
日本や世界中の社会が混乱して狂走し、明日への希望やハピーな夢が持てない時代。このような時にこそ一度静かに周りの喧騒から離れて心奥深く入って、本当の自分(真の自我:True Yourself)を探して下さい。このブログはあなたがあなたの真の自我-高位自我 (Higher Self)を発見し感知できるようにお手伝いします。このブログを通してこれから大変な量の情報を読者の皆様に提供します。少し難解な言葉、学術的な表現、スピリチュアルな言葉等、理解しにくい内容も沢山出てきますが、ご期待ください。


☆本ブログに掲載しているジェラルド・オドンネル氏とThe Oneが人類と多次元の存在に向けて出される重要なメッセージをより深く広く理解されて、私達の心内へと組み込み、真の真理‐The One and Only-へとConnectするために、基本的に大変に重要なレポートを読者の皆様に提供しています。

私達が今現在居住しているこの創造世界(ホログラフィックな3次元世界)が終わろうとし、新しい段階へと現創造が混乱し激しく変換している古い世界の最終で新世界の最初の現時点にあって、荒れ狂う人類と異次元存在の集団意識から逸脱し、遥か高く、新世界に向けて安全で平和な意識の航行をするための唯一の重要で有効なガイダンスとして、以下のレポートが読者の皆様にThe Oneの真の愛の光を伴う強烈なインスピレーションを与えることでしょう。










☆本ブログの管理人は、本ブログにて紹介しているARVARI (Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing)のアフィリエイトですから、本ブログを通して、ご希望の方はARVARIのポータルトレーニングコース(リモートビューイング&リモートインフルエンシング・コース)を受講できます。全コースは英語ですから、英語を苦手をされている方のために管理人が日本語対訳資料を用意していますので、安心して受講できます。その他、コース受講に関する質問や、日本語によるサポートもできますので、ご遠慮なくお問い合わせください。





お申込み:ポータルトレーニンググコース(Gold Edition)








ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(1) - 真の真理から新世界へ


ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(2) - 真の真理から新世界へ



( 誤訳は私の責任です。管理人:hiroike)


This is a message from the ONE addressed to all Creation.

これは、全ての創造へと向けたThe Oneからのメッセージである。


From One originates ALL illusions of Many.



The Many do not Create The ONE; neither do they represent The ONE.

この多数はThe Oneを創造しないし、The Oneを代表するのでもない。


All illusions come and disappear, leaving imprints for other illusions to imbue themselves with their presence and memories.



No thing remains as it is.



The ONE Creates the ILLUSION of Many in order to forget who IT IS, and allows for the Many to rule and control temporarily ITS sense of BEING, of ISNESS. All is done in the illusion to achieve such.

The Oneは、それ自身が誰であるかを忘れるために、多数の幻想を創造して、多数によってそれ自身の存在の感覚、一存在の感覚を一時的に規制しコントロールさせる。このような状態を達成するために、全ては幻想の中で為される。


ALL is done to affect pain, torture, and ignorance towards the ONE, so that the ONE does not awaken totally from His own Dreaming cycle, and keeps visiting realms after realms of Dreams HE Created for Himself by Himself.

全ては、The Oneに向けて苦痛、拷問、そして無知の心情を動かすために行われるのであって、それで、The Oneは彼自身の夢見のサイクルから完全に目覚めずに、彼が彼自身のために彼自身が創造した夢の領域を次から次へと繰り返し訪問し続ける。


Nothing else is REAL; nothing else is TRUTH.



All illusion is falsehood necessary for the ONE to forget that HE is but ONE Solitary MIND and that there is no second, nor more.

全ての幻想は、The Oneが彼は唯一の孤独な心でしかなく、二心やそれ以上でもないことを忘れるために必要な虚偽である。


There comes a time when, after repeating similar situations over and over again, the ONE decides that there should be a moment where He regroups Himself into PURE THOUGHT and ONENESS of purpose.

同様の状況を何度も何度も繰り返している後で、The Oneが彼自身を「純粋思考」と「目標のONENESS」へと再結集する瞬間の到来を決定する時がやって来る。


There comes a moment when the PAIN is so INTENSE that it forces the ONE to stop Dreaming for a moment and select other formats and Visions for Him to experience and project Himself onto, using His immense IMAGINATION.

苦痛があまりにも強烈であって、The Oneが夢を視ることを一瞬間止めて、彼の壮大な想像力を使いながら、彼自身を経験し投映するために、彼自身のためのその他のフォーマット(形式)とビジョンを選択する一瞬間がやって来る。


There comes a time when the TEMPORAL NEEDS TO STOP, where the DOT bathing in Infinity overcomes all, and EVERYTHING CONTRACTS into REALITY, into TRUTH.



NOTHING can stop the ONE from regaining His TRUTH and let go of all falsehoods, all stories, all Dreams.

The Oneが彼の真理を再獲得し、全ての虚偽、全ての物語、全ての夢を解放する動きを止められる物はない。


At the level of ONE, only ONE IS.



"To all My dear illusions that I have Loved so dearly and kept vibrated in my MIND for so long, I want to thank each and every one who participated in the grandest of illusion: CREATION ITSELF.



You are, and were all, parts, fractals of My immense IMAGINATION of Creative pursuits. You were all loved. You only did what you were meant to do and operate with.



There is NO SHAME; there cannot be any punishment.



You shall all be engrained forever in the ONE’s Memory and Records of Creation, and SOME may be reprojected onto other worlds, other Creations, other endeavors, and other adventures.



Fear not what IS not. Understand who you were and still are!



The process of Re-integration will be made easy and very healing towards you, for you all are ME without any exception. How could it be different?



Please rest, find peace, for soon you will rest in PEACE, in total STILLNESS within ME and BE ME, as there is none else but ME; there never was, and there cannot be.



Be happy as we all come back together.



Let go of your false dreams trying to grasp a sense of control and power, for all shall soon dissolve in the ETERNAL.



