
日本や世界中の社会が混乱して狂走し、明日への希望やハピーな夢が持てない時代。このような時にこそ一度静かに周りの喧騒から離れて心奥深く入って、本当の自分(真の自我:True Yourself)を探して下さい。このブログはあなたがあなたの真の自我-高位自我 (Higher Self)を発見し感知できるようにお手伝いします。このブログを通してこれから大変な量の情報を読者の皆様に提供します。少し難解な言葉、学術的な表現、スピリチュアルな言葉等、理解しにくい内容も沢山出てきますが、ご期待ください。



2020年12月6日 テネシー州のある田舎町にて


Happy Mind Journey to the One!





Singing Creation into Existence: The Song of Songs

by Gerald O'Donnell | Jul 28, 2020 | Core Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing ArticlesTimely Messages | 9 comments






I don’t expect a ton of concerns or loving feedback in our society gone mad with most of its characters drowning in self-absorption and fake popularity.




True Divine pure Love is now to be found mainly only in the remains of Holy Mother Nature who has been nurturing us unconditionally for eons and cries seeing how stupid and cruel most of us have become.




The Northern Atlantic right whales have just been officially listed today as under immediate threat of total extinction. Does anyone care? Why should we?


北大西洋セミクジラ(ホッキョククジラ)は、近未来に絶滅する危機にあると公式にリストアップされました。誰が気にするのでしょうか? 私達は関心を持つべきでしょうか?


Or should we discuss profusely our most ancient or most recent low-level evermore distorted and stupid human created political or religious dogmas/myths which so many have fought for, always ending up in dishing an incredible level of violence and killing to our brothers and sisters and the only cause celebre most are willing to espouse and talk about on their way to self-destruction?




I feel ashamed and pained because I happen to be fully aware of what we could have reached together had we turned away from human or golden idol worshipping!

I knew the plan, and we are so far away from our best path that only the Greatest of Divine miracles could save a part of us, let alone have us thrive. Why are we repeating history over and over again, distractions after distractions, all away from Love?

We still love to hate, and hate to love, and in that we are the exact opposite of the Divine.



私は「(The Oneの)計画」を知っています。そして、私達は、「偉大なる神聖な存在」の奇跡のみによって私達の一部を救い、自主的に繁栄できるであろう最善の道からかなり離れています。

何故、私達は歴史を何度も何度も、破壊から破壊へと、真の愛からかけ離れて、繰り返すのでしょうか? 私達は未だに「憎悪」を愛し、「愛すること」を憎み、それゆえ、私達は「神聖な存在」の真反対の存在です。


That is our greatest failure as man-not-so-kind!




This planet is dying and you with it, and you seem to only care about inanely stupid irrational politics, finding emotional refuge and group strength in man-made degenerated credos or failed human messiahs past or current?





Can you exist on a scorched hellish planet or floating in space? Really?

Have you noticed the rapid warming of the air and oceans? Or are your senses bound by the requirement to be politically correct?




Are you surprised that all kind of plagues are blooming in this dying environment?




Have you bought your ticket to Mars or expect ETs to come and extract you? Good luck with that!




We have very little time left, and I mean few years, and you are sacrificing all future generations on the tabernacle of your selfishness and narrow-mindedness.




You do not truly worship the infinite Love and Supreme Intelligence of the Creator as you are hypocritically claiming to, but truly only worship yourselves!






You claim the Divine right to free-will, but apply it to incredibly irrelevant purposes.




Don’t you see that we are co-Creating our reality within the Creation which the Divine Mother/Father keeps singing and vibrating for us?

If the song stops, this Divine Dream is erased. All of it. Who will remain and complain?




Only the One will, and cry over what could have been but was not.


The Oneのみが、私達が創造できたのであろうが、できなかった事について泣き続けられるのです。


So absorb this if you can get your head out of the quick sinking sand in which you exist:



The day when the immensely caring co-Creators whales stop singing we shall stop existing.




I will stop posting for a while to try and keep my sanity in a world gone insane.




For additional explanations please read our February 2019 article:





Gerald O’Donnell