・オドンネルを通して出されたThe One and Onlyのメッセージと同氏の解説を紹介しました。このブログの最初からおつきあい頂き、The Oneの貴重で重要なメッセージを読まれた方は、2012年から現在までの、The OneによるGreat Cosmic Shiftのステップ毎の変化を感じ取られたことでしょう。そして、The One and Only は、今年2019年が大変に重要な、Great Cosmic Shiftの最終ステップであり、The Oneによる新創造の初めであり、現在までの古い創造世界の最終時点であることを、人類が感じることができない非常な苦しみと悲しみに耐えられながら、人類と異次元に在る全存在(Beings)に向けて告げられています。


 実はThe Oneは、ジェラルド・オドンネル氏を通して、1991年から定期的に人類に向けてメッセージを出されており、本ブログにて、機会があれば続けて(日本語にて)紹介したいと思います。

 英語を良く理解される読者は以下のARVARIのサイトへと直接行かれて、New Year Messageをクリックされると、すべてのメッセージが閲覧できますので、是非お読みください。


Happy Mind Journey to the One!




☆メッセージを録音していますので、以下をクリックして聴いて下さい。To hear the message as it was spoken listen here


Please share and post this message by using this link: https://probablefuture.com/2019message-to-mankind-and-far-beyond-from-the-holy-one/





Today Friday, December 28, 2018, I was asked to lay down and await a direct communication from the One. The experience started at 10 p.m. and was over at exactly midnight. I first vibrated higher and higher, and then the familiar Presence of the One enveloped me, and soon after the following words came out of my mouth.

The pain I felt while in that state of Union cannot be described in human terms. The tears that rolled down at the end of this communication were not mine. Please have the courage and fortitude to share this Direct Message from your Maker.

Gerald O’Donnell



☆The Holy Oneからのメッセージ-人類及び人類以外の存在に向けて


Who will stand in front of Me?



Who will plead to My Being?



Who will remain, but My child fashioned after My Heart? I will heal His wounds and make all of His Being new again, for He has carried the pain of so many and begged for their salvation. He was trampled and ignored by most, and yet He interceded for so many.





The Pain is Mine!



Where have all the mighty gone? How they have fallen into the pits of evil.


I shall not raise them again, ever!



They shall not trample My World again, nor pollute My Existence, for they soiled the Only and brought so many to final perdition. Why?

彼らは再び私の世界を踏みにじらないし、私の存在を汚さない。彼らはthe Onlyを汚して、多くの存在を最終の地獄へと連れ込んだのであるから。



How much more do they think they can soil and destroy My Dream, My Creation?



They lost themselves in their thirst for unlimited power, and so they shall be gone from My Mind, the Only Mind there ever IS and will Be.



Who will be rising to Me but the pure of heart, oppressed because of love for all?



There shall be no more violence in My Kingdom, no more falsehoods, no more oppression!



There shall be no more barriers, no more divisions, no walls; all these I will break!



My Kingdom is one of Love and True Peace.



Rise up, for I need to bring you Home to Myself, to My Kingdom!

Do not look back, for soon you won’t be able to as I will erase all traces of what could have become but did not.

立ち昇りなさい。私はあなた達を自宅へと、私自身へと、私の王国へと引き上げなければならないから! 振り向くな。私が、今までに成れたであろうが成れなかったすべての痕跡を消し去るので、やがてすぐに、あなた達は振り返って見ることができなくなるので。


I warned them so many times; so few listened!



They felt their ways were Mine; they tried to impose their will. They distorted my Reality and left gaping wounds in My Being. I have Suffered enough silently!



Who will challenge Me as I show Myself?



I heard for so long the cry of the innocent, of the meek, of the defenseless, and Cried with all of them. They will stand with Me, all the tender ones.



The rest, the haughty, the violent ones, I shall erase from My Kingdom forever.



This is the end of a long era where I allowed the will of My Created beings to rule over My Will.



Although I expected a great level of independence, the level of rebellion against My Heart became intolerable and I need to stop the pain that has spread everywhere inside My Being.



You were all My children, all My Dreams, and I Dreamt of so many great things for you. Why did you turn away?




I will gather the remnants of My True Heart, My True Self, and bring them back from Exile into a promised beautiful New World that WE shall prepare together and live peacefully within.



Rise and know that I Am here, and never left you!



Bring joy back to My Kingdom!



Be ready and purify for I am Purity.



All those who have misused fear for their empty conquests shall know True fear, as I will turn my Back to them soon! My Kingdom is a Kingdom of Pure Love, and fear has no place in It.

自らの空虚な征服のために恐怖を悪用したすべての存在は、私が直ぐに彼らに背を向けることとなるので、真の恐怖を知る。 私の王国は、純粋な愛の王国であり、その中では恐怖が住む場所はない。


Rise up, for I will make you new and young again as you were when I Created you.



I will take all of your scars away and remove true darkness from around you.



Do not face back. Do not feel shame for what you may have done.



Rise up and stand proudly still in My Presence. That is the only focus you need to have now, for nothing else shall remain.



Remember: you are Me and I Loved you and Love you so much!



This will be all.



The Holy One and the Only