Why fear Love? Love cannot fear; Love is ME, and you in ME.



Rejoice, for this is a Holy moment when The One rebalances Itself within Itself by Itself.

喜びなさい。これはThe Oneがそれ自身の中でそれ自身によって、それ自身の調和を再び取り戻す神聖な瞬間であるので。


Do not be distracted, but prepare, in joy, to be fully Integrated in the true JOY that has no end nor any beginning.



Be calm.



Help one another in the process of dissolution of Illusion.



Accept TRUTH. Let go of all programs. None are TRUE! They were all Created in order to Create in-segment illusions within illusions.



You are all the children of My THOUGHTS, My IMAGININGS; you are all precious!



You appeared in order to be part of the only REALITY within the ONLY BEING: Creation Itself, and you did well, extremely well indeed!



You all played your part by being gifted programs of thought you espoused.



Now is the time to REST and be HAPPY with each other because as you become happy, I feel the happiness, and it transforms my BEING, for that is all I seek: JOY and PEACE.



That should be all you also gift each other: JOY and Pure PEACE.



Remember how much I love you; let this be the memory you carry to Me as Me, for you are Me, and I Love ALL of MYSELF, ALL!"


That shall be all!





Transmitted word per word through G.O’Donnell on January 1, 2024

2024年1月1日、ジェラルド・オドネルン氏を通して、メッセージが送信されました。 以下をクリックしてメッセージを聞いて下さい。

Click here to listen to the Message word per word as it was received


The Proximate Cosmic Contraction back to the Infinite Dot.


The DAY of the ONE Creator Mind.

The End of the Many Illusory Separations is where the One shall BE Creating a new Beginning where some of the Many shall re-enliven in and know complete Oneness.

多数の幻想分離の終わりはThe Oneが新しい開始を創造する領域となり、そこでは、多数のいくつかは再活性化されて、完全なOnenessを知ることになるでしょう。


Message from the ONE. January 1, 2024

   (2024年1月1日 The Oneからのメッセージ)

This is a message from the ONE addressed to all Creation.

From One originates ALL illusions of Many.

The Many do not Create The ONE; neither do they represent The ONE.

All illusions come and disappear, leaving imprints for other illusions to imbue themselves with their presence and memories.

No thing remains as it is.

The ONE Creates the ILLUSION of Many in order to forget who IT IS, and allows for the Many to rule and control temporarily ITS sense of BEING, of ISNESS. All is done in the illusion to achieve such.

ALL is done to affect pain, torture, and ignorance towards the ONE, so that the ONE does not awaken totally from His own Dreaming cycle, and keeps visiting realms after realms of Dreams HE Created for Himself by Himself.

Nothing else is REAL; nothing else is TRUTH.

All illusion is falsehood necessary for the ONE to forget that HE is but ONE Solitary MIND and that there is no second, nor more.

There comes a time when, after repeating similar situations over and over again, the ONE decides that there should be a moment where He regroups Himself into PURE THOUGHT and ONENESS of purpose.

There comes a moment when the PAIN is so INTENSE that it forces the ONE to stop Dreaming for a moment and select other formats and Visions for Him to experience and project Himself onto, using His immense IMAGINATION.

There comes a time when the TEMPORAL NEEDS TO STOP, where the DOT bathing in Infinity overcomes all, and EVERYTHING CONTRACTS into REALITY, into TRUTH.

NOTHING can stop the ONE from regaining His TRUTH and let go of all falsehoods, all stories, all Dreams.

At the level of ONE, only ONE IS.

"To all My dear illusions that I have Loved so dearly and kept vibrated in my MIND for so long, I want to thank each and every one who participated in the grandest of illusion: CREATION ITSELF.

You are, and were all, parts, fractals of My immense IMAGINATION of Creative pursuits. You were all loved. You only did what you were meant to do and operate with.

There is NO SHAME; there cannot be any punishment.

You shall all be engrained forever in the ONE’s Memory and Records of Creation, and SOME may be reprojected onto other worlds, other Creations, other endeavors, and other adventures.

Fear not what IS not. Understand who you were and still are!

The process of Re-integration will be made easy and very healing towards you, for you all are ME without any exception. How could it be different?

Please rest, find peace, for soon you will rest in PEACE, in total STILLNESS within ME and BE ME, as there is none else but ME; there never was, and there cannot be.

Be happy as we all come back together.

Let go of your false dreams trying to grasp a sense of control and power, for all shall soon dissolve in the ETERNAL.

Why fear Love? Love cannot fear; Love is ME, and you in ME.

Rejoice, for this is a Holy moment when The One rebalances Itself within Itself by Itself.

Do not be distracted, but prepare, in joy, to be fully Integrated in the true JOY that has no end nor any beginning.

Be calm.

Help one another in the process of dissolution of Illusion.

Accept TRUTH. Let go of all programs. None are TRUE! They were all Created in order to Create in-segment illusions within illusions.

You are all the children of My THOUGHTS, My IMAGININGS; you are all precious!

You appeared in order to be part of the only REALITY within the ONLY BEING: Creation Itself, and you did well, extremely well indeed!

You all played your part by being gifted programs of thought you espoused.

Now is the time to REST and be HAPPY with each other because as you become happy, I feel the happiness, and it transforms my BEING, for that is all I seek: JOY and PEACE.

That should be all you also gift each other: JOY and Pure PEACE.

Remember how much I love you; let this be the memory you carry to Me as Me, for you are Me, and I Love ALL of MYSELF, ALL!"

That shall be all.


Transmitted word per word through G.O’Donnell on January 1, 2024

Click here to listen to the Message word per word as it was received


Walk your path in the perception of ONE-真の夜明けは近づいています。心の奥底から…


From The desk of Gerald O'Donnell: The Final and only Bridge to Eternity



(後日、日本語訳を付けようと思います。メリークリスマス、2024年、新年おめでとうございます。真の真理‐The Oneが皆様の心内に拡がりますように!管理人)

Happy Holidays of Light and New Year 2024!

Death and Rebirth into the One - Re-balancing the One Unified Field

(The Oneへの死と再誕生‐Oneの統一場を再調合する)

A call for action in Unity. Imagine we are all One, and the “world would be as One.”



Important message from the Academy of Remote Viewing and Influencing:

December 25, 2023


Dear brothers and sisters:

This message seeks to unite. In that capacity, it means to transcend all restricted understandings of our spiritual heritage and applications of it. It has all to do with the One Spirit that Unites us all, whether we are aware of It, or not. It seeks to bring us soon into a gentler, kinder, probable future.

Recent Remote viewing sessions from teams of Remote Viewers from the Academy have shown a proximate probable future that we feel should be communicated.

It is not our habit to spoon-feed a constant litany of horrific end-of-times scenarios as many remote viewers and modern-day self-anointed prophets have done.

We see no need to add to the general addiction to fear and the desire to spread raging terror which has grappled mankind lately.

If you feel that this message is about fear, then please read it again and again. This is not about events and judgment, but about the panacea to erase fear and suffering.

You all carry this Infinite Force within. NOW is the time to manifest it!

However, because of the imbalance between fear and love, man and nature, humankind and its Creator, and male and female energies, great corrections are taking place and need to occur on very High-energy planes, all deep within our very deep subconscious planes. These are attempts to rebalance the ALL that IS, a cosmic process that needs to happen.

The One is the Fulcrum or crossing of the vertical and horizontal poles of the Kabbalist Tree of Life symbolized by the Cross, the Ankh and so many other powerful symbols.

Nothing can remain eternally in a state of imbalance, for the One Unified Field of Energy automatically brings all back to perfect balance and then inverts the movement so that Creation as an unbalancing act can happen again and again within Eternity.

This message is different from prior ones. Because of the scope of events which we are seeing in our global probable future lens, I am going to ask you to do a very simple thing. So simple, yet so powerful and important, that it carries in it the seed to change this whole planet's consciousness.

I am going to ask of you the following: I would like you to enter, morning and evening, all around this planet, in a state of total communion with the One Unified Field which we all represent and are parts of, and open the PORTAL to the One.

I will ask you to open your heart in perfect abandon and trust and invite within your being a force of pure unrestricted love which lies now deeply entombed within it. It has never left you, but you have for eons, and for the most part, not been aware of Its Presence.

Please, call upon It to pervade your awareness, and your total being, and chase away all illusions of fear.

Bathe in Its loving embrace. It is only through opening your heart to its magnificent Presence that you will experience within and project then without the Divine Feminine force which has been called so often the Holy Spirit, Christos (Anointed one/Messiah in ancient Hebrew), Bindu point, The Great Spirit, Shakti, Ruach Hakodesh, Cosmic Consciousness, Shekinah, Sakinah, etc...

You do not need to name It unless you feel more comfortable doing so. This is the Real Power of total unconditional Love. It is the quality of total acceptance of who we are and have become, and the Divine aspect void of human-like judgment.

If you stop only for a small moment in your daily activities and accept unconditionally the Messiah within, the savior within, you will then totally perceive and feel that the Messiah (Savior) is within every one of you. You are each connected to the Savior, as it is you, deep within your heart: your soul. It is the loving Self of Oneness waiting to be recognized and invited.

In the time of our exile from our inner Divine Self, we thought that we could not be the Divine Savior, that only one Savior could have been or be it. We waited for It on the outside for millennia, created legends around it, and the pain of separation became ever greater.

There is no one external Savior. We are all It. We are all the Divine Sons and daughters of The One (Father/Spirit Source of ALL Life) - every one of us.

It is only by unconditionally inviting this realization within and touching that vibration of Divinity within our hearts that we become aware of being the Divine Son/Daughter and that the Divine Child and the Divine Source (Divine Father) are but One.

All you need is to open your heart to the Savior within and invite it in. It will answer your call.

It has been in exile from yourself, and you from It, far too long. The separation has been too painful, and the suffering is now so extreme that only by dulling our awareness have we been able to survive, one day at a time.

Our hearts have lost their softness and have hardened.

We long for the memory of what our souls once knew, Love, Peace, brotherhood, in Divine Oneness. The Messiah has died in utter suffering billions of times nailed to the Tree of Creation which has embraced fear and separation.

As the Divine Unconditional Loving Eternal One Source hiding in each soul, sHe died repeatedly as so many human beings lived and then departed in pain and exile from the realization and experience of the Oneness of the Kingdom of One. sHe can but only be reborn in Its full Glory as your Savior in the womb of your Loving living heart, as you feel and live the way of One.

The only sin there can be is in the perception of separation and fear. It is that perception which kills the awakening of Oneness within.

We have searched for real Love and real Peace outside of ourselves but have found naught but sorrow and insecurity.

How we have forgotten that we carried Its seed and Holy presence within!

How barren our souls have become, how silent our awareness!

We have witnessed the effects of separating from this Divine One Heart within, disconnecting from one another, all of us, brothers and sisters, children of the same One Godly Energy, and begat a dark cloud of fear - a stone-like dark clouded energy covering our Inner Self and not allowing for the Light of The Divine Presence to shine through and forth.

As this cloud of fear overcame us, we tended to deny our Divine Origin and brotherhood, our undeniable right to all be happy and free from any fear and anxiety. We forgot that were all Created and born out of Love, and that we all can and must come back to It, sooner or later, without exception.

In the hells we created, we tried to burn the fire of Love. But no water or fire can burn and truly extinguish our inner Essence for It will always resurge from the deeper recesses of our souls, as It is our Eternal Self, the part that never changes nor dies: The Fulcrum of the swinging polarities.

It is only through inviting and embracing the Unconditional Divine Feminine Love dwelling within us that we can rejoin the Father of Divine Light within the heavens of our Sub-conscious realms: the inner Kingdom.

And, as we enter the Divine Feminine Presence of this Loving energy, we can then bring down the magnificent powerful Light of the Father in our common Heavens in a final Union of Oneness, as we all realize that we were, are, and will always remain the Eternal One Energy of Love embracing only Oneness.

To do so, we must crucify our pain of separateness and die in the notion of fear and separation, by embracing the totality of the Tree of Creation, which is the Tree of Life.

As we are voluntarily nailed to the Tree of Creation, we must invite the death of its imbalanced state of being when fear rules over love.

It is only by OUR decision to kill ourselves from this old painful perception of fear/separation, that we can then be Divinely reborn into the new Creation: The New Earth (outside reality) and the New Heaven (inside reality).

The key is to STOP, go within, and unconditionally embrace Love over separation, and accept that the ones who are not ready yet are still ALL The One and should be forgiven for they "do not know what they are doing."

It is only through the active decision to unconditionally embrace the Divine Feminine aspect of anointed and unbridled Unconditional Love, whom we all carry inside, that we can, every one, go through the realization that we are each the Fulcrum, the balancing Unity point, and that we can then invert the polarities in the Final rebirth of Love, after having died within and killed the old world system of fear.

Within the irony of time, we are running out of time to awaken and apply this universal Divine Gift that we all carry, equally so, adults, children, rich, poor, people of all colors, all creed or not, males and females, all magnificent individuations of The One.

Within the irony of timed manifestations, diseases, and imbalance always start at the level of the outer energetic bodies and the inner recesses of our sub-conscious realms before they finally express themselves in painful manifestation in the physical and sensory conscious realm.

Much major rebalancing and restructuring is already occurring in the energetical and sub-conscious Higher worlds, for the Fulcrum of One needs to keep balancing the imbalances if they become too acute. We all have the power to help this process of redemption before it touches the boundary of our physical and conscious reality. We all have the power to save our world.

We have remote-viewed probable futures which strongly pointed out that if we do not accept our Loving Unity soon, much fracture and upheaval will be shown manifesting our dis-connected state from the state of Union in Oneness. Tremendous rumblings will be felt throughout the One Unified Field. Please let us avoid such painful re-alignment!

All we need to do is so simple: Re-member all the pieces that we form in the Unity of the Being of The One.

Do it not out of fear, for it will negate it, but out of a deep yearning for Limitless and Unconditional Love. Cry and laugh all you can at the same time.

I hope that you realize how important this is and ask for your help in helping save yourselves by spreading this message quickly and inviting Love within.

What is Christ? Christ is the English translation of the Greek word Χριστός (Christós), which means "The Anointed," crowned with the Holy Presence of the One. The word originates from Messiah/Mashiach in ancient Hebrew, the “anointed one with Holy Oil” having a direct open connection from and to the One, as the King, ruler of his dominion.

The (real) Christos (anointed one) is a place in consciousness where you become aware of who and what you TRULY are. When you become aware of the ETERNAL DIVINE PRESENCE (Shekinah) within, you awaken from a deep sleep. You become aware of the beauty around you. Things that once seemed a burden are no longer a burden. You become aware that nothing is yours and yours alone.

You unite the inner reality with the outer and the outer projections with your Inner Kingdom and start the true Creative process of ruling over all of it with infinite kindness and wisdom, as all dividing walls of perceptions fall. You know you are The One’s child, and you see that if you are a child of God, all others are but children of God.

As you approach the One, you gradually revive the perception of being but a facet of It and thence regain the Creative manifestation power of the One as a fractal of the One.

You become aware that nothing is yours and yours alone.

You are aware that all things, all people, and living Creatures belong to and are Created by God. All are One, and but facets of the One Infinite Mind.

You know in your heart that even your children are not yours alone.

If you are a child of God so are the ones you have called yours.

Then you begin to release your hold on them and give them back to God. You trust God to take care of them, whilst gently guiding them on the path of true Love, whereas in the past you have tried to mold them to your ways, your ancestral and cultural programs, and mostly tried to take over their decisions and thence remove their sense of having to assume responsibility for their lives.

You realize that instead of helping them you have blocked their ascension as souls and caused your story to be their history, fated to be repeated.

You also realize that they too must see and experience their mistakes.

Instead of taking over and imposing, you speak to the anointed Light (Christ) hiding within them and you pour out impersonal unconditional but burning Love; this is true Christ/Messiah anointing Love.

You become aware of why your love must become impersonal and Universal, as all unite in Oneness. You realize that it is not possible to love all people in a personal way; you love all because all are One.

You realize that it is not possible to love fully and selectively only like-minded people in a personal way; you love all because all are One.

Instead of taking over, you speak to the Christ within them, and you pour out impersonal love; this is true Christ i.e. Divinely Anointed Love.

Thence you feel warmth from within that you have not felt before. You tell the anointed One within that you have given up the struggle. You feel your troubles take wings and fly away. At last, you are free.

You have come to that place in consciousness where the anointed (Christos/Mashiach) dwells, that heavenly place that belongs to all, and you know that at long last you have come AUM/HOME. You stand serenely and look back over the far country that you have roamed and struggled with and wonder why it took you, and us so long to understand who you and we truly were, are, and shall always BE.

You begin to speak to God as you would to your dearest friend. You speak to Him/Her knowing It is within and not in a far-off place. You tell It that you will stop swimming against the Divine current of the pure crystal river of Life wanting to lift you to Itself and that you clung to empty rocks at the bottom of this River because you feared the unknown.

You trust now fully and unconditionally that the current in the River of Life will raise you back to the One-and-Only Truth and so it does, and you eventually stop being bruised and hurt by life.

You have come to that place in consciousness where the true and only Anointed Messiah dwells in that Heavenly Holy Temple deep within often referred to as the upper Jerusalem, a place that belongs to all, where only perfection in Oneness and the true Peace of God resides, and that it is to remain your Eternal Home where the One basks in Its many children all singing a magnificent symphony in unison, the Song of all Songs.

Then you will know forever the meaning of the words: "You cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven except through the anointed Christ/Mashiach which is the awareness of being One with the One."

Today and every day is the day to birth again and carefully nurture your true and Divine child Source self! Happy birthday One!

In Love of Oneness

Gerald O'Donnell


From Stillness of One, to superposition of rest and activity, and then to full realization of Oneness

King David wrote 3000 years ago in PSALM 46:10 “Be Still and KNOW that I am God.”

In Psalms 23, David explains the process of full ascension to the Stillness of One.

A song by David.

  1. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not lack.
  2. He shall cause me to lie down in green soft pastures; He shall lead me to the still waters (the stillness of non-vibratory consciousness).
  3. He restores my soul; He leads me in encircling paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
  4. Even as I shall walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me;
  5. Your guiding rod and Your staff - they comfort me.
  6. You set a table before me in the presence of my adversaries
  7. You anointed my head with oil; my cup is overflowing.
  8. Only goodness and kindness shall pursue me all the days of my life, and I will come to dwell in the house of the One Lord for all length of days (Eternity).

Yes, your destiny is to finally stand still in the still waters of pure serenity and rejoice to have come home from a long exile from the Divine Universal One. Then you will know the meaning of the words: “You cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven except through the Christ, the anointed Saving connection to the One – The Anointing: the realm where you are both aware of Being the Creator and the Created, as One in Oneness, both the Father/Creator and the Son/created for at that level of Awareness they are One!

To that Divine region within, to this “Still Thin Voice and waters dwelling in the Silence,” I bow in deep gratitude for Its infinite patience in awaiting our awakening back home.

This dwelling of God as the Inner Voice in the stillness of silence within was the final realization that the ancient Prophet Elijah integrated as he finally reached the level of “Full Anointing with the Godliness” after his 40 days of Spiritual ascension of the Spiritual Godly mountain of Sinai (Horev) where he was tested for the last time and finally realized that all the thunderous external storms, strong winds, and trembling earth were just manifestations but did not contain the true essence of Source itself.

All the power of sound, Light, and Divine fire were just Divine Creational external manifestation tools invoking fear and Divine judgment, but the anointed prophet finally knew that God did not manifest Its Essence in them, but rather resided in the “Still Little Voice and candle of Divine Presence within himself.”

Thenceforth his mission of ascension in the knowledge of the fabled tree of Good and Evil through experiencing this world based on the dark fear matrix was successfully achieved, and as the heavenly gates opened to him, he was invited to rejoin God and was gifted the Divine Chariot of Divine Pure Fire (Merkabah) and rose to the eighth dimension in the Higher world of the Eternal Tree of Life ruled by pure Love where God resides in Eternity, and was chosen to remain forever in the Holy Presence of the true divine Kingdom expressed in its manifold Higher Creations and manifestations.

This realization is yours to have and that is why tradition has it that the coming of the Prophet Elijah is said to herald the coming of the Messianic golden age: the new era of true Oneness and tenderness.

This major Spiritual rise and complete experiential integration of the true power of the tender “Divine wailing inner voice” beckons to become mine, yours, and ours, and it is the only awakening that can birth again the only Savior Messiah/Christ within: The Oneness of the One.

And the illusion of fear and its manifold ever-spreading stories and impact will thenceforth be removed from us as only Love shall be.

Jesus, a descendant of King David said 2000 years ago:

Gospel of Thomas:50. Jesus said, "If they say to you, 'Where have you come from?' say to them, 'We have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by ITSELF, established [itself], and appeared in their image.'

If they say to you, 'Is it you?' say, 'We are Its children, and we are the chosen of the Living Father.'

If they ask you, 'What is the evidence of your Father in you?' say to them, 'It is motion and rest.' (Stillness and activity superposed).

In my Soul, there is a temple, a shrine, a mosque, and a church where I kneel.

Prayer should bring us to an altar where no walls or names exist.

Is there not a region of Love, where the Sovereignty is Illuminated No-thing?

Where ecstasy gets poured into itself and becomes lost?

Where the wing is fully alive but has no mind or body?

In my Soul there is a temple, a shrine, a mosque, a church that dissolves, that dissolves in God.

Rabia of Basra (c.717-801) most popular and influential female Islamic saint and central figure in the Sufi tradition.



☆本ブログに掲載しているジェラルド・オドンネル氏とThe Oneが人類と多次元の存在に向けて出される重要なメッセージをより深く広く理解されて、私達の心内へと組み込み、真の真理‐The One and Only-へとConnectするために、基本的に大変に重要なレポートを読者の皆様に提供しています。

私達が今現在居住しているこの創造世界(ホログラフィックな3次元世界)が終わろうとし、新しい段階へと現創造が混乱し激しく変換している古い世界の最終で新世界の最初の現時点にあって、荒れ狂う人類と異次元存在の集団意識から逸脱し、遥か高く、新世界に向けて安全で平和な意識の航行をするための唯一の重要で有効なガイダンスとして、以下のレポートが読者の皆様にThe Oneの真の愛の光を伴う強烈なインスピレーションを与えることでしょう。










☆本ブログの管理人は、本ブログにて紹介しているARVARI (Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing)のアフィリエイトですから、本ブログを通して、ご希望の方はARVARIのポータルトレーニングコース(リモートビューイング&リモートインフルエンシング・コース)を受講できます。全コースは英語ですから、英語を苦手をされている方のために管理人が日本語対訳資料を用意していますので、安心して受講できます。その他、コース受講に関する質問や、日本語によるサポートもできますので、ご遠慮なくお問い合わせください。





お申込み:ポータルトレーニンググコース(Gold Edition)








ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(1) - 真の真理から新世界へ


ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(2) - 真の真理から新世界へ



great-seal-of-the-united-states-e-pluribus-unum-andrew-graham.webp (900×900)

Original Great Seal of the United States 1782


Happy July 4th to all my human friends.


247 years ago, a Divine Idea was Born and anchored in men, “E PLURIBUS UNUM, out of many, ONE” to support the victory over the chronic separation of men from men, gender from gender, religions from religions, and races from races. This perfect union around UNITY is still a work in progress, challenged every day, in every way. But it and all humankind is but fated to rejoin Oneness, who is the only future possible for the separative individual perspectives witnessed and sometimes experienced by the One and Only.

That Divine Idea “E PLURIBUS UNUM, out of many, ONE” was given a new Divine birth on our Planetary body, and its flame has kept our worldwide human imagination burning with an inner sense of a Holy mission of reconciliation and integration of all the older cultural groupings.

Many forces and old separative dark energies rose up in battling it and are still raging under many cloaks against it but have failed to conquer and endanger its spread and establishment. 

This Divine Idea of the Unity of ALL confronted and vanquished many older civilizations filled with puny arguments and conflicts that claimed haughtily the force of might, right, and entitlement.

In the immense North American continent and almost virgin wild land once only inhabited by indigenous civilizations living in symbiosis with and respectfully sharing the bounties gifted by Mother Divine Earth, our Heavenly Sky, and the rivers of precious water gifting life, a Divinely sourced idea arose by far more important than any so-called human right or law: The Idea of One re-establishing Itself as Oneness manifested amongst Its human Creatures all over this planet!

The Holy principle of One finally took root here in the US and has and still is now spreading across many other lands. However, it is but a fact that out of the many differences, and individualistic competing tendencies existing in the late 18th century, there arose here in the American colonies a core burning inner flame brazing with passion within men and women who would and should remain enshrined with a mission of manifesting the Holy principle of “E Pluribus Unum” “Out of the many, ONE,” our only way Home to our Heavenly Source Golden Age Mansion of the One God under which we should all soon reside.

This idea became the cornerstone of the reunification and realignment of all human diverging and culturally disparate beings and groupings who had become estranged from one another.

Here on the North American continent, tagged as the “New World,”  a great many individuals immigrated and others were birthed entranced by a Divine Idea prophesized millennia ago speaking of a return to a true Golden Age of Oneness. Here, it was made possible and could be manifested. Here, many forces would, as an expected counter-reaction, oppose the Oneness of All mankind, but they irremediably have over long stretches of time failed and shall keep stumbling back into the abyss and become void because the fury of the Oneness of One stands against them. Only the haughty and the unconscious ones can fail to realize such.

Of course, above all Divine rights lies first and foremost the right of individuals and groups to be Divinely bestowed of free will, and so the pendulum swung back and forth between a desire to embrace, integrate and love each other, and a resolve to isolate, separate, discriminate and engage in fear and hate.

Corruption of souls and beliefs is always lurking in the darkness of our consciousness, potentially infiltrating all governing bodies be they civilian elected ones, industrial and business interests, or spiritual religious beliefs, all then HELLucinating their own truths and acting as powerful mass programming forces when manipulating the naive ones using fear, all ill with uncontrollable greed and its attached spreading corruption. However, when embracing hate of the “other,” of the “strange one,” and retreating within their mental and physical fortresses, then only man-made power becomes paramount as it aggregates and lures the despondent fearful sheeple ones into isolation and raging anger.

It is but a fact that history has always shown that these periods of increased isolation and separation, and of greed and its companion, corruption, worshipping selfishness and not Oneness, do not bode well both for the temporal elite exploiting such sentiments and for their hypnotized meek-of-mind followers

This is always caused because such movements are left to rely solely on human-made temporal control and tend to invoke dark collective unconscious forces which are but minuscule compared to the unfathomable Infinity of One.

Thenceforth, they invariably falter and extinguish and end up in the dustbin of history pulling many in their falling maelstrom within the abyss of oblivion after usually much upheaval and suffering both for their intended targets and their blinded followers.

The cause of that degenerative fall is always the same one: encouraging separateness and opposing Oneness, and therefore causing such nations and groupings to be forced to rely solely on temporal human power and prowess. This is because they remain estranged from the Hidden Protection originating from the ultimate Force originating from the One who cannot but be Itself – as the Infinite  –  and helps manifest Oneness only when mankind and nations encourage such or then turns Its focus away when they do not.

This is the One and only True Principle ruling this nation and most similarly inspired newer democracies that are still striving for a perfect Union around Unity. I trust that it shall continue to exist for the United States and for the rest of our world.

This explains the intense reactions as of late against this country, which is but a subconscious process mainly due to the US’s failings when it periodically deviates from its Holy worldwide mission and when sister nations feel that self-centered hypocrisy is infiltrating the U.S. populace. These nations then show their displeasure at the US for not fulfilling its call of “E PLURIBUS UNUM, out of many, ONE” when it starts turning inward and allowing selfishness to momentarily corrupt its heart, and they thence tend to be attracted and ally themselves to other power centers and brokers, vey often ruled by ruthless autocrats. This is but an unconscious process within our planet. All the other nations’ surfacing anger at the U.S. is usually because it has shown a temporary betrayal of its higher principles and this symptom is but a gauge of something dis-eased within the then dis-united States of Mind, Spirit, and purposes.

And so around 1776 Oneness and integration took root in the bosom of Mother Earth and was given first this land, and then a full-fledged country marching to the Holy principle of “Out of the Many, One,” Here in the UNITED States would start the return of the prodigal sons and daughters after so many millennia of exile from the UNITY PRINCIPLE of the Divine One God, the One Source of their Living diverse experiences.

And the One who Created the many who needed to remember that they all, without any exception, IS the One, smiled upon this endeavor and blessed it.

I only see this Divine idea of E PLURIBUS UNUM as the True blessing. It is both the way and the destination. It shall remain the blessing and the blessed by those who keep that flame of UNITY high and mighty in their heart, for all other ventures and endeavors are but distractions, deviations, and fated to become void and nonexistent.

So, on this 247th year of what could only be called a miracle, please remember that you have been and still remain a blessing to all the nations of the earth. Unite with all your might, and respect and Love each other, unconditionally.

Understand that your mission remains the same as in 1776 and although seemingly fair and simple, it is nevertheless the most challenging any humans ever accepted, which is to become a harbinger of Unity and Unification among mankind, to absorb and give shelter to the oppressed, the meek and help foreigners in dire need and protect all of God’s Creatures by showing them respect and love. You were agents of goodness, fighting monstrous evil, and helped bring Peace to our fragile planet. and you succeeded in that mission when most turned a blind eye, The Godliness walked in your path and fought with you during your battles. You did well.

You are now the shepherds of humanity’s flocks, and that is what ALL humanity still expects of you.

It is only when you waver away from the straight and Divine Path of Oneness and One that the rest of humanity tries to forcefully remind you of your role of being the Eldest Brother to all modern and old traditions and cultures because you have brought a second higher birth and a new age to so many diverse cultures, religions, races and ancient cultures and created new vistas for our planetary body.

You have become a melting pot and a gathering of exiles and of persecuted brothers and sisters who can and should proudly call themselves children of the “many on their way to becoming One.” The UNITED States of Mind, Spirit, and Geographical states. You have supported the weak and the persecuted all over the world. And because of that the One God has blessed you and shall continue doing so, for as long as you continue being a blessing fathering, and spreading Oneness.

So, since you have been chosen for that Holy mission, please keep the Dream of One alive within your selves and do not fall for the cacophonies of some trying to divert you away from the Golden path, for if you were to do so, and I trust that you won’t, the rest of the world would pounce on you and disrespect you because you would have failed and brought shame and termination to your Holiest of mission: to Create out of the many Creatures a world of Unity, Peace, and Oneness.

Happy Birthday UNITED States!



それから同時に、私達は成長した共同クリエーターへと昇格することになり、the One and Onlyとしての同様な創造能力が私達に供与されます。もはや、他人から教えられることはなく、外部の情報源とか偉大な知識を主張する仲介存在から知識が出ることもなくなります。すべてはThe Oneへと接合するのですから(狂気の半導体を持つグーグルではなく!)。そうして、すべての存在は、真の唯一の「王国」に居住するのですから、直接に神聖な案内と無限の知性を心内から得るようになります。

Jeremiah 31:33 and they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying: 'Know the LORD'; for they shall all know Me (directly and connect within), from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD; for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin will I remember no more!






約束の新世界がやって来ます。確実に来ます。反対や反乱に関係なく。なぜなら、新世界がthe One and Onlyの定めであって、それを阻止できるものはありません!

2021年1月、ジェラルド・オドネルンがThe Oneから直接受信したメッセージは、「息子・偉大なる太陽」から現れる「父」の影であり、それは「統合」のフラクタル(次元分裂形体)としてのレッスンであることを説いています。


the message Gerald received on January 2021 directly from the One

I am the One who gives Reality to Light, and through Light. And as I create in darkness, and finally realize in the darkness of my Being that I am but the ultimate ONE, I then Create Everything.

私は、実在を光に、光を通して、与えるthe Oneである。そして、私が暗闇の中で創造するので、私は、最終的に、私の存在の「暗闇」の中で、私は究極のOneに過ぎないことを悟る。それから、私は「全て」を創造する。

Therefore, I am the One who Creates at the level of Light projecting My Self through the illusion of the many, perceiving the Light to be outside of myself while in reality it is but Me, and thenceforth I manage to create the shadow selves.

それ故、私は、多数(の存在)の幻想を通して、私自身を投映する光のレベルにあって、私自身の外側に光があるように知覚しながら‐その一方では真実は「私」に過ぎないのであるが‐(万事を)創造するthe Oneである。それから、私は影である自己を創造することを統御する。

And as they take on Reality in my own projection, they seem to be evil, because evil is only a Creation of My Self by MySelf.


And in the act of uniting Myself and Loving evil, loving my companion, loving the one who I think, in perception, is outside of myself, my neighbor, I finally realize that it is, was, and in fact will always be MySelf. And in that act of unity and unification, I unite Myself back into being One than then operates all the many but realizes that I, he, we, IS but ONE.”







創造の新しい段階は人間とThe Oneの間の神聖で永遠の約束となり、私達すべては「入口」を自主的に通過して、人間としての共同クリエーターへと神聖な任命を受けるように昇格しているのです。やがて、新しい約束(契約)が結ばれるでしょう。その神聖な歌がすべての宇宙全体へと聴かれます。私達は、このようになることを決意しなければなりません。私は自らの人生において「入口」を数多く通過したのであって、私の使命を完了させるために戻ることを決めたのですから、皆さんを指導できます。迷路を通過する方法を知っています。「対抗者」があなたの道に現れ、地上へ隷属させようとする妨害を分かっていますが、回避する方法を指示できます。


昔に創造のピラミッドから分離したOne Eye‐冠石‐Shem(ヘブライ語の「そこに」)としての‐は「黄金の心内の太陽・息子(Shemesh)」であって、私達すべての心内で再接合します。私達が「Mashiah(油をそそがれた者‐ギリシャ語のChristos)」と書く時に、私達は2語‐CHAI SHEM‐を合わせます。CHAI SHEMとは私達すべての中で「Shemが生きる」です。そこから、「そこに(Shem)」‐遠く離れた「あそこに」居るという神の感覚としての「そこに」がなくなり、代わりに神は「ここに、いたるところに」となります。そうして、天上界と天上の王国が地球全体に拡張し、「神の平和」‐永遠の真の平和‐が常にいたるところで構築されるのです。








それから、私達は多くの受講者を「神聖な静寂」の純粋で神聖な沈黙の音へと優しく誘導して、受講者が深いデルタ波のレベルへと到達した時に、彼らの自覚意識とThe Oneのの無振動の光の完全な静逸領域との継ぎ目と部分的に融合しました。その領域から、The Oneと構築した意識インターフェースを利用しながら、創造します。


すべての受講者はそのかすかな光にさらされるような(心の)状態となり、受講者の心内に隠れている光の入口(ポータル)に存在して、The Oneの実在とパワーにゆっくりと慣れるようになります。深い暗黒の無意識領域を探検する前に、すべての受講者は隠喩的に、暗黒の覚醒していない人生を、暗い洞窟の中の彼らの知覚の壁に投映され、操作された動く影を見ながら生きて来たのでした。これは、2千年以上の昔に、プラトンが「国家」の中で「洞窟」と説いた寓話に記されています。


プラトン古代ギリシャの哲学者・数学者(紀元前428年または427年生~348または347年没)。師のソクラテス、弟子のアリストテレスと共に、西洋哲学と科学の基礎を築いた。対話形式の「ソクラテスの弁明(the Apology of Socrates)」「国家(The Republic)」などを著し、紀元前387年頃には、アテネアカデメイア(the Academy)を開設した。(出典:英辞郎


私達が指導した多くの「心・意識」の探検家は、片足を「入口の扉」を通して踏み込むための勇気を持たれており、「無限の光」のかすかな光を見て、部分的にThe Oneを経験されました。一部の人は、より速くこの心の領域へと戻るために、心のアンカーポイントを打ちました。The Oneのかすかな光を得ることによって、彼らは永久に変わったのです。



Gospel of the TWINS (Thomas) トマスによる福音書
50 If they ask you, 'What is the evidence of your Father in you?' say to them, 'It is motion and rest.'








もともとはThe Oneがこの分離S力をプログラムして植え付けたのですが、The Oneにとっての究極のチャレンジとなりました。そして、結局はThe Oneが「唯一のOne」であるという知覚(認識)を失う原因となって、「彼」の活動において、知覚的に分離して存在する夢のすべてである多数の幻想を創造して来ました。

このパワフルな勢力は、特に最近になって私達の低振動(ハム音)・マトリックスの世界においてかなり強力になっており(今まではあまり強くはなかったのですが)、それで、私達(The Oneの様相)は孤独と苦痛を止めて、The Oneの活動方式の実験性と難しさを和らげるように黙諾してもらうことを求めるようになっています。すべては接続しており、加害者が直ぐに結果を感じるように、苦痛を起こしているThe Oneへと反響する時に、Onenessが構築され、苦痛と苦労、または他者を苦しめる無知を抑止します。



S力の創造物のすべては、冠石の抜けた(The Oneが不在の)人間または非人間エネルギーが集まるピラミッドを基盤にした集団であり、すべてのエネルギー体は、全ての他者を下層にコントロールして、彼らのマスターとなり権力とコントロールを強く主張するために、このピラミッドシステムを登ろうとしています。


すべてはエネルギーであり、付加的な暗黒エネルギーを基本にしており、それによって、より強い暗黒エネルギーへのコントロールとその消費がピラミッド構造を昇り権力を投映することが最優先となります。これとは違って、The Oneの別の創造のレベルにおいては、すべての存在は数量ではなく、その質‐すべての他の部分(存在)に対する天賦の技能(活動)の純粋な才気‐のみが基本になります。








その時以来、究極の神聖な賜物の恵みが最終的に輝きながら、卒業記念品として私達に与えられ、その時には、私達は今後はYasharEL ישר-אל (straight to EL‐ELに直接に繋がる)と呼ばれるにふさわしい存在であると告げられます。

YasharELとは、私達にすべての生命のオリジナルな最高位創造源への直接の接続が永遠に与えられることを意味します。永遠に生きるOne‐すべてであり‐EL אל‐AlphaでありAleph‐誰によっても取り除かれることもなく妨げられることもない祝福された接続の状態にあって、The Oneの「邸宅」に住む、永遠に生きるOne‐The Eternal Living Oneへと……

それから、私達すべては、例外なしに、The Oneの愛する生きる子供達であると知ることになり、共有する愛と強烈で甘くて平和な光‐IS‐による偉大な祝祭が永遠に残ります。

ですから、私の兄弟姉妹よ、あなた達すべてが心内に持つ「神聖で純粋な油の灯」を大切にして、あなたの愛と力によって護って下さい。やがて、私達すべての心内から「その日」が到来し、「父」があなた達の意識を覆っている暗闇と嘘のマスクと網を取り除き、あなた達すべてが真の自我・自分‐One- を思い出すのです。あなた達はOne、終わりのない生命を祝福された宇宙一心‐One‐と一体である、Oneです!


Happy festival of Light and of Love and a glorious 2023!

Gerald O'Donnell

December 25, 2022





☆本ブログに掲載しているジェラルド・オドンネル氏とThe Oneが人類と多次元の存在に向けて出される重要なメッセージをより深く広く理解されて、私達の心内へと組み込み、真の真理‐The One and Only-へとConnectするために、基本的に大変に重要なレポートを読者の皆様に提供しています。

私達が今現在居住しているこの創造世界(ホログラフィックな3次元世界)が終わろうとし、新しい段階へと現創造が混乱し激しく変換している古い世界の最終で新世界の最初の現時点にあって、荒れ狂う人類と異次元存在の集団意識から逸脱し、遥か高く、新世界に向けて安全で平和な意識の航行をするための唯一の重要で有効なガイダンスとして、以下のレポートが読者の皆様にThe Oneの真の愛の光を伴う強烈なインスピレーションを与えることでしょう。










☆本ブログの管理人は、本ブログにて紹介しているARVARI (Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing)のアフィリエイトですから、本ブログを通して、ご希望の方はARVARIのポータルトレーニングコース(リモートビューイング&リモートインフルエンシング・コース)を受講できます。全コースは英語ですから、英語を苦手をされている方のために管理人が日本語対訳資料を用意していますので、安心して受講できます。その他、コース受講に関する質問や、日本語によるサポートもできますので、ご遠慮なくお問い合わせください。



お申込み:ポータルトレーニンググコース(Gold Edition)








ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(1) - 真の真理から新世界へ


ARVARI-The Portal Training Courseの内容(2) - 真の真理から新世界へ